What will his next move be, Sup Forums?

What will his next move be, Sup Forums?

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The global implementation of Shia Law...

kill himself on top of a flag pole

We'll steal the body.



hes gonna got to a more anti-american country to avoid resistance, i bet maybe egypt, just a wild guess.

Setting up communes for his followers.

he will probably tell everyone that james alefantis is the son of baroness philippine rothschild

>The moon
>A steel box surrounded by 30 armed guards

I could've sworn he was moving it to Finland

I heard a rumor that they're setting up in Finland

You Mongols know what to do

alright so yet again a pretty easy target

Intel places his next move as taking HWNDU to Finland. We shall see.

Should we plan ahead for this capture? What about making a "KEK WILL UNITE US" flag to level the playing field?



Nunavut, pol needs a challenge

that would be top level bantz, and we know he knows what that means, i bet hes lurking this thread right now.

that warms my little heart

He'll put his flag in the Islamic Museum of Decapitation in Raqqa.

>HWNDU season 11
>the flag is in raqqa
>Sup Forums must learn and become profeciant at combat to get the flag

In theory it would be great, but since the international tour of HWNDU, anons across the globe are trying to go to for world record of dividing Shia. Since the new seasons don't get announced until it's live, he's getting divided so fast it'll probably be slim chances someone replaces the flag with a meme flag unless the divider has it on hand beforehand. A Kek flag would most likely never happen but I could see someone putting up a confederate flag that is equally triggering.

If anyone needs to buy memeflags it needs to be Finland or Alaska as those are the two rumored HWNDU locations.

Do Finnish people have Spurdo-sparde flags hanging in their room? I'm sure a few do.

To the moon


Set it up in Antartica.

...unless there's polar bear Sup Forumsacks too.

If we made a flag, where would be the best position for it? Or do we just make a fuckton of flags and put them all over the world?


It seems this is what he is doing now.

