Now that our queen has fallen
What do we do
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Take it back
We find ourselves another queen to replace her.
Why can't a far right person not be pro choice
Conservative women who shoehorn themselves into primarily all male political groups usually meet one of two fates.
1.) They go through some tragic crisis, and ask for charity donations to help get back on their feet, then disappear after a short time.
2.) They get exposed for not really being conservative, and only their beta orbiters are left following them.
Not Ann culter
The real reason she got bunrt
Ann Coulter may be a one in a million case, or she might just be a complete fake, but doing a better job of hiding it.
She can espouse all the rhetoric she wants, she can write all the books she wants. Shes still a childless unmarried 55 year old woman with a now totally barren womb. Living the life of a leftist urbanite aristocrat while espousing right wing rhetoric is exactly what many of these frauds do. Having no vested interest in the future of the nation is an enormous red flag.
"We owe Blacks!"
"If whites disappear who will fight Nazis?"
t. Coulter
>she didnt marry and have a child, therefore all her right wing talking points, literature, and interviews are all for nothing
shariablue, take that trans cock out of your mouth and go shove your kike nose someplace else.
Tomi is a phoenix. Kek says it so
Yes, thats how it works, cuck.
The ultimate form of conservatism is conserving the people, the lifeblood of the nation itself. Having children means you're contributing to the further existence of the nation, and it means you have a new level of responsibility. It means you have to worry about what the future will be like for your children as they grow, what sort of country will be left to them when you're dead.
Coulter is not some paragon of conservative ideology by any stretch. She has taken positions on issues that are blatantly playing into leftist talking points, and many a time has fallen into the pit of allowing the left to dominate language and word choice.
If you can't handle the facts then you need to stay on reddit with the other basic bitch alt lite faggots.
Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness - don't care if you agree, but that is the cornerstone of American conservatism. You can't call yourself a conservative and get support from conservatives if you do no support a culture of life. Going on a show like The View and selling out the most basic of conservative values is how you get shown the door - she'll be back, but she'll never have credibility as a conservative.
What network can she go to now?
David Brock's heart attack must really be getting to you.
USA doesn't need nazis to be great. Slight adjustments to immigration laws would have been enough.
My money is on Fox.
Isn't this the chick who fucks niggers?
In your dreams
>not working for Glen Cuck anymore
Pick one.
Didn't he go back on his insults of Obama recently
Learn to make a real argument instead of shitposting.
Its hilarious considering both of you are to the extreme left of me.
It would take more than the reversal of the Hart-Celler act to get America back on track to where we were prior to 1965. Major policy changes have to take place on state and federal levels. Only way that happens is if we manage to sway the culture, and the only way that happens is if white men Balkanize as a voting block. We can't afford to take a wishy washy position on what this nation is at its core. We were founded by white Europeans, and we held a super majority throughout our existence until recent history. No one was ever operating under the assumption that we were a refuge for every 3rd world ethnic group.
We can upend the welfare system, we can remove all financial incentives for illegal immigrants, we can heavily fine corporations who employ them, we can make it illegal for them to be issued drivers licenses, or any form of social assistance, we can seek to bring more Europeans into the country, we can further limit the black population as they're already below replacement rate, and we absolutely have to do all these things.
A nation which exists as a multiracial welfare state which props itself up on never ended debt is already in its death throes.
You killed my thread
I was enjoying said thread, but you're not wrong.
Stop idolizing obvious bait figures in media, and next time one of them gets outted you won't be surprised by it.
shut up faggot this was a shit thread until he came along
good points, good post. You've addressed race.
Now you may (or may not depending on how invested you are in arguing with strangers on a iceberg inspection forum) address religion. Christianity is obviously a part of America's identity, and we've seen what godlessness does countries, looking to the shitholes that used to be called Germany and Sweden (Estonia is very atheist but they're small and "irrelevant"). However, it also seems that Christianity and pro-white interests are at odds it certain aspects. Christianity has made significant contributions to the woman-centered "culture of compassion" that the social justice movement is based on. Cases can be made for abortion as mild, voluntary form of eugenics. In addition, many black people use abortion. (These are not normie-friendly arguments, but thats why we're here right?)
>far right person not be pro choice
because christ-servatives dominate american politics
What happened? Can someone give me a quick gestalt?
Christianity is such a mixed bag, and can be contorted to support most things because it encourages the altruistic outlook. Helping others, trying to be selfless, etc. Those very things are like kyrptonite for white people. Whites in developed countries have a penchant for helping others to the point of self harm, and its reflected in a lot of policy today. Having this coupled with the idea that everyone is a child of God, and you get these groups of religious people who believe that anyone should be welcome in the US as long as they're Christian, or at least claim to be.
Those things have to be tempered with reason because they're inherently self destructive when not kept in check. People need to understand that the entire world does not need to exist in America. You could try to convince them that its best to help these people in their own countries, which is entirely factual, but they'd still fundamentally be okay with demographic replacement. Many of these people also buy into the whole Israel being our greatest ally line of rhetoric so you can't inform them on the Jewish role in Communism and Cultural Marxism. Without having a religious reason to elevate whites there isn't an apt venue to argue against these hard line zealots and dissuade them from supporting ethnic suicide. I think most people are moderate and secular enough to see that whites being wiped out in their own countries may not be the best idea, but some of them won't be swayed. I don't know how one would reach that group.
She said that she is now pro choice. Glenn got mad and suspended her temporarily and now permanently. More than likely her contract was up in september and Glenn knew he couldn't afford her. His business is failing and he is trying desperately to create any headlines.
How could you shit on JJ Walker?
Neck your German self.
She's very talented. She will become powerful.
I just want her back
No, she is dumb as a rock. Don't be delusional.
Any individual person can have individual views, but someone who is pro-abortion probably won't find employment as a spokesperson on a Mormon's show.
Lauren southern was always better
Fuck Beck
Fuck TheBlaze
Fuck Millionaire Pundits
Fuck Political Entertainers
Me I will not like this
Is it sad that this makes me only more horny for her?
>Not finding your own queen
Tomi is a cuckservative. She will never fight for what truly matters.
Abort her.