Fuck you all the way to hell!
I hope demons anal rape you for all eternity!

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And the world is much better off because of it

Shut the fuck up, nigger. Britain is the only reason you're alive.


anglosphere union when

>anglos have not invaded the cuckolic church
One job

Brit fags are cucks that are ruled by lizards that run the country enitirely to benefit an elite.
Ireland has no resources and fuck all infrastructure and we still get paid more than our british counterparts.

Destroy London and all that dwell there and you will be free!

It would have been if they didnt lose all of it.

Drown in your own pig blood,doormat aristocrats

Back then it was called Russia
How can you take a country that didn't exist at the timeframe of possible british invasion and declare it has never been invaded?

By that criteria the Irish republic was never invaded either.

Feel free to stop using our language and crawl back to whichever non European shithole your weak technologically cretinous ancestors crawled from?

now, make those in which they got their asses handed to them as a result of this attempt a different color :DDD

When was Poland, Slovakia, Moldova etc invaded by Britain?

The language is a French Dutch patois because they both successfully invaded Britain...

Moldova I believe in the Crimean war as they were apart of the Russian empire I think. Not sure about the others

Do you have some Argentina in you, newfag? >Muh Falklands n sheeitt >Agrentina is white

This thread theme:


It's not fair... I wanna go back

Great britain directly caused the war where Argentina, Brasil and Uruguay invaded paraguay.

Is this territory based or country based? Because borders and countries were far too different and changed a lot in the last 400 years. Most of those didn't even exist.

>Britain is a cross dressing woman with a massive ego...

or y-you know, an opera singer in costume..

Get to work brits, and collect the whole set.

when were we invaded?

David Ickes is a gatekeeper..

The truth is actually stranger than fiction.

The reptilian shapeshifter thing is a distraction, the ugly truth is a blood link to the tribe of Dan. Legendary Royalty infiltrators. Egyptians royalty, romans, Danish kings , Danubian tribes, vikings( 6kings)

The Union Jack is a representation of the union of the tribes of Jacob . Queens coronotation is jacked with Egyptian ceremony.

Eh that's just my dual lincolns, Look into it.


Italian bullshit

Can't wait til the muzzle fuck you guys out of existence, you did this to yourselves.

This, next they'll start speaking Italian. Imagine being such a cuck that you speak another country's language.

>you did this to yourselves.

You're right. I hope we can undo it too.


the problem isn't that they had control of it the problem is how the lost that control also we have never been invited by Britain we got "sold " to them

>if only they didn't send a chronic alcoholic retard as Captain before the first invasion we would be anglosphere now

3 galleons, 140 cannons, 500 soldiers, defeated by 50 drunk spaniards with a couple cannons

alcohol is a terrible disease

you never heard of the puritans havn't you?

nah you didn't get sold, you got stolen by them... they were supposed to safekeep you

typical fucking angloes

we got rented then they took as by force when you join world war 1 also you signed that you have no territorial ambitions over Cyprus in lausanne treaty

rented because you were under threat of invasion, since around those times we tended to have wars in many different fronts... hence "safekeeping"

>you signed that you have no territorial ambitions over Cyprus in lausanne treaty


What are you an Indian or something?

No, he was a GOALKEEPER, you wally.


>has invaded Norway, Denmark and Finland but not Sweden

What? Sweden was historically more involved on the world stage than any of the other Scandiacian countries.

wherever Britain spread her influence, she brought liberalism and degeneracy with her. Look at Australia and Canada - both are more and more marxist, not to mention UK itself

Don't you wish it had been Nazi Germany and the USSR? You seem to have done so well out of it.

When did bongs invaded us?

I like the way the map shows that Britain was so good at invasion it even invaded itself.

How do you explain Sweden, which was never invaded by Britain, then?

Most of the countries in the union have invaded each other at some point.

It's a family affair.


Interestingly, without Britian, Poland and Germany could have probably found common ground.

DESU you're right, without Britain guarding the infant USA in its early years we would've never succeeded as a nation

Britain was necessary for our survival, ironically

Wanna fight about it and get rekt again? You bunch of niggers

We and the spaniards repelled them thankfully, anglos are cancer

Shut the fuck up cuck
You can't even defend your own countrymen some knife welding muzzies that have infested the heart of you ""'nation""
Change is the only constant and you faggots are over for

Nope, PiƂsudski was dead anyway and without him our politicians were like retarded children with matches.


Just like you repelled us from taking back the Falkland islands?

Hahaha the entire world is BTFO'D by the Great Britania!

I'm so proud of 1/4th British. My superior WASP blood is boiling whenever I see our ancestors' achievements.

Without you the world would be a way better place thus meaning britian is at fault for this shitty world