
Btw i made this map

Why would we not gas every Jerseybird?

A thousand years of Pennsreich!


Come home white man

bump since the old thread died

West Chester faggot rejoining everything Pennsreich discussion.

pls no

t. new jersey

Pennsreich best Reich

Pittsburgh / State College here

penn threads best threads

>north jersey
>try to be new york
>new york hates you
>south jersey
>try to be pa
>pa hates you

How can one state be so much failure? You will not be spared the gas.

chester county best county

Previous thread we annexed more territory in New York.

I recommend we annex West Virginia as they are our Appalachian brethren.

There's a clandestine nationalist organization at PSU you should join

Schuylkill here, still waiting for someone else from my county to learn to use a computer.

this man knows whats up

What's there for a poorfag to do in north Butler county and surrounding counties?

How would I do that?

Keep the Negroes out of the North Hills. It's bad enough I've started seeing illegals now too.


The only good county is a shore county. Pic related

I have never heard of you

My Rascal ain't gonna go off road.

The true, Old Dominion

White supremacist are so weak.

Go home and discuss with Mom. She can help you bois.

There's probably good reason for that.


>doesn't understand difference between Pennsylvania thread and natsoc thread

Do shills even try anymore?

replaced the copied california skin with a real Pennsylvania

Join a shooting club, hunt, shitpost?

This please


Lehigh County here. The most bipolar county in this fucking state I swear. We have Allentown that's basically mini-Phili but without the good food. Then the rest is farmland and hicks.

You serious?

west chester?
im from warwick
hows it going?

just gotta stay away from the black areas

cough coatsville and downingtown cough

Can't get drunk and ride roller coasters in Philly though.

Looks fairly new. Followed anyway. You in it?

Wasn't Coatsville the heroin capitol of the state at one point?

would not surprise me, ton of blacks running around, grandmother had to move her shop from midtown they're so wild

dorney park. my nigga

Downingtown isn't that bad. It's trashy, but at least it's white trashy instead of nigger trashy and some of the surrounding areas are actually pretty nice. I grew up in Glenmoore which is right outside of Downingtown. Coatesville is a shithole though and needs to burn.

Doubt heroin. Nobody will decrown Philly of that title. I could definitely see it being crack though.

>Pennsylvania is the only state that has successful daily threads

Ocean County reporting in.

No but I met some of them at the philly rally they're /ourguys/

Our glorious Reich will thrive user.

Once we purge NJ we can take the full of our army against Ohio.

>wanting to border Canada

Ohio is bro. Should collaborate with them to destroy jew york.


Thanks for the info

Pajeet and Wong will pay for the wall

Or own Cleveland.

>Coatesville is a shithole though and needs to burn.

my grandparents raised my dad there and they are obscenely racist now because of it, i really dont blame them. grandfather sits on the porch every night south of town watching niggers drive by and keeping an eye on their african born neighbors who probably run a drug ring out of their house

i wish i was making this up lol

Ohio and Indiana are honorary Pennsylvanian though

MJGA and nuke the I-95 corridor

That would give too much power to New Jersey. Philly, while we hate it, is our economic colossus. Some serious reform is underway for the place though.

its just off of that border
plus penn already borders canada on the extended water border
if some good artist could make that blob just philly county that would be grand


A higher percentage of Jerseyites voted for Trump than New Yorkers, kys.

ohio is full of muslims and blacks

Fucking jagoff, why would you ever think to include Ohio

Wagner 2018

Mahoning Country maybe but even that's a stretch.

Ohio and Indiana will united to Take out Michigan and West Virginia with military force. Ohio already made Michigan our bitch and we'll do it again.

I can understand why. Coatesville doesn't have long though. The surrounding areas are growing incredibly more intolerant of nigger shenanigans. My buddies in Honey Brook used to drive around Coatesville in their trucks flying confederate flags just to rowdy up the local monkeys.

Even the third reich had allies, user.

>tfw Mercer


West Virginia is rightful Reich clay and will be annexed soon

We /moth man/ now

>West Virginia
>Wanting to kill our Appalachian brothers

Jesus Christ your English is trash, no wonder everyone hates Ohio.
A pretty big stretch, but it's still in Ohio.

oi nia can a conservative German Illinoisfag join you

north west chesco is like that
over here in warwick we've got trailer parks in knauertown and north warwick village
its like the nigger part without any niggers

Refer to

Come home white man

West Virginia is the most shameful excuse for a state that there is. It's not New Jersey tier where they need to be gassed, but they need to be overrun and shown that knocking your sister up 20 times is not acceptable.

fuck off, we're full

and i am serious about the no nigger thing
warwick township has literally 0 black people
source: census bureau website

I can just imagine them chimping out lmao, wonderful thought. Whenever I visit we take the family cobra out to show off to the chimps, make them aware of where they stand in society

You're not full if you take everything east of the Mississippi

> Philly in background
> Sheetz cup on table

Lemme tell you something. When I was a kid I went on a family vacation to Myrtle Beach and had to drive through West Virginia. At 2 in the morning while stopped at a gas station I saw a band of kids on skateboards and bikes steal a stop sign.


Warwick is great. My ex lived in Elverson. So peaceful out that way.


Hunterdon is redeemable (remove mexicans from Flemington)

Hi vahagn

elverson is nice despite the roads
warwick is one part of pennsylvania which the roads dont suck
i swear
just look at valley way (road) and tell me whether you trust warwick or east nantmeal with a road

Where kennametal engineers are born. But average land cost 70k an acre. It's beautiful rolling hills. I'm so proud to live here.

They're not ideal but easy recruiting.

>grow up in western montana
>family in chester county
>visit in summers
>wish I grew up in chester cuz people are just better than the mountain people here

there is also nothing for me to make of myself here, at least its pretty, spacious and devoid of black people

I wouldn't trust East Nantmeal with anything except for butchering a deer. That's some deep woods shit. Fucking love Ludwig's Corner though. Great spot for taking dates and you never see niggers there.

except i prefer the sunoco in bucktown to the one in ludwigs
although i do go to the horse show every labor day
i show my hunt's fox hounds

Chester county is bretty gud

I remember the early 90's when Lionville was practically a farm


My family is from up there in Mar Lin

Trump country

Who will be our Trump?

Or will he just be invited to wield power?

Parts of PA like where I'm from are still about 80% German... This is on the southern side of the blue ridge from Harrisburg up to New Jersey

North of the ridge it's Slavs

I made a map about this several years ago that enjoyed brief popularity

Opinion on AJs?

Area's grown a lot, that's for sure. One of the downsides is that we've grabbed the attention of the poo in the loos who have begun to move in at an exponential rate. You can't go to one shopping center anymore without there being at least one poo grocery store or restaurant.

old owner left but the pizzas still good
almost had a mafia pizza but had to leave for the bus
although ive been to tony joes (the old owners new place) and their pizza is amazing
i also love the ridge
i rarely go there but when i do its amazing

curryniggers arent that bad imo