Why didn't niggers vote for Bernie?

Why didn't niggers vote for Bernie?

He was a cuck, niggers don't respect weakness.

this also niggers don't vote



no one likes that old crusty kike mumbling faggot besides aging white well off hippies and reddit tier numales and retarded women

This isn't really true they elected Obama

Even THEY'RE smart enough to know you can't have ALL the gibbs free.

Niggers didnt vote for bernie because they already get free college and healthcare

Niggers don't vote in primaries, are you kidding? Maybe a few of them would have bothered to vote for him in the general but we all know how lazy they are, besides they probably wouldn't be able to look past him because a crusty old (((white))) fuck


White-guilt laden libtards and people sick of neocon RINOs voted Obama. The RNC practically handed over the election twice, and would have done it again if Trump didn't come in and trash the GOPe.


This is true.

most black people are not smart. If they voted it was just straight democrat I doubt any voted in the primaries.

because of the racist law that requires you to have ID to vote because we all know that black people dont have or know how to obtain ID

How does niggas even know what trees is?

because despite what his delusional supporters insisted, Bernie was never appealing to the working class and the poor. He was a candidate for middle class, college educated, white liberals. Everyone else saw straight through his shtick and realized he was just another commie promising that the government can create a rainbow wonderland if we tax the shit out of the economy. Black people are good at recognizing when powerful white people are full of shit and when they are being "real". This is why Trump actually did much better with blacks than pundits would have ever expected.

Also Bernie supporters were probably the absolute cringiest base of all time. The epitomy of white people being lame

They used to hang around them, you know.

Basically this. Why should inner city inhabitants care about free college? They couldn't afford it anyway.

I thought Horsey was vehemently anti-Trump

>Black people are good at recognizing when powerful white people are full of shit and when they are being "real"
Lol no. He was weak, and they saw that.

Spot on

With that being said, every nigger on Earth respected Trump until someone said the gibs would be gone. It's amazing really. All niggers wanted to be "Trump" back in the day.

But Obama look weak.

>Black people are good at recognizing when powerful white people are full of shit and when they are being "real".
I think you gives blacks too much credit for that. When they see Bernie, they see an old white man. The only figures they recognize for that is either an oppressor (cop, judge, a politician who promises little to blacks and never delivers) or an easy victim. Anything else is incomprehensible to them.

He is

He's an insufferable fuckwit with a deathly phobia of fantasy rednecks, but every now and then, no matter which side, he can make some decent call outs.

mostly this

and partially this. it's mostly black men that saw through his (and hillary's) schtick though.

Maybe a mix of Bernie being too beta and nostalgia for Bill Clinton?

I still think that it was a dumb decision - at least based on polling Bernie would have had a better shot against Trump and he would have been a better counter for Trump's rust belt strategy.

I do think that Sanders would have won the democratic primary if only white votes counted. Blacks are ~10% of the population but something like ~30% of the democratic primary. And iirc they overwhelmingly voted for Clinton.

Because he was king nigger. South Africa and Rhodesia taught us that niggers will always elect one of their own.

Don't listen to any of the retards in this thread with their absurd theories acting like they have any idea what they're talking about.

Here's the answer: Bernie is a rural and suburban retard and Hillary is a city person.

City people don't vote for rural and suburban retards.

Because the niggers that vote aren't that stupid and the niggers that are stupid enough to vote for Bernie don't vote anyway

mfw Bernie is a jew


Thats why the (((media))) worked so hard to convince the simple minded, childlike negro that Trump he rassist

They didn't vote for him because the TV didn't told them to.

>Bernie was rural and suburban
Look if you're gonna bait you still have to make sense with it. Bernie was a millenial wet dream, millenials are mostly city people.

Wait we could have voted for Bernie?

They just forgot how hard Clinton shafted them.

You're wrong nigger. Statistics show that city millennials preferred Hillary. Bernie and Trump are 100% a rural and suburban retard phenomenon.

what kind of fucking nigger graphic is this, all 3 of those colors are so close to each other in hue





Because no one is that stupid

Because they're fucking stupid.

They are mindless retards that voted for Clinton because
>muh bill clinton OG black potus
and BLM torpedoed Bernie

That was the point I grew highly suspicious of BLM. Like what the fuck, why did they crash Bernie's, the dude that marched in the movement, rally.

Made no God damn sense.

If Bernie had been the nominee, he would have got btfo even harder since literally 0 blacks would have shown up.

Leaders need to be able to listen.

His face throughout that video was painful. He knew in that moment he would never be president. Those two negresses took away all his ambition. They ruined him. I don't like Bernie but I still felt bad for him.