Why atheism memes aren't even a bit funny?

Why atheism memes aren't even a bit funny?

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Atheism is a forced meme

don't u find it funny when u know that the creator of this will burn in hell? :3

at this moment, i am euforic...

That nigger obviously isn't a true, devout Christian.

Reading your post actually put a smile in my face so yeah
>mfw all those who do evil to others will be punished
They may live a happy long rich life but judgment will come if not in this life then the next one

that's funny as hell though.

the last one would be "thank you jesus for punishing niggers". blacks rob and murder in the west so god punishes them in africa

Because smart people lack humor?

fuck off kike

Reminder that you can't call yourself redpilled if you worship the jew on a stick.
It is literally the complete antithesis to being redpilled.

>Jesus was sent to earth to literally fight against jews and their devilish plans
Tip harder.

jesus lost deal with it drumpfkins

you cannot, with a straight face, tell me that children worshiping Iron Man is somehow better than worshiping jesus christ

What I pull from this image is Jesus cares more about a white guy winning a football game than niggers starving. He clearly has his priorities straight

Jesus was a commie kike and the Bernie Sanders of his day.

Do you think Christianity spread because of word of mouth?
It was allowed to spread because (((they))) want it to be spread. The whole thing is just a Jewish fabrication.

The entire point of Christianity is to make the white man weak and feel guilty.

>jesus helps kill niggers
>somehow this is meant to make a case against jesus

i don't get it.

wrong, smart people are better at humor and athesits have low iq's alot of the time

This, desu.

>The Holy Bible tells how jews want to kill evey Jesus follower
Yeah, totally (((their))) plan.

I meant every, sorry.

Jews are promoting atheism
50% of jews are atheist
Even atheist sites admit most atheist are liberals and attack anyone that doesn't share their blue pilled ideas and opinions

>still not knowing that Jews lie about everything
>still trusting anything they say

Do you not get that creating a false victim complex is one of the things they are the best at?

>tfw string theory proves the existence of God


There's nothing wrong with being atheist. The true creator of the universe hasn't been discovered yet.
And when it is, it won't be Yahweh.

Athiest usually aren't the most well rounded individuals... IQ isn't everything goys.

Why can't shitskins properly form a question in English?

It proves the existance of some sort of god. Not your dick-cutting jew god.

Why do christians always make the leap of logic that "Some god must exist" means "My god definitely exists?"

Everything you're saying is right, but if I abandon Christ I feel like a degenerate and I'm aimless as shit. Can't do it. I'll stay cucked tyvm

i thought this was an anti-atheism thread friendo

>Muh jew on a stick meme!
>No I haven't read the bible and know a single thing about Christianity besides all the hearsay i've heard but I certainly have a better understanding about it then Christians do. Haha btfo niggers!

So you are saying that jews wrote Bible and spread Christianity to make jews look like victims?
This is beyond tin-foil hat levels.

Christcucks are the most easily triggered faggots on this website

Just admit youre a retard using social welfare as a crutch and that said crutch is rehashed paganism that worships a kike on a stick

Its a political ideology, not a religious one


Same reason the far left suck so bad at it; they know no truth to meme , therefore their sense of humor has become warped beyond all recognition.


Why are Christkikes so stupid that they think, not kiketian or religious = fedoralord atheist?

that's funny though

(another You)

Most atheists who aren't retarded accept there might be some sort of higher being responsible for the universe.

They don't accept that he sends you to hell for masturbating.

Considering all of atheism's hero's are overwhelmingly jews

Yes it is

Beg me, Christkike

I'll pray for you

He wasn't any political affiliation. That's like some faggot leftist perverting Christianity to suit their needs/views. Like some mobster praying to God to let their rivals die in an accident. That's not how it fucking works.

Also if it's a jew invention, why are they so offended by Jesus Christ?
Why do israelis take the bottom half off a plus symbol because of it's resemblance to a cross?
Why do jewish comedians like Sarah Silverman always make jokes about killing Christ?
Why did jewish feminists perfofm a mock abortion on Mary if they love Christianity so much?
Why were the Bolsheviks so hell bent on genociding Christians?
Why is Hollywood so anti Christian?

(third You)

I'll fart upside down for you

>Most atheists who aren't retarded accept there might be some sort of higher being responsible for the universe.

friend I think you don't understand the word "atheist"

Literally every Christian in the last 1000+ years has perverted Christianity to suit their own needs.

Do you really think any Christians today practice what the homeless Hebrew guy actually taught 2 millennia ago?

Why do you think it's impossible that someone could have a useful idiot?

>then the next one
But there's no such thing, you retarded Christcuck.

I always love this meme.

>Jews created Christianity and Islam
>For no other reason than to persecute themselves for millennia
>They unironically outnumbered themselves by the billions
>For no other reason than so they could destroy both religions millennia in the future

It's literally as ridiculous as the Yakub meme.

>The entire point of Christianity is to make the white man weak and feel guilty.

The same Christianity that saved Europe and made Europeans what they were? Yeah, they really got raped in the Crusades.
Please just gas yourself. Knowing that your stealing oxygen that someone worthwhile could be breathing is insulting.

Atheism memes want to create some guilt in me...well it's not working

Theism =/= an objective estimate about a higher power.

Sure, there are retard atheists who got molested by their pastor and legitimately think there's no creature higher than humanity. But most "atheists", aka, non-religious people, aren't that stupid. I hope.

Yes I am saying that.

You still haven't realized that everything is a Jewish trick yet, so please lurk for 6 more months before posting again.

Atheists are pretentious retards but that's not a bad image macro.

Stop acting like a kid.
Maybe jews are responsible for a lot of bad things in the world, but you are just acting retarded.

((You)) earned these.

The devout do, people stronger then me.

So are you saying they're useful idiots now?

Sure you got some good evidence to back that up, right? right? Dipshit.

Keep telling yourself that, antichristfaggot.

it's funny how Americunt Christians pray before eating food, like God gave it to them, and then there are billions of starving people in the world. How cunty are they?

>Sure you got some good evidence to back that up, right? right? Dipshit.
Let's take a look at the bible, shall we? Which, by the way, has been stripped down and rebuilt for political reasons at least a few times.

How many christians do you know that give up 10% of their wealth to the church? How many have given everything to the poor? how many turn the other cheek?

None of the ones on Sup Forums that's for fucking sure.

keep going family i support you

I fucking lol'd

atheists have the same infantile view of God that christians/muslims/jews do

Of course I read the Bible.

But I know you haven't, because the quickest way to realize Christianity is a crock of shit is to actually read the Bible.

If you actually tell me you made it past Leviticus and Deuteronomy, you're lying.

The jews were literally the first group of people to persecute Christians.

this is fucking great. Fuck those low IQ swine in Africa.

>Which, by the way, has been stripped down and rebuilt for political reasons at least a few times
I never knew you were alive for 2 thousand years.
>How many christians do you know that give up 10% of their wealth to the church?
Well, I certainly don't count how much I give to the church, but I definitely give something every month.
>How many have given everything to the poor?
Not everything in The Bible has literal meaning.
In this case it's "money isn't everything in life"
>How many turn the other cheek?
This also has hidden meaning.
It's "respect other opinions but don't be weak"

Jews today also paint swastikas on synagogues and destroy their own cemeteries.

Everything they do is a subversion of a subversion. Nothing they do has mere surface value. There is always ulterior motives behind their actions.

I thought Sup Forums was redpilled on the semitic people but I guess not.

WTF I love Jesus now

>worshipping the same god that Jews and Muslims worship
Fucking pathetic desu

Much of the New Testament was written by unreliable secondhand sources. Paul (Saul) was an unrepentant Jew that is historically accepted to have never met Jesus.

>Leviticus/Deutornomy being the books of Jewish laws
>Not going by New Testament works of Christ which overturns so much of Old Testament


Jesus don't like niggers.

To scared of death, are we? :^)

The New Testament is only like 20% of the text of the Bible.
You can't just pick and choose
>Well this part is Jewish so just disregard that.

Either you follow it all, or you follow none of it.

>Spacing like a redditor.
Oh did you? You going to say you were a Christian/Catholic too? Get the fuck out of here with your "europhic/enlightened" bullshit.

This Christians are just scared of dying because they are insecure fucks

>10% of their wealth

I do. And frankly I don't care what the majority of people do. If someone can't give 10% because every dime counts right now or someone can't give 10% because they're a greedy son of a bitch that doesn't realize we have only what we're given, that's not my business.

>Giving everything to the poor

Jesus said that with regards to a ludicrously wealthy man to illustrate the point of being attached to material things getting in the way of salvation.
>we literally despise zionist elites on this board for their blind pursuit of material wealth at the expense of everyone's well-being

>turn the other cheek

Can't comment on this lol been in a few fights as a young boy

>Bible stripped down and rebuilt

So you've carefully been following the Bible over the past 1900-odd years it's formally existed. Right. If it's been rebuilt over and over again, why would it leave in the more nasty stuff from, say, Deuteronomy or Leviticus? Don't you think they could have just whisked some of that stuff and made every aspect of every passage of the Bible just super peaches-and-cream perfect to everyone?

>spacing like a redditor
I'm completely unfamiliar with this concept.
Do people on reddit space? I only do it because people here complain about huge walls of text and the human eye is more likely to read something if it's spaced out.

I don't think they realize that Africa has been a Jesus rejection nation since.. well, forever.

That's why they are in such horrible condition.

Even in the old teatemant their ancestors were being punished. God had to send the Jews out there to anihalate their cities multiplied times due to perversion.

wew lad

Old Testament (or covenant) is a set of rules given to God's people before Christ delivered us from sin.

New Testament is the new covenant after He came down.

It's not "all of it or none it", it's literally "these are what the rules were, this is what they are now". The New Testament is still very specific about its rules, but the New Testament overturns circumcision as being necessary, makes no mention of mixed fibers in clothing, etc.

>strawman aside


I do not think you know the extent of what is being discussed here.

The jews tried to exterminate Jesus and his followers because he threatened their power. The people loved Jesus until the rabbi had started to persecute him, eventually causing enough commotion to get the Romans involved. Pontius Pilate, the man who gave the go ahead for the Crucifixion, even gave the people a choice as there was serious concern that he was crucifying a holy man.

The Jews painted out Jesus as a blasphemer, while manipulating the public. They hated everything he stood for, such as reaching out to the sinful and trying to make good people out of them.

>Oh vey, shut it down!: The prequel


Thank god I'm not a broke ass nigga


The Pharisees and Sadducees were literally the Jewish spiritual elite, and they despised Jesus. They hated him because they couldn't control him and he tried to keep people close to God more than he tried to keep them close to the Sanhedrin.

Incidentally, they were also the ones who got Judas to betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver

Is there a name for that mask's face meme?

I don't carefully have to follow the bible to know it's been stitched together worse than a chink apartment. The constitution is 300 years old and gets corrupted all the fucking time, You really think what you see in the bible, 2000 years ago, isn't politically censored or modified?

Can anyone here pill me on faith and god?

They are spawned from anger, that's why.

Is a retarded concept. Why would you believe in something without any evidence? Because it makes you feel fuzzy? literally the definition of delusional.
There might be some kind of being that can describe God in the universe. But he ain't done shit since creating it and he clearly doesn't give a fuck about humanity.

>most of the intelligent people are athiests
how is this not a pro-athiest post. i dont give a fuck what anyone believes if they arent 90th percentile intelligence

If you want to be successful and happy in life, believe in God.
Nice fedora tipping there.

People below 70 IQ are literally too retarded to understand religion. that doesn't count as being atheist.

Prove to me that god intervened once in human history and I'll convert to christianity in a heartbeat


Lol follow your kike God and turn the other cheek, beta bitch

I laughed, but dead niggers amuse me. Also nice strawman. Troll harder, Ahmed.