Why is communism so appealing?

Why is communism so appealing?

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Because there are a lot of poorfags that want handouts

because no one knows that real communists would never tollerate people who don't want to work or take drugs

"Real communism"


>Real communism

>Be me
>Be poor
>Hate being poor
>Economy is shit
>I'm also lazy
>Some faggot tells me we're gonna kill the rich
>I hate the rich because I'm not rich

That's pretty much the appeal.


>Why is communism so appealing?

Tearing down what your parents built is what is appealing to children of all ages.

Because people need something to bash with their sticks and shields.

I wish Sup Forums wasn't so intellectually dishonest, it discredits everything you stand for.

You know good and well that the reasons for communism's popularity extend past 'poor lazy faggots wanting free money'. Nothing as open and shut as that endures through so much.

Get to be lazy and get paid. What faggot wouldn't like that? It doesn't work though. Even though it does sound appealing.

Because it rewards mediocrity and failure

Because it is literally the philosophy of "EVERYTHING IS FREE!"

It simply can't work.

because modern day jobs are so terrible, pay so little, and get you nowhere, so people think "fuck it, I am sick of working, I want communism".

A society where everyone is equal and there is no merit appeals to weak losers.

The best ideology is an ideology that takes best traits from the Left and Right wing, such as National Socialism.

The one thing that defines the socialist is the incredible amount of envy that they possess. First, there is the fact that so many people refuse to accept the reality that those who accumulate wealth in a capitalist society do so simply by pleasing large numbers of their fellow citizens with the products or services that they sell. In terms of making money, the movie star outstrips the philosopher. This often creates a lifelong feeling of envy and hatred towards capitalism and capitalists in the mind of the "philosopher." Many people also insist that they should be judged by some kind of absolute standard (defined by the government, of course) as opposed to the dollar "votes" of their fellow citizens. Consequently, they are frustrated and envious of the more successful among them. The less successful (including the lazy or incompetent) often express hate and enmity against all those who superseded them. Political demagogues take advantage of such people by promising them something for nothing ("free" healthcare! "free" education! "free" you name it!) in the name of egalitarianism.

This is already how it is, at least where I live. You don't get good jobs based on merit. You don't get promotions based on merit. Literally the only way you can do anything by merit is if you work for yourself and start your own business. Even then, you are probably going to get steamrolled by big business that will enact laws to make sure you are illegal.

Imagine you ate nothing but processed cheese and the frequent mucous shits you produced as a result clogged your toilet. At this point, a sane person would resolve to cut their cheese intake and put some effort into cleaning the toilet. Unfortunately, you're a filthy commie supporter so you smash your toilet and shit on your carpet, loudly proclaiming how the carpet cam never be clogged, how it requires no water and how your leg doesn't go numb from sitting on it for too long. However, this situation isn't enough for you. You also have to wreck everyone else's toilet because the smell will be less offensive if you've inflicted the same horror on everyone else.

>'poor lazy faggots wanting free money

There are absolutely other reasons, for example, a significant number of people are mentally ill.

I remember Hitler himself or one of the big Reich figures wrote that communism designed to exploit and twist love for justice which is inherent in white men to turn them into a kike puppets.

It would theoretically end the consumerism that has eroded culture so greatly, eliminate the class differences that arguably divide society more severely than race or religion, and would create a system that would heavily reduce decadent behaviour, pushing people to lead more meaningful, fulfilling lives.
However, it has lead to the same types of atrocities with every attempt, so even if a Marxist utopia is attainable, the risks are infinitely too high to try again to achieve communism.
In the reasonably near future, though, with the frequent increases in automation, I can definitely believe that some form of stable communism could be achieved. Mass automation is going to cause some enormous societal issues.

Communism and socialism is based on jealousy and entitlement, seriously, it is. It's entire ethos revolves around a perceived victimhood and unfairness that they experience from someone having more zeroes in their bank account
It's a system based on envy

Communism is a tool for weak people to rule the strong, intelligent and abled.


Sounds really interesting... I always thought about communism as Utopia, howver you have a point.

Every ideology thinks it can achieve utopia.

Why are communists so unappealing?

Promise of paradise for edgy faggots who are to intelligent to believe in magical sky fairy. Never mind whether or not it's feasible, never mind what can practically be done to accomplish it. Just have faith in the gospel and the prophets and shout louder than the other stupid faggots who put their faith in giant books they haven't read.

Anybody who actually studies history can see that class struggle is a pretty fucking sketchy dialectic and the conditions he wrote about actually changed a lot not long after he died. I'd sooner listen to Max Stirner than Marx.

The term 'Marxist' has become so horrifically warped that most Marxists I see are against most of what you've presented here and are just globalism-shilling hedonists.

You can only lose so many times before people see you as a loser.

It offers losers a way to bring the rest of society down to their level.

Western contrarians fetishizing "the Other".


What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money.…. Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other god may exist. Money degrades all the gods of man – and turns them into commodities…. The bill of exchange is the real god of the Jew. His god is only an illusory bill of exchange…. The chimerical nationality of the Jew is the nationality of the merchant, of the man of money in general. - Karl Marx

>Why is communism so appealing?

because it's technology from the future

For me it is the violence, but also history :)

The purest expression of nothern continental mental deficiency and misplaced belief in the power of instituions.

appeals to the inner childs desire to be given things for free from an authority figure without worrying where it comes from

It speaks to the lowest common demeanor, that in our case being those without qualifications. When the situation improves for people, there is less incentive to take care of yourself. Those types of people have children who then grow up not learning how to properly act in the world, and become attracted to ideas like Marxism, because it would "empower" them without them having to do shit, which is just like when they were young and mom & dad took care of everything.

Basically failed parenting results in children taking the easy route.

This exactly.
Self hatred helps too

Because you're a faggot. Eat shit nigger.

Communism has nothing to do with power of institutions.
Marx advocated complete self-governance of the working class via worker councils, while central government was supposed to be depowered and gradually phased out together with monetary system.

but user real communism really existed many many times before

Yeah sure, but in order to transition to somehting like that, you need Stalin and his goons to murder all the mean people who think getting robbed is a bad idea.
Which is what it's all about, that vision of yours is a carrot to dangle in front of mentally ill people, while the thugs rampage trough the country.

It seems fair.

>Why is communism so appealing?
because its magical thinking for manchildren.

It promises an alleviation from that internal anxiety we all have over whether or not we are high enough on the dominance hierarchy to survive long enough to achieve our biological imperatives. It is perceive to free people from that fear by promising a system where even the lowest rung of their hierarchy is equalized and resources a guaranteed. It does this through an intellectualize ideology, appealing to the most deepest depths of slave morality to justify their shitty ideas. Its an ideology for those with the temperament that leads them to be poor and on the bottom rung of society and unsurprisingly its as competent as anyone with that temperament.

Basically, you know how National Socialists blame pretty much every problem on the Jews, and libertarians blame every problem on big government? Well, Communists blame every problem on the bourgeois.

You'll typically find that Commies have their own unique set of values as well. National Socialists care mostly about their race, libertarians care mostly about freedom, and Communists care mostly about equality.

It's just a different way of thinking. Unfortunately, it's a way of thinking that has gotten millions of people killed, despite their best intentions.

>Give all power to a tiny elite
>economic power, political power, judicial power, media power, cultural power, military power

>presume that this elite will just voluntarily abolish itself

Great plan Ivan (you are probably trolling but hard to know with retarded ruskis)

At a point in everyone's lives, they have to grapple with the fact that the world we live in is a harsh and cruel place. When faced with this, most people simply accept this fact and move on with their lives. Some even strive to make the world better via personal sacrifice and hard work. However, there's a much scarier prospect.

Some people don't accept that the world is cruel. Some people are so incapable of believing the world is inherently cruel and believe there must be some evil force that made it this way. This evil force will obviously have traits that the person who holds this belief despises above all others. After all, Who else would cause all of these problems but the most objectionable people the person who hold's this belief can think of? And of course, who else could stand up to this group apart from the most admirable people on earth? Never mind the shades of grey. Never mind the fact that some of your group's members will be child-rapists and some of your opponents will be doctors. Never mind the inconsistencies because all facts that oppose you are obviously a conspiracy.

And that's where Marxism comes in. It places people into the proletariat working class who fight against the oppressive regime set up by the fascist, capitalist, bourgeoisie upper/middle class. Never mind that most communists are rich themselves. Eventually, these people will grow to think in black and white terms. anyone who disagree's with them is a dangerous fascist that must be crushed. And because all things that contradict them are obviously a capitalist conspiracy, only they should have freedoms in this society. Because the world wont be cruel then.

In the end, people become Marxists for the same reason anyone joins an ideology of this type. Be it Islamism, radical feminism or fascism, some people cant bear to live in a world that's cruel by nature, instead of by our making.

Jobs have always been this way.

This too. There are certain people who think that the world can be perfected. They're not all commies, some fascists and libertarians hold this belief as well. But they all hold the same idea that somehow if my ideology dominated the Earth, that would make everything all right.

It doesn't help that communists use an entirely different language and thought process compared to normal people. A contract becomes "exploitation", nature becomes "coercion", anyone with land, even poor peasants, become "bourgeois".

It seems appealing because it is crafted specifically to seem appealing to the lower class. Unfortunately Communist "equality" is about state ownership of everything and a small group that controls the state. So instead of the "nobody had more than anybody else" mantra that they spew it's actually about a very small minority of card carrying party members owning everything and having essentially a country of slaves.

Its all upper middle class retards and brown people who go to college and get "woke" that play revolutionairy. Don' t push this on poor people.

Everyone wants to help "the poor" while at the same time expect to be part of the "spiritual leadership", ignoring the fact that they are burgouise and the first to be expected for gulag summer camps

Indeed. Its almost as if there was a semitic influence.

Threading own post?

Back in the days when it was actually spreading, it was a system that was advertised to workers add a way to greatly improve their lives. This of course was loved in places where standard of living was low.

Today in the west it really shouldn't be appealing. Modern commies see it as a way to not have to work but still get money. Obviously they would be put to death as soon as they complain.

not only that. in brazil the educated middle class and even the upperclasses are socialists/gommies. Its more appealing than that.

Because capitalism is failing.

How exactly?

It's taught in school as a post capitalism utopia

>democracy is failing

ftfy, we are in the political equivalent of market corrections where we will have some time of turmoil but eventually we will regrow away from democracy, leftism and other failures and restore our nations and the nobility.


Last i checked socialist and communist countries have come and gone. Socialist programs are the reason we need to import 3rd worlders for "state subzidised pensions." etc.

Stupid poorfags love to steal. It's a big part of why they can never secure gainful employment.

Smart poorfags become politicians.

All of that exsist because of communist ideals being ececuted by the state. All of those except war can be avoided and, are greater in communist society.

because it sounds great on paper but totally fails to account for human nature

>communist ideals
user, please…

Communism caused plenty of wars.

Communism did even worse than capitalism in this regard.

Once again, communism did far worse than capitalism.

Marx intentionally targeted the youth because it was them that had not lived in the real world yet and had everything handed to them by their parents. Communism attracts the following:
>Those with very low self esteem and self worth.
>Those that were never told "No"
>Those with little to none discernible talents.
>Low T
>Resentful to parents.
>Those that were bullied in school and resentful of independent alphas.
>No life skills.
These are just to name a few.

not an argument. Most of what you listed are human nature and exsist no matter the system of governance. "communism is a stateless system". stop being dishonest that has never or will ever happen in communism.

Isn't is all so disgusting? They want to steal shit because they 'need' it, but expect someone else to do it for them. They are so fucking lazy they want revolution but expect George Soros to buy it for them.

Communism, the mode of production, has never existed.

Communism, the real movement leading to the former, has caused civil war in Russia indeed. But the communist movement itself is a consequence of the capitalist mode of production, so…

>But the communist movement itself is a consequence of the capitalist mode of production, so…
And the capitalist movement is a consequence of feudalism so...

>muh but that wasn't real communism
is publicly corporation a mode of communist production? it seems like voluntary communism to me. which exsist in capitalism.

>Most of what you listed are human nature
And it is apples' nature to fall from the tree. Except when we finally understood gravity, we became able to put satellites into orbit.

>and exist no matter the system of governance.
Communism is not a "system of governance", it is a mode of production. And yes, the things I have listed existed in all the previous modes of production… because they were divided in classes. Unlike communism.

>"communism is a stateless system". stop being dishonest that has never happened.
Communism has never happened yet indeed. But it will.

Any time now....

>is publicly corporation a mode of communist production?
No. Communism is the socialisation of production.

>>"communism is a stateless system". stop being dishonest that has never happened.
>Communism has never happened yet indeed. But it will.

Calm down Kazynski. You can't uninvent a thing.

>Why is communism so appealing?
Communism is often described as a drug for intellectuals who believe that under that system they would be the de facto leaders as card carrying party members, thinkers, organizers etc. instead of people who are able to succeed in the current system ie people who're not necessarily smart, but are ambitious, hard working or have a good sense for business.

I'd say more in some decades or even centuries.

>You can't uninvent a thing.

Because a lot of people would rather drag more successful people down to their level than to work hard and earn their success for themselves

and now we understand communism collapses on itself before reaching it's true state aka it fails the darwin theory. who's going to enforce this classless means of production? why do you want to strip away freedom of association?

But how do you know that successful people are the better people? Nobody is enforcing that.

>Communism has never happened yet indeed. But it will.
With increasing automation and AI development the chances of that happening are looking less and less likely.

That's exactly why it endures. The fact you didn't offer an argument here only convinces us.

The future must be bleak

Luckily, it's a built in auto-failure mechanic


The auto-failure aspect of communism the very thing that makes it such an abomination.

It ultimately slow genocides the best people in a culture so the worst can feel important.

And that's what most commies have been saying since 19th century.

>who's going to enforce this classless means of production?
People themselves.

>why do you want to strip away freedom of association?
I don't. What I want to strip away is the law of value.

So? You realise the previous mode of production, feudalism, lasted about 1000 years before it collapsed, right?

Any nation that falls for communism and let's it's lowest common denominator take over deserves to have it's timeline set back a century.

>inb4 commies want to talk about literacy and roads

If the Russian Empire hadn't surrendered and let those nut baskets run the place, it would have saved tens of millions of lives, literacy would have improved at the same rate, and the 30 year gap would have been solved immediately post WW1.

In 1922, industrial capacity fell to ~15% of what it was in 1914, and a famine wracked and killed over ~ 5 million.

people themselves? not going to happen. hierarchy has and always will exist.
strip away the law of value? then whats the motivation to do anything?

>people themselves? not going to happen. hierarchy has and always will exist.
Did I say anything about hierarchies?

>strip away the law of value? then whats the motivation to do anything?

It's appealing to over sensitive retards who can't get a grasp on reality.

>use value

Doesn't exist. How do you determine use value? The same way you discern the value of anything. There is no intrinsic use value. It's value is always relative to what the consumer needs, how many consumers there are, and the overall supply - along with how distributors market and supply the thing.

>Did I say anything about hierarchies?
hahah that's the problem!

It's only appealing to - ironically - the narcissism of the bourgeoisie upper middle classes and the grievances of ethnic minorities. It never held any appeal to the proletariat. It's the ultimate case of projection. It was the moral justification for the bourgeoisie to seize power from the traditional aristocracy. There was rarely ever a communist or leftist or revolutionary who had a working class background.

All of these people were basically Antifa.

Basically all the things communism excels at. Exception might be unemployment cuz commies simply invent some useless shit for you to do.

you do realise feudalism wasn't a single, monolithic system that existed in the same form everywhere on planet earth, right?