When will you accept that you've been lied to, Sup Forums?
The ultimate redpill is that God doesn't exist, you're alone in the world, and you have to make do with what you've got.
When will you accept that you've been lied to, Sup Forums?
The ultimate redpill is that God doesn't exist, you're alone in the world, and you have to make do with what you've got.
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Atheists are funny when they are sanctimonious.
Christians are so funny when they try to make sense
If God doesn't exist how did the universe come into being?
Atheists BTFO
If god exists how did he come into being ?
Christians BTFO
I'd listen to the word of god more than I would random pleb on the internet.
Bigger God made him.
Atheists BTFO x2
If God DOES exist, then how did the world come into being?
I can just imagine the atheist swelling with pride as he checks that box for no fucking reason. This makes me smile.
He created it six thousand years ago. I am being serious.
The more time you spend as an atheist learning just how awful and stupid most people are, you begin to sympathize with the idea that maybe the masses need religion.
>admitting that you simply dont know and nobody will ever know
this is the only redpill you will ever need
Not an argument for the existence of God.
If God isn't real then how do you explain the heaven I experience when smelling my 8 year old sons underwear?
keep those coming. I am trying to imagine your face while typing this horseshit.
The true redpill is Islam, Sup Forums will get this eventually but it will take time.
How did he create it?
That box shouldn't exist
That's right.
Christians who are such cretins that they believe all men would be raving amoral animals were it not for their fictional Jew savior are dumb enough that they probably need to be told how to behave. Whether it's bullshit or not is irrelevant at that point. It's for the good of the people who matter.
With a word, man. God doesnt think in the sense that we think,what proceeds from God exists.
>God doesn't exist
If you're not a christfag, then why do you even care?
Well I am glad that there are people like you who can tell us who matters and who doesnt. Man... wisdom matched equally with humility and compassion!
How does his word create things? What process moves things from god's thought to physical existence?
Damned if I know. I dont think there is a "process" involved since processes necessitate time and existence in time. All I know is that we can know more of Him through his son Jesus Christ.
what a goober this Op is
i mean, what a total tool
we're in this together, men
resist his memetic terrorism, we;re badasses
y'all're cool as fuck youtube.com
Christfags will be angered by this.
They won't be angry at the priest who lies to their face and then passes around the collection plate.
They will reserve their anger for those who try to help them to see that they are getting scammed.
Check out the Catechism of the Catholic Church. And the writings on Jesus of Nazareth by recent Pope Benedict.
I think I'll stick with the Big Bang and evolution, I like those theories more than sand nigger mythology
Shut up Satan
you just don't know
the wholeness hasn;t been exposed to you
get it bro
we're hell dope
rebels of the unending whoa
hella whoa
But Kek does.
>fails to create convincing argument that supports his outdated beliefs
>"we can know more through JC"
are you literally or actually mentally disabled?
Nothing wrong with belief in god, but damn are you unconvincing in trying to get others to believe the world is six thousand years old.
I find it incomprehensible that people STILL believe in god, in this day and age
they must be fucking retarded
it's actually funny, how fucking dumb you'd have to be to believe in god
fucking christmorons lol
God exists, but nobody has done a good job representing him
This has to be a troll
Like I'm almost with you, but this seems too harsh to not be a false flag
I don't think Christians are morons or stupid, I just don't get how they can believe in magic
Why is it important to believe in a God. You're just using him to claim a place in heaven after death and you don't love him.
If you are not indoctrinated as a child, the religion scam is just so. fucking. obvious.
Christfags have no idea how monumentally retarded they look to atheists. I would feel sympathy for them if they were not such cunts.
Its true, man. Not trying to convince anyone as anyone posting on this thread has already made up their minds. That and I just like pissing atheists off.
god prospers
>God is Nature dude dont you see it LMAO ;) xP
it's pretty funny how you guys would sooner believe in aliens or ghosts or secular spirits than the one who let all these things exist in the first place. Lego doesn't make itself guys
you're blatantly misdirecting anons from what I link and lying
ur a total and complete lame-o, I never implied such a thing
if you are neither religious nor have red pic relateds works.
you are the biggest possible idiot.
if you are religious, you are still a slave to the jew, but at least you are not a fullblown retard who is a slave to the jew.
How about who gives a shit?
That was a zesty post. I think atheists are extremely thoughtful and definitely not conceited!
If you like, we could go through the philosophical reasons behind why I think atheism is a load of horse shit. We could also go through the fact that atheists are really fucking annoying people and no fun to be around.
I just dont want to talk about that shit, though. I personally have grown disenchanted with philosophy, and all forms of positivism,scientism, and reductionism are amusing and infuriating all at the same time which is really damned annoying.
Atheism sucks, alright?
IF all that is is intentional and designed, knowing for what purpose the constituent parts are designed is important.
me too mate, I would also listen to the word of god rather to some jewish fairy tales.
We have indeed been lied to, that's why most of us grew out of edgy atheism when we were teenagers.
>God doesn't exist, you're alone in the world, and you have to make do with what you've got.
There are non Islamic people in Europe that aren't raised with this idea?
There are some good arguments out there (by adamant Christians) that contest the truth of evolution, like Stephen Meyers "Darwin's Doubt". But even then, almost none of the of the strictly Christian philosophers of science claim that the earth is literally six thousand years old.
Some dude on Sup Forums saying "its true man" isn't exactly convincing. I just wonder how much thought you have put into your beliefs, or how to defend them.
I'm more sympathetic to religion than most, but it just looks like you are posting bait that STEM atheist fags bite.
No conceit is merited in being atheist. A child, left to work it out on their own, can see that gods are a steaming crock of shit. They work it out around the same time they work out that the tooth fairy is also a crock.
Atheists tend to tell it like it is. We don't much care if our bluntness hurts your feelings.
I am alone.
I was born alone, I will die alone.
Everyone dies alone.
How life is changed for everyone else after my death is the only thing I care about.
A Dutch Christfag. You must be the dumbest of the dumb. You have one of the best education systems in the world, and yet you still have an imaginary friend.
Fuck off you godless immoral sack of shit.
There are forces at work in the world that we do not understand. Forces of darkness, and of light.
I choose to call it God.
If you are a """"rational"""" """"skeptic"""" you'd go full Pascal's wager.
You would also realize the importance of Christian morals.
You're not really this stupid, are you?
>shitposting aussie shitposting
My world is crumbling
>Importancy of christian morals
you mean kissing niggerfeet?
The pope is a fraud, a false idol.
God isn't in a church anyways.
>People can only be atheist or christian
Holy shit please tell me you are trolling.
>Christianity works guise
>But real Christianity hasn't been tried
Remonstrants are the worst.
So you are that stupid. You poor guy. Don't have too many kids, ok? The world already has enough morons.
I agree
I was shitposting, man. When I was talking about the Lord, I actually did mean that, but I can understand how that sounds completely dumb if you are living in the mindset of fields of force, and entropy, and space-time.
I have thought a lot on the subject... too much on it. I honestly dont have much of anything to add to the subject that has not been added before.
Let me put it to you this way, though. There is a short story by ray bradbury about this crew that lands their space ship on a newly discovered inhabited world. They came out to meet the inhabitants for the first time, and to the shock of the commander, the locals couldnt care less about these strange people and their weird vessel. The commander began talking to the inhabitants and they talked about a wonderful man that taught them truth, and healed them. The man said he had to go to other worlds and do likewise to new people. The captain of the ship became infuriated when he heard about this "man" and eventually bullied out of them where the "man" was to go to next. The captain in a mad rage boarded the vessel (crew stayed behind if I remember right) to search for this man.
At the end of the story you are told that the captain would arrive at the new world and would be a couple seconds late. He would get in his ship and travel again to the next world and then be a second late. To the next and this time a half second late on into infinity.
I butchered a wonderful story, but this story reminds me of the problems of reductionism and positivism. The universe is more than the sum of it's parts. It would take an infinite amount of time to explain everything about existence because existence is infinite. Even if you could explain everything that there is, you would fail in explaining it because the universe is more than the sum of it's parts. It turns into zeno's arrow. it just keeps going and going. Man I dont know... wasnt expecting to go into this subject and I havent slept in two days.
This. Muslims are literally /ourguys/
so you fuck goats? :^)
I honestly have an issue with how moderate most Christians are. They are too soft, they stand by and let evil and degeneracy win. It wasn't always like this.
They want the world to love them.
What do you think Jesus thinks of them?
"You are neither hot nor cold, so I shall spit you out of my mouth"
Socrates knows! If he existed.
Atheist believe the universe came from an explosion of nothing
I don't know where it came from, but I'm 100% certain a Semitic tribal deity didn't speak it into existence.
I am god.
This is actually true, however it's no evidence of a theistic god existing.
I grew up in a christian family, so obviously I was a christian as well. Then in my early teens I slowly started to dismiss it. I guess I was a pantheist for a while, then eventually I realized that I was an atheist.
I started reading atheist literature, watching debates etc and for a while I was a bonafied fedora tipper. But some of those books and debates introduced me to theists with actual good arguments. So I started readin books on religion, spirituality and science and I realised how fooling the notion of atheism really is.
I don't claim to know what exactly god/gods are, but I am certain they exist.
>I don't claim to know what exactly god/gods are
Then you didn't read the right literature.
Unproductive close thread
What are some of the good arguments that turned you back into "a theist"?
No creo en Dios, pero la arrogancia y estupidez progres me repugnan. Me da tanto asco el posmodernismo, que aun sin creer que Dios exista, volvería a la Iglesia.
El progresismo es cáncer.
I don't believe in God but I believe in progressivism much less, and socialism is cancer. Socialism is the opium of the people.
>The ultimate redpill
maybe if you are an edgy middle schooler or high schooler
>we don't know where the universe came from but it definitely wasn't god
yes usually people grow up and learn to think at that age, it looks like you never did.
It's not really some arguments, it's more a collection of arguments that when pieced together makes it really hard for me to dismiss the notion of gods. As well as personal experiences that makes me very confident that there is another "spirit world". Those experiences are probably ultimately what made it possible for me to put down my fedora in the first place.
Most of the books and bedates were from christian theists and apologetics if that matters.
I agree with most of their arguments, howeverwhen they make the claim that the cause HAS to be a personal god and whatever other atributes they add, I am not conviced.
tlrd; you dont actually have a good reason to believe but you do anyway.
>evangelical atheist
Remind me, what proof do you have that the accounts of the apostles in the NT aren't eye witness reports of God's divinity?
The most red pilled ideology is militant atheism. Kill all adults with imaginary friends and the world will become a utopia in a single generation.
>If God doesn't exist how did the universe come into being?
How did your gods come into being? 99% of all the other gods were just made-up. That's strong inductive evidence that your gods are made-up, too.
Atheism is the fastest shrinking religion in the world. Atheism is in decline worldwide, with the number of atheists falling from 4.5% of the world's population in 1970 to 2.0% in 2010 and projected to drop to 1.8% by 2020,
Real surveys and statistics say atheism is on the decline worldwide. Sorry atheists but atheism is not on the rise nor is it winning. It's still the minority and a declining one at that.
The Pew Research Center's statistics show that atheism is expected to continue to decline all the way into 2050 with a continued growth of religion. Other research also shows a huge surge in growth for Christianity in China which is currently the world's most "atheist" nation because of the atheist communist government suppressing religion, the research suggests that China will soon become the world's most Christian nation within 15 years.
This is simply history repeating itself: Christianity prospered in Rome back in the ancient era when it was suppressed and it still grew in the militant atheist soviet Russia when it was suppressed there only a century ago with the majority of Russians today now also identifying as Christian. Just goes to show that atheist suppression of religion still doesn't stop religion.
Sources for the legion of whiny /Redditor/ fedoras that will no doubt show up it this thread:
You're forgetting the evidence and scholars that support the story of Jesus
>His birth
>His teachings
>His followers
>His baptism
>His arrest
>His death
All without a doubt happened as the Bible states.
That all means that the multiple prophecies written (according to historical scholars) centuries before Christ was born all happen to be correct on the time, place, and person.
>let me guess: lucky guesses ayyylmao
that's right OP..
>IQ is declining
>atheism is declining
Makes sense.
Welp i guess hogwarts is real too then.
The harry potter books arent claimed to be 2000 years old, so they are an even more reliable source of information.
A better comparison would be if hundreds of years ago multiple people prophecied that a Scottish woman would one day wrote a book about a teenage wizard.