Why are you scared of China, Sup Forums?

Why are you scared of China, Sup Forums?
Just get the fuck out of our business and we will kill you last, ok?

Other urls found in this thread:


>we will kill you last
Our victory is secured


Thanks for the lebensraum, laowai.

USA- But you said you would kill me last!
China- I lied.

i like chinese boi pucci

Marrying one of your girls in about 2 years, really love her family they all about being successful. Good respect between family and love her tradition your holidays are ight especially the one where people give me money in cute envelopes. Love u china

I bang my chinese girlfriend daily
and she's from canada.

Get fucked, losers.

Gas yourself, ameriturd.

I hope you raise successful Elliott Rogers, more half breeds will destroy the racial and cultural integrity of white countries, leading to your downfall.

If you kill us we win

>implying chinks are able to kill someone other than dogs

> a chink's promise
> Another finding was that less honest respondents also expected others to be less honest, as, unexpectedly, did those from more honest countries.
Fucking projecting chink lowlifes.


>reported and hidden

I agree but you make alliance with dangerous scum Pakistan and Iran and so fourth you make alliance with N Korea I hope u invade North Korea keep it you can have it.

When I was in China last I watched a man without shoes trying to draw water from a muddy hole..... with a basket. Get fucked idiot country

You have no chance China. You weren't relevant before and you are not relevant now. In fact you are not even in the game.

I'm chinese descent and learning mandarin, can I into zhong guo now?

Let me apologize for the left. For some reason (((they))) are fucking dead set on demonizing all other nations and starting ww3 when you'd think humanity is interconnected and modern enough to not want to or need to murder each other.

Skin tone of Asia appears to be whiter than the USA and Europe now

I know race doesn't equal skin tone but it just goes to show you what mongrels the jews have turned the West into.

So I hope for China and Russia to destroy the jews / West so the non-pozzed white people can establish an ethnostate somewhere .

This. It's up to the Chinese to defeat the jews now. Ours is a lost cause.

>american hick delusion

White americans have the highest suicide rate in decades. Maybe it's time to off yourself?

Come on man, we can be friends. My family would love to stay with my fiance's for a next years lunar again. Ur probly a peasant mixed island breed. I dont hate u man.

>Why are you scared of China, Sup Forums?

you dog-eating herpes-infected commietards need to be culled again

I'm Asian retard. You have no game. Islam have game, Russia have game, whites have game, you were never in it.

we're not scared of you

>we will kill you last, ok?

come and try it

all the crazy hapa are from jews fathers+asian women. it's gods way to make sure jews can't mix with asians so humanity has a chance


Kill the Jew ill die happy my han friend

>spam this pic to all four corners of the globe

. In your country 52% have household incomes of less than $1,000 a year. You are so poor its crazy. When a country looks longingly at Mexican wealth then you know you are fucking failed.

P.S. Bonus points for forced labor camps and eating donkey cocks!

I'm Shanghainese with dual UK nationality. My family probably owns more wealth than your entire extended family times 100. Go back to your hick farm in the midwest, subhuman.

Elliot Roger is not jewish. Stop this dumb meme. Your son will be an Elliot Roger, deal with it.

Jesus, you stupid "asian american" cucks are a disaster. The saddest group of self doubting self hating ugly tanned fucks I've ever seen.

We chinese will kill you SJW addled dumb fucks first.

>low-energy shilling


>cia nigger scared of russia + china alliance

Go make money and stop shit-posting on our board then, faggot.

Ps. I bet I make more money than you, and most of my family is extremely rich.

You jelly we're taking all your women, Chang?

>implying both russia and china weren't jewing each other
>also implying that russia can't handle china when the chinks rushed in the millions

>So much anger.

I highly doubt you make a ton of money, faggot.

Not even white, have dual citizen in us, am mixed spanish/mex. My senpai owns half the currency of the third world countries around you. Can steal your neighboring countries savings and their population too stupid to do anything about it. Feels good infesting all your third world friends placing muslim officials and stealing your oil money. Hows malaysia and philipines doing fuck yourself Cheng.

But I like China, I'm even learnin your meme language

>You jelly we're taking all your women, Chang?

There are about 39392929292x more Chinese with White women (who are mostly Russian / Central Asian) than White men with Chinese women in China. So what the fuck are you talking about?

I wonder who are the worst: arabs or chinks?
They all lie, cheat, steal, live among their own trash and are a threat to the planet... Hard to pick.

Same couple as above

>we will kill you last, ok?

You chinks are doing a fine job killing yourselves with your poor infrastructure. Better watch out for those escalators.

Yeah, Chinks have no soul, the government and communism has sucked it out of them.

They live in ruin because they refuse to take pride in their community. They are all selfish and greedy. You should never expect decency from a chink and you will never be surprised by their actions.

What's the difference between the nignog tribes of south Africa and mainland china? Chinks won't get violent and some in South Africa still care about others.

>posting on an internet messaging board of zero technical expertise
you'll be gassed when the social credit system goes online, chang

Nobody would want to have an hairy man peg their boipussi

Fuck off D&C Kike, no1 afraid of China they afraid Zionist Jewish pyschopaths who occupy our countries.

I don't need to make money, I'm sitting on a giant pile of capital.

Wow, why am I even talking to a barely literate shitskin. I don't talk to monkeys.

>I'm a spoiled nepotistic brat.

Well that explains it. Assuming you aren't a liar.

I know you're an english teacher but SK is even worse than China. An entire ship full of high school kids sank in korea, killing hundreds because the owners broke every single regulation and paid bribes. Even this shit doesn't happen in the shittest parts of China to that extent.

USA puts carrier battle group in Mallaca. One month later, chinkland no exist.

Keep talking chino, we made you, we built you, we own you.

> I just got btfod
Too easy, back to street shitting also why arent u in UK ? Whats your job? Just curious

Hey! Remember that time MacAurthur missed his turn off in Korea and accidentally 10 whole divisions of china's finest? That was funny.

I am a 6'3 white conservative. I do not doubt myself one bit. You can definitely kill the sjw people though.

> Chinks won't get violent and some in South Africa still care about others
I literally just saw a South African user say that a few hours ago.

What do you know about the church of Almighty God aka Eastern Lightning 全能神教会? Is it true how fiercely the Chinese government has cracked down on them? Are they really crazy cult?

Souless hive mind bugs

You probably would get btfo by an antifa sjw in the real world.

All retarded cults need to be btfo. They were literal terrorists murdering people in the streets.

Ah ... I long for the day when the chinks cannibalize each other again just like the old times. Like when the chinks exchanged their children to eat when the Chu state surrounded the Song in the Spring and Autumn period. Or maybe like battle of Suiyang where a few thousand chinks cannibalized a city of 30000. Even better, there's the Great Famine during the Great Leap Forward when flesh banquets were held. It would be great to witness such a sight in my lifetime.

UK is a rainy shithole, good only as a store of overseas capital in the form of property. I don't work, just trade stocks for fun.

So it's true? Are they worse than falun gong?

Yes but nowhere near the reach of falun gong so much less dangerous.

I admire how you deal with your Muslim problem. I hope Europe starts doing the same very soon .

At least we shit in holes, not live in them.
Shame the US didn't turn your ancestors to nuclear glass, greatest tragedy of the 20th century.


Its... still up dumb ass

He's just too used to Chinksville.

All hail our Chinese overlords

> At least we shit in holes
lol no



T. Zhou

Don't expect any form of sensible logic from chinks.

see guys, I knew if we bomb a country enough that they turn out good. Just like Japan... it just took them awhile that's all.

>breed air
>get cancer

The Chinese are literal fucking ants desu

He's a paid troll. He posts the exact same posts and pictures on every single china related thread.

He's probably employed by the vietnamese government on a 10 dong a day wage.

I'm really not sure where all this chinks have no soul meme comes from.

I've visited China quite a lot, from the bigger cities to the places that hardly ever get tourists. I've always got good deals when I went out to eat, some vendors even gave me food for free as well as some butchers. I speak some Mandarin though, and that may be the reason why I'm treated well. That being said I very rarely was spoken badly of, because they assume all white people there don't know anything about their language. A lot of people would come up and strike a conversation with me once they realized I spoke the language, all really pleasant people.

Only real thing I was annoyed by was the constant pictures. Just imagine that you're a girl and all the Chinese were guys trying to take upskirt shots of you. Some trying to be sneaky about it and some not really caring and whipping out their phone and snapping pictures while you eat.

Japan is like it is because they are all followers, but they also have empathy.
Chinese are good followers, but lack all traces of empathy.

You can bomb aggression out of someone, but you can't bomb empathy into someone.

I agree let's let the Chinese do what they want to do. We white people should not do interfere with the superior race

you ate dogs cooked in gutter oil
>idk why chinks have no souls

I did actually try dog. It's not great, I'd prefer beef pork or chicken over it any day.

>gutter oil
I made sure to avoid sketchy places, as well as having qt chinese girls escort me around to avoid shady food places. It was kind of cute though, because wherever I ate you'd see random people look and wait for my reaction. If I liked it they'd follow suite.

this dog eater again? Nice proxy BTW

VN based. Successful with NO HELP from USA. Based. Chinkland, only successful with USA and Japanese money and tech.

VN, also has it's own oil. Stay strong VN. End chinkland.

Noice, i just tell people to tell other people to do reclamation an construction services for private, public agencies

Chinkland going down down down. Can't even sail a boat past first island chain. So sad chinkland. If you want some oil, first please send your billions of peasants into slavery to make trinkets for the white man.

post qt asian girls

> He posts the exact same posts and pictures on every single china related thread.
And? Does the fact that I keep putting you chink bitches on blast make you uncomfortable?

Talk shit, get hit, bitch. Stop posting bullshit and I'll refrain from teasing you abit. Like I even want to interact with filthy chinks.

Take this my friend:

Nah, Sup Forumslacks aren't scared of China, they believe Chinese are soulless subhumans who never win any wars, and we only have numbers. They believe China will collapse with no time and the pollution will kill us all eventually, as usual, and they have their little Vietcuck pet to suck their cocks in every threads. They really don't afraid of China, we're no threat to them, they only need their Vietcucks to be their boipucci.

man i love those chinese dresses
hot af

Dayum why did you run away from the last thread? I was really looking forward to teasing you a bit more tee hee:

Fuck you guys are based. Vietnam numba 1. Always liked your people. Even the ones that immigrate here are pretty based.