Who the fuck is this meme?
Who the fuck is this meme?
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>Quick rundown
Is a random savage that stab a guy and had been in jail, now live in France in the forest and sell shitty boardgames, he teach their sons Iceland or whatever cause he's too lazy to learn French, he also burn churches and play black metal
Shut up dickhead.
He was one of the main members of Mayhem, one of the pioneering (if not most important) bands of the black metal movement in the late 80's and early 90's. These guys burned down churches. He ended up killing the guitarist in the band after he heard that he had planned to tie him up and torture him to death while filming it. This happened when he went to collect money from him from his apartment and they got into a fight. He stabbed him in the head with his pocket knife.
The singer of Mayhem who called himself 'Dead' shot himself in th head with a shotgun, and left a note saying 'sorry for all the blood.'
Instead of calling the cops when they found him, the members of mayhem took photos and collected pices of his skull, which they made necklces out of and then gave to people they deemed worthy.
The photo ended up being one of their album covers. Pic related.
Quick rundown you say?
>he's a primordial Sup Forumslack
>on the internet
>from the black metal scene
>he was depressed as a teenager due to the commie bullshit injected into his nation and the lack of belonging he felt in being a social outcast for his views
>joined the black metal scene as a late adolescent
>with Mayhem of all fucking bands
>turns out he was a musical genius
>not only was Burzum based as fuck, but his work in Mayhem alongside Dead, Euronymous, and Hellhammer was legendary
>posed as a satanist to trigger christcucks even though he was really a pagan and shared that shit with the rest of the band
>was found "not guilty" of burning down an old church
>kek stupid fucking police
>mainstream starts gunning for him immediately afterward because he was a redpilled edgelord that was actually doing shit
>fast forward a few months to a year
>Euronymous was a piece of shit tbhfam
>was a Commie piece of shit that took the satanist element too seriously
>actually told Dead, who was mentally ill and perpetually depressed to kill himself since it would help with the band's image of being edgy
>bandmembers hate Euronymous for his bullshit
>Dead kills himself after a party, slashing both wrists, his throat, then shooting himself in the head with a shotgun
>Euronymous finds the body
>doesn't tell anyone, gets disposable camera, photographs corpse for next album cover, then gives pieces of skull fragments as part of necklaces to bands he likes
>tensions flair up between Varg and Euronymous
>Euronymous may or may not have been planning to kill Varg, but we can never know now
>Varg is a paranoid motherfucker, so when it seems like Euron is setting up a trap, he goes to his house, and when a fight ensues, Varg stabs him 22 times in the back and once in the skull
>Varg gets arrested and all that shit is added up
Wow so kewl! Black metal is so badazz n edgy!!
>while in prison, Varg runs a website and makes more music, admits to his actual views and refines them over the years, going through numerous interviews where he says shit that resonates really well with Sup Forumslacks because they're living through it
>a younger, Aryan, autistic French girl chats him up online because Hybristophilia is for real and he was already a sex symbol in the metal scene
>when he gets out of prison, they hook up and settle down in the rural countryside of France
>they lead insanely simple lives where if you remove the music, internet, and vehicles, you've got yourself a dark age home
>on top of getting arrested and raided from time to time for being "terrorists" (top kek) they also fuck like rabbits, and are on like their seventh kid at this point
>if he could get off the grid, which is impossible given his cult-following and his rustling of the Jews, he'd be living the dream
>makes music, writes books, makes RPGs, and vlogs to attract like minded people
>wants to share his wisdom and some tips to help like-minded youth eventually start living like him
>word of mouth spreads and his viewer base skyrockets
>turns out he does actually browse and shitpost on Sup Forums
>people that don't like him get exponentially more pissed off about his rise in popularity
>especially when they're christians, because Varg treats christianity like it fucked his mother in the ass and spit in her mouth
>Varg does a few videos explaining that excess is a bad idea
>says you should stop watching porn, essentially for the fundamental reason nofap memers say you should give up porn
>autistic shitposters take close up of his face looking wise and disapproving and quote "Stop watching porn."
>Sup Forums collectively jizzes
>Sup Forums begins swarming his videos with Varg memes
>Varg's inner Sup Forumslack kekels the shekels
>anti-Varg Sup Forumslacks watch helplessly as Varg becomes one of the dankest memes since the Bogandovs
>The photo ended up being one of their album covers.
Also the band didn't use this for their artwork. The photo leaked and it was used by bootleggers. Dawn of the black hearts is not an official release.
Why did he age like shit, lads?
He's only 44 and looks like he could be in his 60s
i want /nupol/ to leave
Fuck off. My post wasn't supposed to come across like that.
>Varg stabs him 22 times in the back and once in the skull
Nah man, Euronymous fell down the stairs after a fight on glass and they framed Varg for the murder because the couldn't get him on the church burnings.
Haha checkmate christcucks
He at least stabbed him in the head with his knife. I've watched him say it.
Varg is basically an anarcho primitivist. Who believes in nationalism
Actually, he makes fun of black metal a lot.
Some fucking loser kids on the internet look up to they don't have a dad.
Sage and Hide this faggot loser.
Checks out.
Some faggot in the woods who thinks that norse pagans invented warm water.
Yeah believe what Varg says, good goy.
Fuck off. There's only post irony here.
Didn't Charlemagne do his "converting" a generation after Martel saved Europe?
>Varg is now participating in the STOP memes in the comment section
Still saved Europe from the muslims multiple times.
Muslims saved europe from christian dark ages. Educate yourself:
>my post wasn't supposed to come off like that
then why bring up the suicide and the note and the picture being one of their album covers because none of that has anything to do with what op asked