most of us are black and brown, I just LARP here as a white supremacist to blow of steam tbqh
More like Alt-blacked
More like primarily blacked
Libs must be shocked!
>that doesn't count
>wtv, we don't care anyways
>our reaction: JUDEN!!!
Why are American faces so large and their body short-stacked? Every picture I see of them sitting they barely fit in their chairs and tables.
Have you ever browsed Sup Forums? This place is littered with civic nationalists, commies, and "THE ALT-RIGHT DOESN'T EXIST"ers.
This it's hard being a mulato in Germany so I just com here to rage at my fellow shitskins and jews
Is Brittany Venti white?
Corn and winter clothes.
You racist fascists have enjoyed your last meal! Antifa is here to end your lives.
Oh yes and MILK.
Actually, if you count them. It's about 60% white.
Just like America. It's pottery.
She is a mongoloid, not sure on the colour.
To be fair if even the non whites LARP as nazis and become fascists with us, as long as they are not Jews I am ok with it. /Civic Fascism/ + White Culture would be my compromise not 23 and Me tests on the border
none of those things are white WTF
>people wearing jackets, bandanas, and tinted glasses indoors, at night.
Is Sup Forums full of edgelord fedora larpers?
The handsome guy near Venti and the Tourette's guy are the only two I would count as White.
well, that's new york.
French muslim hating on arabic culture reporting in
I don't care who the hell or what the hell they are. The only thing I care about is that they will fight globalists. Race/Gender is irrelevant.
you're not french
>like 3 spics
This is acceptable considering this photograph was taken in Jewyork city.
Have a pol meetup in a more rural area and you'll see what most expect to see when thinking of a Nazi board on a Indonesian spear fishing forum
to be honest, I've turned pro Israel just by the sheer amount of core europe flag posters who reek of sand and kebab.
I've always assumed this is what is behind the American flag on this board.
these fucks where cringey as fuck, especially that asian bitch boi
A muslim france would be far better than an atheist france.
Ok achmed
how's the kebab stand business?
she once said on hwndu that she's 1/4 Negro apparently
I see you're enjoying your visa, Ahmed. Good.
>bringing Milk
Everyone there is lactose intolerant
Don't lie. They were fun and you wish you were them.
Sup Forums is the most diverse white supremacist board.
I'm not surprised.
That's not what my ID card says
See you soon Canada, i'm going to work in Montreal next year ; ° )
You are deeply wrong
Nah, she's 1/4 black.
So basically a white hispanic.
Neither are you. At some point we have to abandon racial division for cultural unification in Western Tradition.
No, he's right. It's okay if you show up but they were spouting memes like 9gaggers. They should have been more subtle.
People that aren't white have historically been leftists and now that you see some moving rightward this is the way you react? I choose not to mix with shit skins myself, but I am all for them moving towards the right side of the spectrum, regardless of what their ideology is.
if you are a regular Sup Forums lurker and also go to Sup Forums meet ups, you are 100% pure cancer, like every single person in this photo
They'll inevitably be rescued, and perhaps they'll learn a bit of descency and piety after feminism/atheism/faggotry is brutally stomped out.
the hate for jews unites everybody
You don't know shit brotha
HWNDU proved Sup Forums operates on 7 layers of irony and it's a magical place.
yo abdul-achmed de la Talleyrand-Pelligrot,
which head would you like your face shooped on?
We should organize the Balt /pol meetup. Then you would see the true meaning of whiteness.
I can do it myself thanks
also pay depts
These reddit-tier faggots should be offed. 2bh
nobody cares
The alt right doesn't exist you fag.
I want to FUCK Brittany ayy lmao Venti
Jackie4chan is whiter than most of Sup Forums. He is real white man.
alright zeb, break times over. now back to cleaning the shitter.
holy shit Francois ibn al-jihadi, just googled "islamic fuckistan"
and got this pic --- the kid to the left looks just like you, no shoops!
Those guys are White by Murican mongrel melting pot standards
t. Turk concubine
using a proxy i see. nice
here, I fixed the pic a bit, and you fit right in
>pol is more diverse than more liberal organizations
I wish I was there
Paranoid android
he just told he is.
More like cuck chan
My heart goes out to Latvia
That's as white as you can be in the united states of africa
Good. Now get the fuck out of my country you goatfucking sandnigger.
why would i want to be an ugly asian manlet or a fat spic
She is Mass Effect Andromeda white.
dam son.
Sup Forums are black people who realized they can get dem privlige by wearing klan robes
Somwhere up the family tree, a great grandaddy Venti got jungle fever for sure.
What the fuck is this mongrel club?
Even niggers hate niggers.
Why is that gook wearing a leather jacket that is too small for him to zip up?
This is New York HWNDU Sup Forums
top kek
It's no wonder you guys like Trannies now. This one is very passible.
Fuck off Goldberg.
Shitskins love the destruction of Greece
Day of the rope will come
So these are the so called neo nazis that tell me I am not white because I am Serbian...
muh white nationalism
I-I-I've been talking to niggers and south americans the entire time.
im a little aroused
You can only atain ethnofascism by first attaining civic fascism
Immigrant Muslim checking in. LARP as white because I think Sup Forums memes can be funny at times.
>She is Mass Effect Andromeda white.
Obviously all races are welcome here as long as you're not Marxist
And chinks. Here's your daily reply from an oriental man.
I'm white
a third of hispanics living in America are European though.
Also lots of Asians are hapa