College, is it worth it?

Is College really worth it?

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Fuck no, get a trade.

No. You'll go into debt just to be brainwashed.

i mean, if ur too stupid and want to keep being poor

i guess not

Not for me, no. I couldn't get an internship and now I can't get any callbacks for a desk job.

What if Im shit at math?

Only if your doing a hands on technical course. I would suggest some kind of computing I.e cyber security, software Dev or networking.

Everything you ever need to learn is taught up to 4th grade.

fpbp. If you go work a desk job you might as well kill yourself. It's the most soul crushing, unmanly shit imaginable.

you could work for my cousin he is a goat doctor he specializes in goat asshole surgery


every body is bad at math man i still dont know how many crayola pencils my cousin shoved up my asshole till this day

Are you applying to schools right now?

what is a loaf of bread to a starving man?

If you didn't get scholarships, you're too dumb to be on a college campus anyway. Don't be one of the lemmings that goes to college despite being a dumbass just so they can go into debt for a borderline-worthless degree.

If you're dedicated and you know yourself, then it is possible to put in the hard work to actually getting a good degree, regardless of how retarded you are. How retarded you are just affects how hard you'll have to study. Pick Math/CS/Engineering (not civil). Alternatively if you're a dude, going to Nursing school or getting a degree in Nursing is also a pretty solid option as far as money/stability goes, but it's pretty brutal work, even if it's a lot more mindless than those others.

I've already been accepted to all the schools I've applied to, just don't know if it's really worth it

your tounge is the dingo and my ass is the baby start eating

The vast majority of degrees are utterly worthless. If you do go, just fucking choose wisely user.

Most schools literally require nothing more than a pulse to get into. If you didn't get scholarships then it's almost certainly not worth it, unless you're prepared to follow my plan B I outlined here:

Division and factoring are pretty important in the real world.

School just sucks at encouraging you to learn yourself. Every book I had to read for class was discussed in the most mundane way. Theres so much more in a book than the plot points. the motives of characters and intent of the author was never important.

Top fucking Kek
CanI get a quick Redpill on trades then? Where do I go to get one? I'm sorry I'm so ignorant on this, pic related is me


Depends on you entirely.

I've learned more about US history from a single book than a whole year of school

man college isnt real its all a conspiracy man rebel and stick it too the man they are trying to brain wash us with this global warming and collage stuff yeah man we should chill sometimes and be broskis yeah man ill let you fuck me in the ass no home tho and no dick touching cuz that would be gay yeah bro so my number is 1800 i aint gay

I don't know shit about trades, my man. But as someone who spent 10 years in undergrad and postgrad work and lectured at a university for ~7 years, I know a lot about how uni is and the common pitfalls of your average undergrad idiots.

Not for most people

>Is College really worth it?

It depends.

If you were smart enough for college you'd be able to do the cost benefit analysis.

For me it wasn't. Still make okay money.

$21.50/hr five minute drive from home.

Base rate is kinda shit, but all my money comes from overtime.

can't believe I am siding with a FUCKING LEAK, but, yes, learn a trade. you'll have a decent job for the rest of your life. huge shortage on tradesmen. college is a ponzi scheme

I mean I do fairl well in school, I maintain aB average, math really kills me tho.
I just don't know if I'd get a good job out of it,
I wouldn't want to burden my parents or anything, My mom really wants me to go, said "it's a sin for someone as smart as me not to go to college" Again, that's my mother saying that but I love her so, wouldn't want to disappoint her

>Dude the value of an education is determined by how much dollah dollah you can make off of it, rather than by personal fulfillment and gratification in mastering some knowledge passed down by centuries of hard work and dedication
Yeah sorry you don't belong at college, user. I'd suggest sticking with your fellow autists in trade school.

this is the best answer. Not everyone can cut it in college but there are tons of other jobs that can pay you a decent wage.

The only majors that should exist are STEM, Medicine, Law, Philosophy, and History. Everything else is a waste of time.

only if its a means to a legitimate end

i.e. something you actually need a degree for (med, law, engineering, etc)

business can be useful and college is great for networking but not absolutely necessary

humanities (~99% of fucktards that go to college) are completely useless and a waste of time and money

Go away ISIS poster

2 year associates degree here comfy 85k/yr

What about English?


kys faggot

I don't want to be a desk jockey, is that all business is for or as I wrong?

What do you want to study bro?

why man you cant stop our brotherly love imma buy you a kangru ourfit and imma fuck you so bad you will be loving dis dick 6.7 inches deep in your ass not gay tho again i aint gay we follow the word of allah

Getting in to a trade is a great option, but if you (or more likely your parents) are hell bent on you getting a college degree, give junior/community college a try first and see if you find a major that you can realistically excel in.

The only hard rule I can provide is to avoid humanities and the social sciences as much as possible.

t. college grad, former leftist

>just don't know if I'd get a good job out of it

what's your major?


If you are passionate about something, and you know what you want to do with your life, absolutely.

However, say you just got out of high school and you're not sure what kind of career you want, I wouldn't recommend it. You might end up 2 years and 20K in debt and still lack the motivation it takes to succeed.

Just my advice from personal experience.

Business Major here
>how fucked am I?

Just to learn, you dingus. You need a degree to get into law/medicine school and that and history provide an interesting option.

Waste. You need nothing taught from college to be a good author.

Honestly idk, I would think Poli sic because I'm autistic about politics (hence why I'm on Sup Forums) but I know that's a bit of a meme

bcom encompasses so many different things so it depends

What kind of business major? Finance in a well developed area is top tier for earning potential. You better be in an internship already!


I know you. You're that Iraqi sperg that posts random retarded videos and spergs out all the time

Idk, look here

Was thinking of Marketing or Accounting, are they good?

Lmao were you also in Mr. Filley's class debate today?

if you get a free ride or most of it is paid off, yeah.

>different things
Like what?

Would you consider teaching politics after you get your degrees, like go all the way to getting a PhD? Or would you study law afterwards?

What? No

>Accounting: Desk monkey
>Finance: Desk monkey, unless you go to one of the TOP schools. In which case you are now the Jews, congrats.
>Management: Useless by itself
>Marketing: Whether or not you make a career out of this is entirely based off of your personality
>Economics: Likely someone who is actually intellectual. With a BS alone you'll be stuck as a desk monkey unless you went to a top school.

i think business is better as a second major and electives, your first major should always be STEM

Figure out your current budget/ledger. Figure out your dream budget. Sub in a more practical version. What job will pay that wage? Study that. Or join a Franciscan monastery. Deus Vult.

If you do go you better be damn sure you can pay off those debts, let alone land a job.

Scoring a good job without college is all down to connections. If you have good business connections and can get hired for some nice skill you picked up when you were young by a company/business then skip college.

If not. Learn a trade

da only person dat knows me is omar my not gay butt buddy and he also sells me goats you dont know me and i dont know you but what i do know is you got some sweet melon drops back there and daddy is hungry fo some lemonade


kys faggot

also, non-retarded countries have streamlined their law/med pathways -- for law you study law 101 and about 25% (200) get in to the full law program, for med you study health science first year and about 10%(150) are able to continue on to either medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, etc

pre-law and pre-med are a complete waste of time and money

No neither of those things. That's why I don't think studying poli sci would do me any good irl, but Idk what else I could study, I don't want to be a desk jockey

If you're a good student, yes.
I've worked out scholarships that will make it so that I'll be attending college at a $4100/year profit next year. Have spent $7k on freshman year, so I will hopefully graduate up about $5300. My case is far from typical but there is plenty of money sloshing around to reward hard-working students.

>member of ISIS
>goes to the most anti-ISIS website on the planet

>pol sci

there's no hope for you. get a trade

literally hundreds of things google bachelor of commerce you industrial cock inhaler, do I have to fucking spoon feed it to you?

actually don't google it, don't got to college at all -- somebody as fucking helpless as you really shouldn't be given any more responsibility than dog washing

do 2 years and your local army reserve, you will never deploy or do anything strenuous outside of the joke that unisex basic combat training has become

free bachelor degree debt free, do it before this vehicle of social mobility is removed like all the others have been

It's useful for signaling in certain professions, but it's useless for learning.

Then you probably shouldn't study poli sci if you don't want to go for that post undergrad studies

What do you know about trades? I'd like to learn more but don't know where to start. Where would I go to find one?

Rumor has it the last thing accountants see is a hand full of painkillers and a handgun on their desk.

I'm going to drone strike your entire family if you keep talking like that.

Also, how has ISIS not thrown you off a building for being gay?

hey man stop it wit dat racist shit before imma send two of my boys to soften dat back cushion you feel what i am saying?

Well shit son sign me up


Muslims arent a race mohamed

Depends. I feel like I learned quite a bit personally, but that's because I actually read books and did research and was involved in different activities that interested me.

That being said, my degree is basically worthless and it doesn't matter if I know a whole lot of information from my field, there simply isn't anyone who cares enough to pay me for it.

Ivy League colleges are worth it. Doesn't matter what major you choose or what your GPA is as long as you pass, you're gauranteed a job, and if you work even moderately hard you will get handed an internship leading to a job in investment banking or management consulting.

A top ranked STEM program at a public university that isn't quite Ivy tier but is still good is also an option (computer science or engineering).

Those two options are worth it, anything else isn't.

Accounting is good if you can work at a Big4 firm. Preferably PwC or Deloitte.

my famiily is dead man they were butt raped to death i couldnt help but watch and jack off

That's where I am right now. I have a trade job that I really love, and money invested in a few good mutual funds and a lot saved up from the military (I lived on a paycheck a month). I'm going to college right now but just can't shake the feeling that I'm wasting my GI bill to listen to a glorified babysitter talk at me for an hour and fifteen minutes. I'd rather work and keep saving and investing.

Marketing is a toss-up and you'll probably end up working odd jobs at different places. 4 months contracts, that kind of thing. I wouldn't really recommend it.

Accounting is a good major if you want to be an accountant. You'll make 50k or so, but you will be in an office all day just punching numbers over and over. If you really love that go for it, but it has a high suicide rate lol.

Overall man, just whatever you're passionate about go for it. As long as you have some sort of idea what kind of job you can have with a degree, its more important to be enjoying what you're doing so when you're in the field, you'll be genuinely passionate about whatever you're doing.

At first I wanted to be a teaching major, until I realized I wanted more out of life than 30k a year could provide. I thought about being a history major and even talked with some professors, but I couldn't see myself translating that into a career, despite loving to learn it. So I went to be a business major for the job potential, and decided that the dull-ness...the no tastes, smell, or colour of paper and graphs was not for me. I actually hated it. I got depressed going to those classes, but I realized that I genuinely enjoyed my biology class. So I just switched to biology and enjoyed it, and excelled at it, 4.0 in all of them so far. And that slowly just progressed into wanting to go into medicine. College is half about finding what you're passionate about.

Help any?

well sheeeeet i stand corrected and erected

to study lesbian dance theory? no
to study medicine or engineering? yes

there should be some trade schools in your area. plumbing and welders are in high demand. tons of old people in the plumbing business so now's a great time to invest and move up in that career.

Yes it's worth it if you're just smart about it and get scholarships+useful major


hey real quick have you ever ate ass so bad that you cant taste salt shit no more i wanna check with a doctor but he might ask questions dont know pol
what do?

Depends on major.

Depends on if you go into debt.

Depends on GPA.

Depends on uni.

Generally its not as worth as it was before.

Kind of thought Electrician would be a good trade, it's marketable too, heard there was a huge demand in Australia

How do trade schools work?

Only go if you have a burning desire or dream for a specific profession. Don't get an Arts/ Social Sciences degree. Research, research, research. All unis lean left, but some are full Marxist. Avoid those. If you're a white man, know that your tuition is subsiding blacks/mexicans/women and you'll be blamed for everything, and your interests will never be represented.

Do a cost/benefit analysis of your degree, taking into account lost income.

>free bachelor degree
>pay in years of service
>deploy to sand kingdom
>get asshole blown off
