Can you explain without memeing.
Why do you hate Jews so much???
Can you explain without memeing.
Why do you hate Jews so much???
Other urls found in this thread:
They have no morals. Isn't that enough reason
/pol loves jews. this is a star trek fan board
What does race have anything to do with morals?
Bad morals have to do with education and culture, not race.
They make porn of black men fucking white women.
They starve ukrainians to death and then tell them that it was done by russians
Synagogue of Satan has spoken!
Cause the Jews are taught that nonJews arent human and that they don't have to treat them with respect.
George Soros, the Rockefeller's, the Rothschild's are all Jewish with billions maybe trillions between them and are doing nothing to help the people.
No, they fucking aren't. What is wrong with you?
You are probably confusing extreme ultra-orthodox Jews with normal ones.
If so, that means they are bad people. Nothing to do with race, and doesn't represent all Jews.
Yeah they fucking are scumbag. And even if not all Jews are the shit crosses over from other sects.
>asks why everyone hates jews
Why I'm not surprised?
But that was commies. And it wasn't just Jews, it was also Russians, Ukrainians, Georgians.
You can't blame whole nation for the deeds of some bad people.
So you can't blame Germany for the Nazis. You can't blame America for killing the Natives either or for slavery.
And especially in the case of USSR. Because those people took the power by force.
Unlike Hitler for example, because Germans voted for him. So they must pay.
Culture is a racial construct. Accept Christ.
Go fuck yourself. Russians are fucking. At least Germans weren't stupid enough to murder 50 million of their own people like Russians. If you side with the Russians then you deserved the Ukrainian genocide. And btw Hitler appointed himself chancellor. Stalin killed so many more than Hitler ever did and it's not even close.
Russians are fucking dumb.
Russians literally starved Ukraine and you still side with them? You fucking cuck. Germans were considered liberators when they came through Ukraine.
I think I speak for most of Sup Forums when I say we don't "hate Jews". Most Jews are normal, good people. However most of the people we hate are Jews and most things we hate are Jewish.
Most rapists are men, correct? So does that mean most men are rapists? Of course not.
Does it make sense?
Most questions on Sup Forums (e.g. "Why do white flee to the suburbs?") have three answers: 1) shitskins; 2) women; or 3) Jews. The thing is though, that #3 is more often than not pulling the strings behind #1 and #2.
If you follow anything destructive or subversive back to its source, you'll find Jews. For example, 9/11, pornography, communism, political correctness, women's lib, feminism, miscegenation, immigration, lying media, etc.
It's fine to talk about overrepresentation of white men in the workplace and how to change it. We need to be able to talk in the same way about the overrepresentation of Jews in the highest echelons of society - banking, media, academia - and the effects this has.
This is main issue I have with Jews myself. You're not allowed to criticise or question them. That is the #1 issue as far as I'm concerned. They have been criticising and subverting white, Christian culture for decades, but we can't turn the spotlight on them or we're bigots, apparantly.
Jesus, fuck.
While it's not as extreme as Sup Forums pushes it, jews tend to only look after their own rather then looking after the whole community. During the potato famine, jews in ireland would share food with other jews, leading to a lot of irish disliking them.
The fact that they control the entirety of the media and banking system whilst accounting for a tiny percentage is something else entirely.
>Most Jews are normal, good people
That's where you're wrong.
>Bad morals have to do with education and culture, not race.
Oh OK......
So where do education and culture come from?
death to all jews
You think? I've known a couple of Jews in person. They were fine.
Do you think they all meet once a month for a baby sacrifice and hooded-robed discussion about how to trick the goyim?
Joking aside what do you think?
They're all antiwhite scumbags.
Because I'm a self-hating Jew ._.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
This mountain nigger gets it
Definitely not race. Good moral education is ideological thing. Culture is based on a lot of things, like nationality.
To be honest? Jews used to (and sometimes still) be egoistic because they disliked non-Jews. Today, among most non-religious Jews (Huge majority) Judaism doesn't matter. In Israel people tend to identify as citizens of Israel first and Jewish second. No one is plotting against non Jews.
That white guys like to watch. Don't blame others for your kinks.
When did Stalin become Jewish?
He was studying to be a fucking othodox priest.
Your narrative needs work.
It's easier to blame all our problems on single, simple issues. Communists blame the bourgeois, libertarians blame the government, and the alt-right blames the Jews.
Where do ideologies and nationality come from?
(Humour me)
Every single one?
I could point out how 90% of the 1919 German communist revolution leaders were Jewish, how affirmative action was a Jewish creation in both Canada and in the USA, how they were the driving force behind opening our borders, how the lawsuits that allowed near unrestricted abortion in our countries were both lead by kikes or hell I could lay out the thousands of hooked noses behind the drug/porn/tranny degeneracy they target our children with. But I won't. Rather i'll ask that whenever someone in this thread witnesses societal/political rot ask yourself, and don't be afraid to do some digging if necessary, if a certain sunken eyed inbred tribe is behind it.
Sup Forums calls this taking the redpill and it ruins everyone as it's impossible to stop seeing the (((coincidences)))
Nobody blames every Jew for the actions of the overwhelming majority but it's still an undeniable fact that most of the dire issues we face in our nations simply wouldn't exist if Jews weren't here. Jewish influence is overwhelming negative and they've overstayed their welcome, time for the chosen people to go to their chosen land. No exceptions.
because diaspra jews are traitors were ever they live.
only israeli zionist jews are worth trusting.
Ideologies come from various things. While some are based on race, others are based on the people, the government, and such.
Nationality can be a race thing, but it also not like it by definition. An African American can be proud of his nationality, just like a white American.
Fuck off. Children see that shit you disgusting ape sex promoter. Jews have undermined the white race.
He was 1/4 Jewish.
Jews are just the bogey man.
If you didn't have them to blame you'd have to take responsibility for your own problems.
Just like black blame whitey, whitey blames the Jews.
Personally I hate you all and wish my ancestors had bashed your pilgrim heads in with a rock and burned your damn ships.
Serves us right for not killing you when we had the chance.
Also I find it pretty funny that a Ukrainian is pretending not to be redpilled. Your country was just taken over by Jew President Valtzman and Jew Prime Minister Groysman.
See something in common? What about with the three people held chiefly responsible for this?
(((Gengrikh Yagoda))), (((Lazar Kaganovich))), and Vlacheslav Molotov, yeah that molotov, which wasn't Jewish but sure enough was married to a very prominent kike. I can thank the holols out west for making our teachers teach us this shit.
No you go fuck yourself. You disgusting faggot nigger lovers force that shit.
Probably less than you then.
They were always a cohesive international entity working outside the bounds of nations. Their interests are still served by reducing the power of nations and encouraging globalism. They are still the specific individuals today actively moving us toward globalism, reducing my freedom, capabilities and influence.
As if we wouldn't have been 10 times more bloodthirsty had you had done that.
do secular/zionist jews generally frown upon the Talmud and Torah?
I'm 3% Jewish. So no.
>lives in a country where 16 million of his kin were intentionally murdered by Jews
>why do white people hate Jews?
Read up on your own history, kid.
Exactly! So race is definitely a factor. Of course it doesn't account for everything or apply to everybody. But it's still a huge factor.
Twin / adoption studies show things like IQ are at least 50% heritable.
Please can I ask you something - are you Jewish? Do you feel like a different group to non-Jews, like you have a strong sense of Jewish identity?
Stalin wasn't Jewish but his son married a kike and Stalin had many Jewish affairs according to Jewish publications.
You're forgetting Stalin wasn't supposed to take over. Marx the founder of communism was a kike, Lenin the founder of the soviet union was a kike, and Lenins chosen successor Trotsky was a kike. Nobody really knows how Stalin felt about the Jews. There were estimates in the 1980's that up to 30% of his purge victims were Jews.
Why you mad bro? If your ashamed then just throw your collection out!
Israel completely BTFO'd the le chosen meme. Poorer than most post-Soviet countries despite having more foreign investment than Spain & Italy combined, ranks consistently among the top three in the OECD when it comes to corruption both perceived and convicted and it's the only country where immigrants are on average poorer after ten years.
Where the hell did all the idf qts go?
>Cares about jews or having any affection
Or you are the only one or youre shitposting either way.
Why you hate russia so much? That you make propaganda about it and brainwash kids to hate everything that isnt hohol.
Hohol are not logical. And you're women are even more dumb then you.
t.1/4 hohol
Shut your mouth you sick kike. I know a Jew who paid a black guy to fuck him up the ass. Guess you aren't impervious to your own perversion micro dick kike. You perverted freak. This is why the Holocaust should have happened. This is why people hate Jews.
You never clued in to why they post the same four 75% European girls? Fly into tel aviv and the results of 2000 years of inbreeding will make you sick to your stomach, you will immediately realize why the Jewish press calls rural hard working whites inbreds.
I'll agree with this. What we need is to define that sub-segment of the jewish race that is the Synagogue of Satan. Because I'll tell you what. This Globalism thing WILL explode and common folks will be looking for heads to chop off. If we don't differentiate the 90% of the innocent who call themselves "jews" from the 10% that need to be gassed then we will be just as bad as that 10%.
Shut your mouth you sick kike. I know a Jew who paid a black guy to fuck him up the ass. Guess you aren't impervious to your own perversion micro dick kike. You perverted freak. This is why the Holocaust should have happened. This is why people hate Jews. You're freaks.
Some do, some don't. Generally a lot of them see it as the major cause of problems for Jews for centuries, as the religious Jews weren't willing to take action and decided to wait for god. Then the Zionists came, and proved that god won't help us - we should help ourselves.
Irreligion is also pretty common
It is a factor, yes. But it's not all.
I'm Jewish, yeah, but I feel human before Jewish. I'm obligated to all humans, not just Jews.
Nobody blames every Jew for the actions of the overwhelming majority but it's still an undeniable fact that most of the dire issues we face in our nations simply wouldn't exist if Jews weren't here. Jewish influence is overwhelming negative and they've overstayed their welcome, time for the chosen people to go to their chosen land. No exceptions.
When looking at this and society in general we must remember they are 1-2% of the population. Only when looking at the sheer odds can we understand the level of subversion and nepotism.
>One Jew is.. 1:50
>Two Jews in a row without nepotism is.. 1:2500
>Three Jews in a row without nepotism is.. 1:125,000
>Four Jews in a row without nepotism is.. 1:6,250,000
>Five Jews in a row without nepotism is.. 1:312,500,000
>Six Jews in a row without nepotism is.. 1:15,625,000,000
>Seven Jews in a row without nepotism is.. 1:781,250,000,000
I've never seen a lineup of more homely broads anywhere, holy God
>Twin / adoption studies show things like IQ are at least 50% heritable.
This is not true. Studies in the US and Europe show that intelligence is 85% heritable and only 15% environmental.
Jewish men are short and weak as fuck and have small dicks and you know it. Nordics are tall and strong.
If you read Talmud, and Quran for that matter, then you will see that they are against you.
Both books, Talmud and Quran, are racist books, their followers/supporters are too, but somehow they get away with it.
Wagner liked the religious jews because they weren't afraid to hide their true selves, he hated the athiest jews because they disguise themselves as natives and native subvert culture to their ways.
Go back to fucking your sister and working at walmart brownshirt.
See there you go. Another inbred kike calling a hard working white man an inbred. This is why they do it.
I dont. Doesn't matter though. Since I'm on Sup Forums I'm obligated to say that the jews did everything wrong in society.
Nice completely innacurate insults you micropenis chink faggot.
>This is main issue I have with Jews myself. You're not allowed to criticise or question them. That is the #1 issue as far as I'm concerned. They have been criticising and subverting white, Christian culture for decades, but we can't turn the spotlight on them or we're bigots, apparantly.
EXACTLY. And what does it produce? BLOWBACK.
Just as this culture war in the west will produce the mother of all blowbacks. Decades of being muzzled ,and scorned, and mocked will come to a head like an abscess ready to burst.
It will be of their own making too. Stupid, stupid idea to muzzle criticism. It doesn't "just go away". It magnifies and grows, under pressure.....
Daily reminder that czechs are subhumans
Because they are subversive fags and nepotists, they alienate the native people from its own countries and they don't fully integrate like normal people
No wonder will they were expelled inumerous times
He's not a Czech, he's an American or Israeli kike trying to divide and conquer. I grew up in Prague and I never heard one person call another an inbred, and it's always kikes using this term to distract from their devastating inbreeding over the last 2000 years.
Here's the process:
There are general things we dislike
We notice an example, some thing that we dislike
As it happens, we look into this particular thing, and we note that the particular person behind it is Jewish
We go "Hm, okay"
This repeats 1000 times. Result: hating Jews.
Try this yourself. What do you hate? Have you checked if the people behind it are Jews or not?
The majority of the communists that took over Russia during the revolution were jews
Excellent post. Couldn't have put it together as well as you have,.....
Kike isn't a race, it's a religion.
Religion is literally just a set of morals.
Checkmate coin clipper.
Because they deserve it.
You wouldn't have to work so hard if you pulled your head out of your ass.
Being Jewish is both a race and (optionally) a religion.
Nobody respects you.
I find it pretty funny that a (((Ukrainian))) is pretending not to be redpilled. Your country was just taken over by Jew President Valtzman and Jew Prime Minister Groysman.
See something in common? What about with the three people held chiefly responsible for this?
(((Gengrikh Yagoda))), (((Lazar Kaganovich))), and Vyacheslav Molotov, yeah that molotov, which wasn't Jewish but sure enough was married to a very prominent kike. I can thank the ukes out west for making our teachers teach us this shit.
Wow, you are one dumb stormfag.
You're on Sup Forums faggot. No amount of JIDF stormfag posting is going to subvert and change this board from being aware of the Jewish issue. That was the whole purpose of this 'containment board' in the first place.
Jews had no right to Ukraine just as they had no right to Germany. They were refugees, guests allowed in because their situations would have been hopeless otherwise. Jews would repay Ukraine for taking them in by famining millions of its people in the 1930's and by raping it into the ground in the 1990's, turning it into a modern third world country. This Jewish rape of their former saviors continues at the rate of tens of billions of dollars every single year to this very day.
Except that the jews themselves refer to their clan as a race you idiot.
Stop playing checkers with chess players.
Because they hate everyone who is not a Jew (even though they like to pretend otherwise). Cultural Marxism is just a ploy to destroy cultural identity so the goy can be more easily subverted while (((they))) retain theirs.
It's dumb to point out that Russians starved millions of Ukrainians(Holomodor) and then purged tens of millions of there own people. Nice argument. How's life on 3000 dollars a year?
I could point out how 90% of the 1919 German communist revolution leaders were Jewish, how affirmative action was a Jewish creation in both Canada and in the USA, how they were the driving force behind opening our borders, how the lawsuits that allowed near unrestricted abortion in our countries were both lead by kikes or hell I could lay out the thousands of hooked noses behind the drug/porn/tranny degeneracy they target our children with. But I won't. Rather i'll ask that whenever someone in this thread witnesses societal/political rot ask yourself, and don't be afraid to do some digging if necessary, if a certain sunken eyed inbred tribe is behind it.
Sup Forums calls this taking the redpill and it ruins everyone as it's impossible to stop seeing the (((coincidences)))
Because I hate Ukrainians, too
I'm going to redpill people on islam being a creation of the roman catholic church one user at a time.
Its the edgy thing to do.