Ann coulter is literally a Sup Forumstard

>ann coulter is literally a Sup Forumstard

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Let's talk about the article, though.

How the fuck does this school district get away with this? This is like a school district taking funds away from a black school in the 1960s just because.

because california is literally mexico

absolutely disgusting. maybe California should succeed


This has been the law since the 50's
They sent the military into the south to forcibly integrate niggers into schools

she said something on tucker the other night that made me think so

referred to Trump as "emperor god"

that's it

Because California isn't America anymore, it is the epicenter of cultural marxism. California should be invaded, all patriotic American souls behind enemy lines repatriated and everyone else reeducated or deported.

This was confirmed beyond a reasonable doubt a while ago. She just keeps her mouth shut most of the time waiting for the Overton Window to shift sufficiently.

No stupid, the fact that they can defund a school based on the racial make up of it. Learn to read.

>not homeschooling your kids


>As of 2015, California has the largest minority population in the United States. Non-Hispanic whites decreased from about 76.3 - 78% of the state's population in 1970 to 38.0% in 2015.

I think everyone at Fox is too at this point

why hasn't twitter shut down that account?

>largest minority population
>they are a majority


but its ok because its legal immigration xdxd

once they see how great America is they'll drop their old culture and become just like us, don't worry :)

that's from the 10th wtf is wrong with you
did you see it on facebook or what

23rd, but close

what point are you trying to make? faggot

Ann coulter is probs unwinding right now by shitposting and drinking an expensive bottle of red wine in her new york penthouse