White Men have 3 Paths in 2017

White Males are going down 3 different paths. Which are
Beta Path: Cartoons, Video Games, dropping out of society and removing themselves from the gene pool.
Successfully being indoctrinated by leftists propaganda and going into the workforce to provide for independent wymonz, low chance at reproduction.
Alpha Path: Athletic and fit white men, self taught or immune to leftist propaganda. Military Lifestyle, enjoy hunting and hard manual labor with rewards. Great financial life. Plenty of females or marriage. High Reproduction chance, providing the White Race with great genetic traits.
Intellectual Path: Highly educated, beyond the need for Reproduction but can still reproduce, not completely lost. Accumulating great wealth and improving the economic system. Great men, needed in society. Produces intelligent offspring.

This is only natural, and is what happens when a Tribes men is under attack. We are literally switching into 4th gear right now, otherwise known as the War Cycle.
Which one are you going down?

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That's 4 paths.

I'm not. I literally couldn't give a single fuck what people think. Weak minded and secure individuals cave into all that Marxist bollox.


It appears OP took the brainlet path

No, it's 3, the first two are tied together in the Beta Path

>Beta Path: Cartoons, Video Games, dropping out of society and removing themselves from the gene pool.
Do I really want my offspring to suffer in this world?

I want children and I know that I would be a good father, but shit will burn in the near future.

So what does it matter?

I want war with the leftists.
I want to hang their bodies from the street lights.
I want to burn down their cities.
I want to nail them to the walls of buildings.
I want to kill all of them. None should survive.
Bring on the fucking war.
Try to impeach him already so shit can hit the fucking fan.

There's four paths you genius

And implying most gamers aren't resistant to cultural Marxism

It's actually nine ethno-trans gender fluid paths you fucking fascist.

Damn dude, it appears you're going down the Viking Path.

That's some straight up autism

He included the first two into the Beta Path

Sorry guys I'm taking the Beta path, free from feminism and SJW shit. Bye.

>Intellectual Path: Highly educated, beyond the need for Reproduction but can still reproduce, not completely lost.

It's been like that for thousands of years, as a matter of fact it was even worse in the dark ages. Yet people still reproduced. It's only the natural cycle of life.

You do you Pastaman. At least you're honest.

Yeah sure, that explains why every game that comes out now has strong Black or Brown Alpha Lead characters with stronk independent wymyn beating up all the white guys. And they get millions of purchases.

so all the faggy propoganda to make us fucking faggots is to root out the weaklings and make the white race stronger?
omfg this new red pill i love it i fucking love jews lololololol


4th is getting a non white gf wife


what's this path you smart ass:

>play vidya allday erryday
>watch anime allday erryday
>browse Sup Forums allday erryday
>having an ex-virgin gf (meaning: i broke her spirit) of 4 years
>fucking sluts from my university because "Athletic and fit white men"
>no job tho but doing a lot of random manual labor for some cash on the side (currently building a house for my friend)

>military lifestyle

>immune to leftist propaganda

Most of Sup Forums are trumpcucks which are the definition of beta. OP appears to be among them.

What about the barbarian horde rapist path? That's the most fun. Someones got to take out the trash.