Not all countries with red, white, and blue flags are first world, but the only first world countries have red, white, and blue flags.
You can not prove me wrong.
Not all countries with red, white, and blue flags are first world, but the only first world countries have red, white, and blue flags.
You can not prove me wrong.
>implying Croatia isn't a first world country and the next superpower
i think you've made a mistake somewhere guy.
I implied nothing more than what was said.
lol. No.
how about japan? How about (dont give them shit) italy?
enjoy all your black people and violent gangs
Not first world
>said he can't prove me wrong
>can't prove me wrong
Nepals flag is kinda retarded
>said he can't prove me wrong
>can't prove me wrong
are you having a stroke? you might want to go to the hospi- oh wait that's right , never mind.
First world countries that prove OP wrong
Read a book nigger, you sure are fuckin' stupid.
No problem. I'll walk right in with my private insurance and personal doctor.
get shit on
>listing irrelevant countries because they can't prove me wrong
Really made me think.
that all 29% could afford
>implying you're one of them
>i bet you're not even hasguns
your country makes okay shotguns but im kinda worried about your political leaders over there.
lol. Stop leaf. I'd tell you to stop embarrassing yourself but you're a leaf.
>a fucking cockroach
>no rebuttal
Everyone's worried. The people who aren't worried beat their wives for showing their hair and masturbate to ankles.
Unfortunately that's 50% of the population
>a fucking redneck with subpar education
>still has not made a single argument
But Germany has yellow and black
>rampant innercity crime
>increasing liberalization of urban population centers
>only chance to fix the country is going to be impeached
>i hate my country and want to move to the states
>this is all just banter
>Implying waiting 9 months just to get misdiagnosed is any better.
Slide thread, sage
Also while I'm here, few questions:
>What is Belgium
>What is Sweden
>What is Italy
>What is Japan
>What is Israel
>Why there are so many faggots reposting in those threads, why aren't you on ?
>sister has mental health issues
>goes to doctor
>you're fist therapy/psychology appointment is 2 months
>t-thanks doc
>go to doctor for stomach pain
>get bounced around hospital to hospital because doctors are lazy and will get paid either way
>9 months later they open me up
>turns out I have stomach cancer
>too late to do anything now
>I'll be dead by next year
>I won't live to see my son graduate
>I will never see my grandchildren
cant say im surprised
>you also wont live to see bernier make canada great again
>or to see m-103 make canada muslim
>first world