How do the people of two countries that have the same roots differ so vastly?

How do the people of two countries that have the same roots differ so vastly?

Japan a civilized westernized country, China complete inhumane hellhole.
Japan polite, China backstabbing thieves who will rob you blind while smiling.
Japan compassionate, China not even pretending to not see suffering anymore, simply doesn't care while looking it straight in the face.
Japan clean, China smog riddled pigstye permanently stuck in the industrial revolution era.
Japan win every war bar 1, China lost everything ever.

How/Why are Chinese such subhumans compared do the Japanese?

Other urls found in this thread: the chinks/弱肉強食#Chinese

Don't delude yourself, Asians are all subhuman.

Chinese are on a completely different level though. If you ever want to see shitty robotics in action, don't wait for our AI programming to advance, simply move to China. It is a country filled with beings that are barely human. They look and move like humans, but they don't think or feel things like humans do.
I have spoken to many, and more often than not I am left wondering if there really isn't a poorly programmed AI in the place of the brain.

Don't ever go to China, just don't do it, there is nothing to see or do in that country that would be worth the shitty experience of having to deal with this subspecies.

Japanese people loved their own race.

The Tibetan decedants for some reason learned to backstab and cuck their own race like China and Burma.

If there was a good leader to lead and guide them to be like Japan. It would be a different story.

Ya, but I still don't understand how or why they developed so differently.

Japanese are romantized subhumans
Chinese a recently villified subhumans

Some decades ago when most of you tards falling for easy propaganda where not even born yet, China was /ourguy/ because they opposed Soviets and Chingchings where all the cool hardworking glasses guys and no one gave a shit about coal and chemical plants.

It's because of Mao.

When the old government fled to Taiwan, Mao went around to the villages surrounding the cities and handed out guns to anyone willing to go into the cities and kill everyone. He completely exterminated the middle and upper classes.

Today, everyone who is wealthy and powerful in China is either one of the no-education, no-morals hillbilly hicks that took the offer and slaughtered their neighbors, or a descendant of one.

Because of Mao, it's an entire country ruled by stupid, ignorant sociopaths, and their cultural hegemony has filtered down to all levels of society.

Note how different the culture is in places which are Chinese, but not ruled by the CCP.

Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore. They escaped Mao's destruction. They are what modern China would be if not for him.

They don't have the same roots at all, Japan was influenced by Chinese culture but is racially distinct and never mixed with the Chinese.

Stupid argument. That was 50 years ago a new upper and middle class was created.


Regardless, all Asians are soulless drones.

All white people are weeaboos though.

Japan wanted to be left alone until America sent their biggest weeaboo, Commodore Perry, and he said Open Up or we will shoot.

way to generalise everything, retard

>Japan compassionate,
>Japan Polite

most japanese are super stressed out, miserable 2 faced social wimps ready to snap and commit suicide

they say nice things, but behind you they'll backstab like everyone else

>That was 50 years ago a new upper and middle class was created.

Founded upon the new principles of "kill everyone to get ahead"

yeah, fuck off, hans.
still, communism was a mistake.

Everyone seems to forget all the inhuman, evil things the Japs did in WW2. Those bastards even attacked the US without any ounce of decency to declare war first.

They are different things. I would rather have a fake smile followed by the guy hanging himself because it was all a front, than a fake smile followed by the guy stabbing me in the back.
Then again you being pseudochinese I wouldn't expect anything less than a biased opinion from you anyway.

ITT: idiots who know nothing about Chinese or Japanese history.

With China you're talking about one of the most important civilizations in history. The Chinese had created writing millennia before Northern European civilization existed. China is more accomplieshed than almost any other country in world history, and the only claim Northern Europes has to anything close to this is the invention of industry, which many of you wrongly take for being the same thing as cultural, racial, superiority or whatever,. and even more stupidly, mistaking industry and modernity for being interchangeable with the notion of civilization itself. In short, you are ahistorical morons. The difference between modern day China and its "backwardness" (which is one way of seeing it, it could be put in totally different terms) and oter countries like Japan originates in the 19th century. If you really want to know about it you should read about it, but I know that very few people on this board are interested in learning.

To speak in racial terms when talking about cultural differences that are rooted in history is obscenely stupid.

>Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore. They escaped Mao's destruction. They are what modern China would be if not for him.
>what is historical context before MUH MAO
>what is geographical context
>what are geopolitics

Thats just too simpleminded. Without MUH MAO these places might not even be at the point where they are today. They wouldn't be propped up as adversaries to China without China, they might een be part of the usual dividie and conquer tactics of the U.S. pitching one nation against another and profit from their both demise, there would be still a huge gap between rural places of West China and rich economic hubs with international trade and cultural exchange like Hong Kong or Singapore. These places didn't just get randomly occupied by colonial powers its exactly because they have much more potential and its much easier to focus on such places than deal with a continent sized nomansland.

They are not the same ethnicity.

roots cant grow in a swamp

Also, Japan was a completely insignificant blip on the map of the world until the 1860's, while China has been there for thousands of years as one of the world's greatest powers.

I have been there, many times. I made the terrible mistake of studying Asian Cultures and languages so I get sent there all the fucking time, either that or I need to take on a shitty job that doesn't require degrees at all.

Out of all the countries in Asia I have been to, China is the shittiest one, and consistently so. It never ceases to amaze how soulless they are compared to other Asians, there is no experience like it. A country like Vietnam is arguably a bigger shithole from an infrastructural/industrial pov, but at least I am not dealing with disgusting subhumans ALL the time.

>Hiroshima Nagasaki

>t. butthurt KMT

Says the cucked American guy...

If you have done Asian Studies, you should know why then.

>using CCP progaganda images for your claims

lol if you actually believe any of this garbage. There were like 2 good Chinese dynasties. The rest was shit.

>ITT: idiots who know nothing about Chinese or Japanese history.
Those chinese are long gone. What remains today are but mongrels from the rape of the Mongolian Horde and Mao's communist policy.

That's real cool and all britbong, but we aren't talking about the China of 2000 years ago. We are talking about post Mao China, more specifically we are talking about Chine right now.

You are talking out of your ass

Because the americans were the "good guys"

>implying the eternal nip didn't win ww2 by being positioned for us to build them up into luxury and protect them

>what are the flying tigers?
>what is the hull note?
>what was the us military trying to achieve by decrypting secret Japanese codes during the interwar period?
It seems like you asked for it by provoking them

I honestly just wanted a thread to have a go at the Chinese after coming back from yet another trip there. I go to any of the other Asian countries I come back happy, I come back from China and I am agitated the rest of the week.
Do not ever go to China out of your own free will. A week long holiday as tourist might be bearable, but other than that spare yourself the misery.

Do you mentally ill morons ever climb down out of Japan's ass? Asians are garbage and your nip cartoons will keep you virgins until the day your creepy faggot asses die.

>america provoked japan
yeah, fuck right off.

>Do not ever go to China out of your own free will.
Good advice.

Have fun reading these threads: the chinks/

Japan and China don't have the same roots. Japanese, other than Chinese, have lots of genes in common with whites. Look up the Ainu that came from the North. I believe they also have more in common with people from Kazakhstan than with China.

Japan compassionate LOL
Japan polite it s called tatemae, it is not sincere

This country is pretty fucked up.

You know China would have been better under the KMT then the CCP. Don't shill. An ROC in charge of Mainland China/Taiwan/Mongolia would be an economic giant. And you know, probably would have skipped those 4 or 5 famines suffered under the Commies. And that lovely cultural revolution. Stop being a Communist shill Zhang.

Don't forget the mango worship.
Shit boggles the mind.

I drive for uber in the bay area and I cannot even tell if the Chinese guys are being rude or autistic

Well you did cut off their oil supply while they were half way through occupying China. Which would have crippled the entire campaign. Basically demanding an end to the war. Not saying that wasn't the right thing to do given US support of the KMT but don't be a retard and assume America didn't want war with Japan/didn't provoke them. That's pretty dumb.

Mango worship?

that was a great thread

No Chung. I think asiatic subhumans deserved the nukes. You and your KMT buddies included.

Yes, mango worship, or more accurately, cult:

I don't care what the fuck it is called. When I make a deal with a Japanese person I get whatever the contract stipulated we would get in return for whatever the contract stipulated we would give.
In China I get all smiley faces, but then when I go to inspect our order it is all sorts of wrong, which they try to play off as "part of the trade" or some other bullshit. Then when pushed they'll just have a "take it or leave it" attitude.
Never mind my company is basically being defrauded, doesn't fucking matter because these guys are defacto legally immune. The only thing these slantyeyed sneaky rats understand is physical language, it is exhausting.
Every time I go there I hope the people I deal with fall into one of their hydraulic presses on my way out so I could join them in their national sport of simply standing there an doing fuck all. Honestly I understand why they have such apathy, if you had to deal with these people on a daily basis you too would completely stop caring about seeing one of them being crushed under a collapsing bridge.

I would help a korean, a jap, a vietnamese a pinoy, no questions asked, but a Chink can go fuck himself.

Harsher winters purified the Japanese race

>thinking they dont do both

japan isnt anime, you know

why do you think their salariman are so stressed? you think backstabbing and powerplay dont exist in japanese society? do you think their farts smell like roses too?

>implying im chinese
>implying mainland chinese are the same as taiwanese
>implying because i dont group all chinese as the same means im chinese
Hoookay there bud. Whatever helps you feel better about yourself. Nice projection and implication. Get a load of this retard. Learn some basic geopolitical knowledge friend.

Does it exist in Japan? Yes, of course it does, simply not to the disgusting extent at which it exists in China, nor in the same fashion.

In Japan and most other countries the stabbing is done by them playing you. You got played, the outmaneuvered you, no your deal isn't as sweet as you may have liked it. The moment all the papers are signed etc. however, you get what was signed for, everytime, without fail.

In China the backstabbing occurs where and whenever, you signed a contract? That's real nice, use it as wallpaper or so because they don't give a shit about it. Chinese are absolute filth.

Also, again, you are from Singapore, you are but an inch away from being Chinese yourself, fuck off.

I've worked with quite a few Chinese and my god they're impolite. They get aggressive the moment something goes wrong, without calmly verifying the situation. The newer generation is better but the old people

I wouldn't wish working with old Chinese hustlers on my worst enemy

Talk about an understatement

The only time a person should go to China out of their own free will is if they plan to kill the Chinese.




Why do chinks love dying (and killing) so much?

>Taiping Rebellion 1850-64
>100,000,000 dead

>Great Chinese Famine 1958-62
>55,000,000 dead

>Three Kingdoms War 220-80AD
>40,000,000 dead

>An Lushan Rebellion 755-63AD
>36,000,000 dead

>Landlord Classicide under Mao 1946-49
>28,000,000 dead

>Laogai Forced Labour System 1945-76
>27,000,000 dead

>Second Sino-Jap War 1937-45
>25,000,000 dead

>Qing Conquest of Ming Dynasty 1616-62
>25,000,000 dead

>Chinese Famine of 1907
>25,000,000 dead

>Dungan Revolt 1862-77
>20,770,000 dead

>Conscription Killings and Famine under CNG 1928-46
>18,522,000 dead

>Conquest of Timur
>17,000,000 dead

>Northern Chinese Famine 1876–79
>13,000,000 dead

>Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 1966-76
>10,000,000 dead

>Famine and Disease in China during Japanese Invasion 1937-45
>10,000,000 dead

>Chinese Civil War 1927-49
>8,000,000 dead

>Yellow Turban Rebellion 184-205AD
>7,000,000 dead


Yes, and that includes you vietcong jungle chinks too

>Chinese Famine of 1936
>5,000,000 dead

>Second Indochina War 1955-75
>3,800,000 dead

>1931 China Floods
>3,700,000 dead

>Chinese Famine of 1928-30
>3,000,000 dead

>Chinese Drought of 1941
>3,000,000 dead

>Three Alls Policy 1940-41
>2,700,000 dead

>Campaign to Suppress Counter-Revolutionaries 1950-51
>2,000,000 dead

>1887 Yellow River Flood
>2,000,000 dead

>Warring States Period 475-221BC
>1,500,000 dead

>Chinese Occupation of Tibet 1950-present
>1,200,000 dead

>Du Wenxiu Rebellion 1856-73
>1,100,000 dead

>Hakka Genocide by Qing Empire 1855
>1,000,000 dead

>Yellow Tiger Massacre 1644-46
>1,000,000 dead

>Warlord Era in China 1900-27
>910,000 dead

>1556 Shaanxi earthquake
>830,000 dead

>1976 Tangshan earthquake
>779,000 dead

>1938 Yellow River flood
>700,000 dead

>Dzungar genocide 1755-58 by Qing/Manchu
>600,000 dead (80% of Dzungar population)

>Typhoon Nina and Dam Failures of 1975
>350,000 dead

What the fuck is wrong with them?

Why you don't just invade China already? Everyone on Earth would be cheering you on, and you'd be doing your part in cleaning the human gene pool.

>implying I care about how the different types of gooks differs
>implying hongers in hongcouver are not subhumans running away from communist subhumans
>implying taiwanese subhumans in hongcouver are not cucks trying to escape military service they are afraid to fight communist subhuman
>implying mainland chink subhuamns are not subhumans trying to funnel their dirty money out of their shit country

No Chung. Only chinks care about differentiating themselves from other chinks. I have the misfortune of living in hongcouver and know enough of them to see it. You are definitely a chink. All of you should get the fuck out of my country. And turn your VPN back on.

Japanese are good business people. My company loves to do business with them as they are always very fair and on time. I think the Japanese and German work culture just fits together pretty good.

On the other hand we have lots of problems doing businesses with companies from China or US. What I dislike about Americans is that they only think about themselves. Example: We need some equipment for a booth stand in the US and contact some American companies who are specialized in that and could help us. Every single one of them promised a lot and they never told us the pricing options even we asked them so often. Right before the deadline they sent us the overpriced cost description. Obviously they hoped that we agreed on it because of a lack of time. Shit is annoying. In Germany or Japan they send us a perfect offer with very fair prices immediatelly.

I never understood Sup Forums's fascination with hating the Chinks. They're a fairly benign threat when compared to more immediate ones, like the degeneracy eating away at our moral fabric, Jews, niggers, shitskins, libs and pinko-fetishists.

Who gives a flying fuck what goes in China?

Hear hear.
Any Germans reading this, learn Japanese, not Chinese. Dealing with Japanese is a fucking relaxing experience compared to dealing with Chinks.

Oy you cheeky cunt.


China is USA's mistake. Uncle Sam must be held responsible.
Moreover, it would be quite hypocritical for Vietnam to unilaterally invade another country, even if that country was China.


(The Vietnam Syndrome: Impact on US Foreign Policy by G. Simons)
> If the enemy makes a violent rush forward, like fire and tempest, it is easy to defeat him. But if he shows patience, like the silkworm nibbling at the mulberry leaf, if he proceeds without haste, refrains from pillaging, and does not seek a quick victory, then we must choose the best generals and effective tactics, as in a chess game.




You're alright in my book Hans.

They are a hivemind that excludes outsiders and thinks that even ethnic Chinese born in the West who can't speak a word of Chinese are one of their own.

For you Nords, maybe. They're the Asian Jews here, always trying to claim our islands from neighbors while doing business and with a subpar quality control and sometimes hazardous imports whilst not paying proper tax for their business here. Also they're the ones smuggling in drugs and contraband around East Asia.


>claim our islands
Kek, the paracels belong to China tho. This is a fact.

The most educated people from China went to Taiwan. The regime they still live today takes away most of their "humanity". Parts of China are very developed and nothing like the stereotype you see. But a lot, a lot of people there are in subhumans conditions, working for cents. You can't expect them to be all smiles. Also Japanese people are mischevious. Just take a look at japanese war crimes, it makes Nazi Germany look like Teletubies. I really like S Korea and Taiwan tho.

On a more serious note, Philippines doesn't even claim the Paracels, retarded chink.


Once you accept the fact that behavior is mostly biologically predetermined, it becomes clear. China, during the communist revolution, murdered their middle class. What remained was the dregs of Chinese culture.

Behavior is heritable.

All those "developed" areas especially vanity projects like Green Housing are practically ghost towns.

They are biologically wired to not give a fuck:

A lot of it is how you're raised tho. Saying it's entirely biologically determined is stupid. (Unless you mean that the upbringing affects their biology as well, because there are many studies showing upbringing is a factor)

>Hong Kong, Singapore
>They are what modern China would be if not for him.
Infested with britshits who refuse to assimilate & force their "muh english" as one of the official & getting special treatment with that? Fuck that, we have the same shit with our fennoswedecucks & because of language problem they generally grow up to be complete arseholes.

The refusal of Western and Christian influence during and post-Qing (Chong) led to Mao and Great Leader Party is Manifest.


>projection constantly
>divide and conquer tactic
>lives in hongcouver
You're more likely to be a chink then me tbqhwy. I mean, living in BC and constantly calling me a chink and whatnot. I live in Halifax m8. Born and bred Newfie. But keep shilling that "everyone who disagrees with me with a leaf flag is a chink" meme. It just makes you look more retarded. Why are you even posting in this thread if you have nothing constructive to contribute? Besides calling me Chung or whatever.

Japan was extremely isolated for god knows how long. I mean, even the Japanese spoken language is extremely different.

1.36 billion*
Saying 1 billion for China is like saying the US has a negative population.

>that have the same roots

Chinese car drivers look down on those who drive motorcycles, because they come from poor backgrounds and once they can afford a car they feel like they are the superior one on the road.

ride motorcycles*

That's not one bit surprising. After all, this is their culture:弱肉強食#Chinese

Eating the weak, literally and figuratively.

Wow dude that Wikipedia discussion was such a good source it blows my mind.

China = Germany
Japan = Poland

Here's my strong suit.

Did a double major in both languages culture, history and film.

Now a big thing to realise is Japan is an island and China was always surrounded by a fuckton of barbarian nations.

Kamekaze, or divine winds kept Japan safe from sea invaders, it pretty much stopped the mongol invasion of Japan.

China has a fucking rich history if you look into it, the T'ang and Sung (Song) dynasties were full of wealth, trade, art, music. It was a paradise during those times. This is during the 400-900 period here. Next came the mongols who fucked up everything with their superior military, horse archers and the like.

Now the mongols weren't so bad, they actually promoted education, the arts and China blossomed still, although under 'foreign' rule. Next came the Ming dynasty which promoted sea travel, exploded trade and was overall beneficial for China.

The downfall started with the Qing (Manchu) dynasty. These were the cunts who made the men shave their heads that weird fucking way, and forced girls to cram their feet into small shoes. They were elitist idealists, smug and complacent as the 1800's came. Then due to the Tea trade (Britain wanted that delicious tea and profits for themselves.) Opium became the main downfall and led to the final emperor of China losing control of China in about 1911 to Britain. From then on a lot of poetry and books written about this depressive time came about. I'm a bit fuzzy on the actual history up to the 1950's when Mao took power and China became communist.

TLDR; China was once a great nation but due to so much interference and limited border control and mainly communism, It became the shithole it is today.


You'd think a collectivist culture would give more of a shit then individualistic ones, very strange. It seems to be the other way around.

Now beliefs also make the Chinese who they are as well. Founded on Confucianism, Fileal Piety (respect for ones elders) was the core principle. Families came first, strongers don't matter.

This is why you see so many spoiled rich cunt Chinese kids. Families care about themselves. Anyone else could die in front of them and they don't care.

Japan is more centered on Shintoism, a but of Buddhism and Christianity is now more common (look for Japs with cross necklaces, more common than you think).

China = Slavs
Japan = People(Western Euros)

Get the book and read it for yourself.

Too many cooks spoil the broth, mate.


Im fucking loling

>Japan a civilized westernized country, China complete inhumane hellhole.

Japan industrialized early, westernized early, and did not experience communism

>Japan polite, China backstabbing thieves who will rob you blind while smiling.

Hundreds of years of Confucianism + per capita GDP

>Japan compassionate, China not even pretending to not see suffering anymore, simply doesn't care while looking it straight in the face.

China and Japan both have really bad animal rights cultures.

>Japan clean, China smog riddled pigstye permanently stuck in the industrial revolution era.

Japan didn't have the option to utilise vast amounts of coal after WW2. They were in a good position to go nuclear instead.

>Japan win every war bar 1, China lost everything ever.

Japan industrialized and westernized very early, putting them at an advantage over all the neighbouring Asian countries. See Jung Chang's book about the Empress Dowager Cixi to find out more about this