How do we fix them? We can't let (((Them))) use Blacks to farm votes any longer.
Fix African-Americans
not a real answer
Cut welfare, fix families, kill thug culture
Stop paying black wymyn from being single mothers. Have them go to church. Teach them about (((Them))). And finally, kick them back to Africa.
Maybe we should give them free money, give them preferential access to university enrollment slots and careers, allow them to enroll in university for playing ball games well, and allow them to ridicule and demean whites while whites are barred from uttering the slightest criticism of them. Thoughts?
Send them back to Africa so they can be kangz again and not fuck up our society. This was the idea back with the Liberia project. I say we revive that.
Stop trying to "fix" subhumans. The problem is genetic, and there's nothing short of eugenics that can "solve" this problem.
It's time we start fighting for our own interests, and let the cockroaches and vermin fester in the dirt as they always have.
It worked for Zimbabwe and is working for South Africa with zero problems whatsoever
I was listing things that already happen in the US m8
We have to give them white women to breed with so their offspring is slightly smarter.
Sounds good LBJ (I fucking hate him so much)
No there are successful Blacks. I know a few. We can fix them we just need to free them from the Jewish politicians.
Already did that. I hate that Public Schools don't teach us about the Irish Slave trade and the race mixing that took place. That's how we got light skins :^)
We can fix them like we did with the Cubans
We can fix pics related with legislation.
>No there are successful Blacks
Never said there wasn't. Do you even basic statistics bro? What is an outlier?
>I know a few
Yippdie-dew! You managed to find a needle in the haystack. So fucking what, you mental midget?
>We can fix them
No, we can't. Niggers are barely human. Wake the fuck up.
We can save them. If we manage to tame them imagine the possibilities
I go to school in one of the Blackest neighborhoods in Florida. I KNOW they can change we just need to get them out of the hood.
We should discuss how it would be possible
Okay, so you don't understand statistics. You're probably as dumb as the niggers you go to school with. Gas yourself.
Kys dude
Nigger detected.
Awwh, did I hurt your subhuman feelies, shitskin? Not my fault you were born as an inferior race. Consider yourself lucky you weren't born as a cockroach. Although, that may even be a step up considering how much your race has proven to be a plague upon society.
Lol you haven't done anything worthwhile in your entire life. You cling onto something you had no control over. You're just another pathetic neet loser. Kys bro. And by bro, I mean never my bro you fucking faggot
It's time for you niggers to vacate. This clearly isn't the place for you.
>Lol you haven't done anything worthwhile in your entire life
Even if that were true, it wouldn't be an argument. Not to mention, you know nothing about me. Wow, you're really grasping for straws. You radiate desperation. Try an argument next time.
>You cling onto something you had no control over.
And, your point is?
>You're just another pathetic neet loser.
Again, even if this were true, it doesn't invalidate anything I've said, nor does it invalidate the evidence I provided.
>Kys bro. And by bro, I mean never my bro you fucking faggot
I don't want to be your "bro", nigger. I want nothing to do with you vile, subhuman rodents.
Stfu coon. You and your worthless race are a plague on humanity
look up 'regression to the mean'
you have a lot of learning to do little blue pilled redditor.
Look at any black run nation.. look what happened when they chased whites out of south africa.
It is seriously ignorant to think you can change the psychology of an entire race.