U.S. Led Strike K-I-L-L-S 150 CIVILIANS In I-R-A-Q



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Were they all arabs or were there any human casualties?




Obama was saying the same thing about Iraq/Afghanistan.

You reality gets flipped turned upside down when you ACTUALLY become commander and chief you absolute retard.

I get all my news from the Young Turks. They will tell me the unbiased truth about Trump

How is this new to anyone? We've been dropping bombs on people since 2001 and people still act like its the first time its happened every fucking week.

Edgy. You wouldn't be laughing if that were your family. Or maybe you would. Sick fucks.

>park truck bomb next to civilians
>blame america when truck bomb explodes

>We've been dropping bombs on people since 2001 and people still act like its the first time its happened every fucking week.

We've been dropping bombs since 2001 and burgers sit back and don't give a fun while we have troops in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, and soon Libya, Iran, Yemen, and North Korea and drone strikes and god only knows how many countries now. All without declaring war btw.

*give a fuck

You have to take out their families.

Wasn't us. The Jews and their puppets are to blame.

10% increase to US military spending

Keep in mind half of US spending is on military.

That is unfucking believable. There should be riots in the streets.

Preaching to the choir. I was in iraq during the period when we supposedly didnt have boots on the ground.

We fired mortars into a isis controlled village until the baseplates broke and the bores wore out.

Also was in afghanistan raiding taliban homes after we had supposedly pulled out.

I liked general Mattis's quote on the matter "America isnt at war, the marines are at war. America went to the mall." He was "retired" for criticizing such policies.

On a semi-related note I met mettis once, shook his hand hand he gave me and my squad mates campaign commemorative coins. So I guess my encounter with anyone notworthy is that I can say I worked under and personally met the curre t secretary of defense before he was such.

Terrorists when they are running around slaughtering people and blowing up public areas

Civilians when they get drone striked

I literally don't give a shit about shitskins. They have been killing each other since recorded history in barbaric inhuman ways and for terrible reasons. They took down our towers and killed our citizens. They can all fucking burn for all I care.

>Keep in mind half of US spending is on military.
You must be absolutely fucking braindead to even think that's plausible for a second
Go back to tumblr you fucking retard

Butthurt spray! Get your Butthurt spray here! Butthurt spray!

>Keep in mind half of US spending is on military.


>bomd their homes
>then complain about refugee problem
Typical western retards

I will grant some credence to this, I watched from 800 meters away as a hellfire strike slammed down into the middle of a group of 6 taliban as they were moving armloads of machineguns to a truck.

As we approached the impact site about 20 women ad children piled out of the house and picked up all the guns before scattering into a corn field to hide.

>marine! Why you do this! They farmers!
>bullshit, we got video of them carrying weapons when they were hit
>no! Prayer rugs! They farmers! They praying! Why marines kill farmers for praying! Marine bad! USA bad! Taliban number one!

Usually I would end those conversations with a good buttstroke to the forehead. Every. Fucking. Time.

It was SOP to try to have good video of the blast sites being sanitized by the women and kids. They liked to go to coalition centers and show pictures of the unarmed bodies to reporters, if any reporter ran the story we could counter by showing the footage of the same people who took the cellphone photos and videos dragging the guns off and tossing them down a well or into a field.


My family is human not arabic, not even comparable

>enemy blows up your house
>your immediate reaction is to go live with them
You can literally go suffocate on cock

>You must be absolutely fucking braindead to even think that's plausible for a second

That's taking into account black listed spending on things like nukes and other stuff that we can't audit.

>be Abu Mohamed al-Kebabi
>tfw no 72 virgins
>tfw to smart too jihad outside, hole yourself up in area full of civilians
>civvies die too
>at least now your goat's son can say the American crusaders kill children

corpse on the right is thicc

The trick is to not take refugees.

this should be said in the MSM more.

That guy is such a fucking cuck
>ignores the barrel bomb meme
>Says US would declare martial law if bombed while forgetting that 9/11 did not even cause martial law
>talks about rights being taken away while ignoring the anti gun movement from the left along with hatespeech banning attempts
Pathetically manipulative/10 with barely a single point to make: US bombs Muslims yet again for the millionth time in the last decade

does it include the wage of the staff on here?
how about the alien diplomatic fund?
the moon base alpha?
the star gate?!

it was 240 in a thread yesterday.
In a week I'm sure it will be more like 20 militants and 11 civilians.

My family wouldn't be intimidated by the most anti-intellectual garbage religion on earth - into staying in some shit hole that's getting bombed. Nice try

Every time MSM went out with us it was the same bullshit.

They spent the mission curled up in the MRAP crying, then wrote a "everything is fine, nothing to see here" article as soon as they got stateside.

Obama had promised we would pull out by 2014, it was almost 2015 and we were getting into 3 and 4 day firefights every time we left the wire. Obama was already being criticized for just leaving instead of winning so the MSM just quit reporting that shit for about 18 months.

One time BBC news told my family we were all dead though. That was not a fun phone call.

lol who gives a shit, you enormous fucking faggot?

>Fight soldiers with no uniforms
>Every casualty is a civilian casualty

I guess this matters again since a Republican is in office right? Fuck off.

No one is getting intimated by secular humanism. They are staying because its deceitful nature has convinced them that its bombs only reach the oppressor and that after every detonation, freedom and "human rights" are granted to everyone.

when 00 happens.

get long the 00 its going higher.

Fucking this.

Even ones who arnt soldiers have been given the last decade to cooporate and give up the people we are really after. Instead they hide them, lie for them, and many secretly are them.

They chose their side. They got what they deserved.

I saw a journalist piss himself once

Yeah, my favorite was when youd have this guy who was obviously a liberal arts major type numale trying desperatley to act like one of the grunts. Theyd say the stupidest shit to fit in, inevitably it ended with them curled up on the floor of an MRAP crying.

>Be gunner of vic in charge of not letting him die
>he keeps repeating lingo like "outside the wire" and "in the shit" like its going to make us like him
>tries offering us cigarettes like its a magnanimous gesture despite the fact that we never ran short of them
>they were newport menthols
>offers them to our black staff sergeant, who glowers at him menacingly
>stupid numale reporter realises racist undertones and spends the next 5 minutes trying to explain that hes not racist cuz he has black friends
>some time later
>start taking fire
>rotate turret towards gunfire, open up
>step all over this guy trying to get a good line of fire set up and apply proper pressure to gripping the 50
>hot brass piles all over this skinny college kid in the fetal position as he whimpers and moans, cries like a girl
>when its over buddy points at well trampled and brass burned reporter
>"Hey, smokestack, looks like you stepped in shit"
>guys face is all red and puffy from crying, snot everywhere, and a boot print across his helmet from my contortions in the gun turret

I guess I can say that I once kicked an MSNBC reporter in the fsce, so thats cool.

Did you ever have trouble with those turrets? I felt like they were too tall to ever get a satisfactory grip or shoulder pressure established but too short to give fully adequate cover from gunfire. I mean yeah the gunner stand was adjustable but that shit always broke and collapsed back to its lowest height as soon as you hit the first IED and stayed stuck that way for the rest of deployment.

The United States could kill 50,000 people a day in these mudshit countries and at the end of the year the populations of those countries would still have grown. They breed like rabbits and fight like cowards.

>since 2001

wrong we been bombing people since 1898

Holy shit, when he's getting a nomination for Nobel Peace Prize ?

kek Noticed that too. Had to do a double take.


Reminder: a drone strike authorized by obama killed a nobel peace prize holder from doctors without borders.

Im not 100% certain on my history but Obama may be the only nobel prize winner to authorize the death of another nobel prize winner.
Albeit inadvertantky, but still...

H-have we been the terrorists all along?

Why should I care again? I wish he ordered a round up of every arab civilian on earth and nuked them.


Only 150 :(

Vengeance demands more

5,600 US killed 16,300 wounded since 1996 in terror attacks.

As of 2015 there were about 4.5 million muslims killed.

Im liking this score ratio, we oughtta keep it up.

>unironically giving a shit about browns

there is no wrong target when you hit muslims

Reminder: Arabs consider rebels and terrorists to be civilians.

Why do we care about dead brown people?

>That's taking into account black listed spending on things like nukes and other stuff that we can't audit.
Is that classified to the same level as the Trump-Russia connection?
>there's no evidence that we can show you but trust us it's there!
All that stuff is in the budget and can be audited, it's just not specific by line item. It's per department, and if congress really wants to know, they can get access to the specifics.

>shill doesnt understand military proportionality

150 less muslims is a very good thing

My family wouldn't let themselves be used as human shields by child beheading psychopaths

maybe they shouldn't be fucking housing terrorists that destroy every other nation then. Fuck em, if they're to fucking pathetic and weak to deal with that shit themselves then they deserve it

>half of US spending is on military

you fucking retard, how are you even allowed to vote? if that were true, there'd be no shit like the FDA or roads.

Kek. That's a spicy meatball

>jimmy dore

isn't that the cuck fag who spat on alex jones when infowars crashed the tyt set in the rnc
damn that was fun