Why are so many black people infatuated with japanese culture?

Why are so many black people infatuated with japanese culture?

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It has some weird shit to do with the 5%ers.


Samurai Champloo nigga

>What are so many white people infatuated with Japanese culture


White people don't we wuz though.

Nigwads emulate white people

i was going to answer "anime" and that
"every nigger i knew growing up loved anime (dbz and yugioh) and street fighter"
but i guess those are sort of part of japanese culture, so this answer would be retarded with how OP phrased his question

Same can be said about White folks into gook culture.

This show, whatever it's called.

because we wuz samurai n shit
no really

they wuz og kanganeze

Nope. Come to the states. Almost every nigger under the age of 30 is a weeaboo. They far outnumber the whites

A lot of white people are weebs. Much more so than blacks.
But to answer your question, most people find Japanese culture interesting.

Remember that blacks were so hurtburt over anime being white they asked to get a black anime made for them. Afro samurai.
I still chuckle at white people who put it as their favourite.

The Boondocks

White people also like anime, at least a large minority.

Japanese culture is cool whether you're talking about their media or their history. The reason you find this weird is because you think any nigger who isn't constantly dressed as a thug gangbanger is acting unblack.

>not knowing about based Davido-kun

nigga please


It comes down to an adolescent-esque romanticizing of the self via power fantasies that allow the demoralized black to escape from the bleak reality of his inner-city fate to one that better aligns with deluded and fictional tales of a supposed once-glorious ancestry

Wtf has this got to do with the topic

because they dont have a culture of their own

>A lot of white people are weebs. Much more so than blacks.

You would be surprised at how wrong you are. Find a nigger that doesn't worship DBZ or the Frieza saga. Do it. You can't

nigger jidf

So white people?

Jamal-kun getting some love


This. And because of DBZ

Third post... best post.

Starts out with video games like Shaq fu

Blacks have delusional egos and very little going for them thats why they like power level anime like dbz.
Its even satirised in OPM with do 100 situps and pushups joke because autist asians and blacks really think doing things like this will turn them into gokul

>Why are so many black people infatuated with japanese culture?
same reason the nogs were obsessed with mafia culture for the longest time (Scarface, Gambinos, etc) - niggers live in a fantasy world, where somehow if they try hard enough they'll magically belong to this honorable culture with traditions (not that the mob is honorable but you get my drift) and accomplishments, and in this way they can delude themselves into thinking that they're not just another coon


would you rather have a weeaboo cool black guy or another nigger ghetto hoodrat

That show drops some excellent red pills on nigger culture

Neither deportation.

>skipping leg day

>weaboo cool black guy
>weaboo black guiy
Neither of those things are cool.

What the fuck is wrong with his twig leg?

Everybody loves samurais wtf are you on about

No where near as much as white people are but ok

I've noticed this too. I've seen a lot of black girls who only listen to j-pop and are obsessed with them. I don't think they get that japan is the most racist country in the world. Ffs, japanese people call for korean genocide all the time, what makes you think they would want a nigger who barely knows english and only english. But this is how it goes
>"Oh, black boys don't want me."
>"Oh, white boys don't want me."
>"Oh, asian boys might want me!"
They'll get the same answer.

Wait, what?

>be small town southerner
>small local highschool
>650ish attendants
>3 black people in the entire school
>one is a farm worker
>one is the son of the haitian workers that come to pick beans
>keep to themselves, cool guys
>the third, the fucking third ruins it for everyone
>VIOLENT Weeaboo
>has attack on titan backpack, naruto headband, swim club jacket, and Pokemon sidebag
>runs around the halls like Naruto, speaks in weird tongue, some half weeaboo, quarter nerd, quarter wannabe gangster
>we call it japanigger
>bumps into 6'6 brick shithouse buddy
>"Nani? Sorry b-baka, gotta go!" All while avoiding eye contact

Like seriously dude, you're in a school full of like 90% Trump supporters, with literally only three black people, you're the example here.

so democrats?
niggers out

you peckerwoods are so hypocritical

when a cumskin watches anime nobody thinks anything of it, but if a black man does it's suddenly novel or amusing?

get fucked edomites

Afro samurai was an anime film commissioned by some rappers or someone because they were upset at anime being all white.
Its just a predictable get whitey plot in a scifi fantasy setting where africans are equal to the japanese.
Waste of good animation.

Almost all young (

Eh, i don't like black people very much.

muh respect

>when a cumskin watches anime nobody thinks anything of it
>implying weebs are not the subject of ridicule
Yamamoto pls

Chicken legs


Samurai principles are the exact opposite of nigger lifestyle. It is a reactionary movement. We should be supporting this rather than saying WE WUZ.

You have to be a nip to fold a sword ten thousand times, making tea ceremonies every day.
I think most nips die from a burst artery doing this stuff.

Self-sacrifice, selflessness, discipline. All good things, all nip. All the opposite of gangbangers. I can see why Lupe likes it and why a lot of black people are into it. We just need to get them reading Meditations and maybe they will emulate whitey.

da sa-mu-rah

They are getting ready to go Japan to fuck you're waifu.

I'm Tyrone and I can't read these chink-letters, but I can FUCK yo WIFE

>Obeying your local warlord at all costs
>Disregarding the lives and financial security of the lower castes and peasants if the lord wills it
>Being ready to die at any moment if it means fucking some hoes and spilling some blood

The Samurai WERE gangbangers. The honor thing is just a meme. Honor just means "pride".

I've found most internet black people are either absolute hood trash or total bros that are almsot always either weebs or know more than the average guy about anime and japan in general.

They were subservient warriors. You can't have warriors in society without a strict code of conduct.
Samurai wouldn't be samurai if they were common thugs.


It's more of an American thing as a whole.

They were elite thugs with a legal precedent.

As with all things, we admire the positives and ignore the negatives.

>he doesnt know about blade


Nice rare flag.

>tfw yo wrist is larger in diameter than yo calf

Samurai Champloo & DBZ.

among the KANGZ delusions lately there has been a meme that there were amazing black swordsmen. but africans never had swords lol. zulus came close kinda but no

roaches out,newfag out

Because they grew up on comic books and Playstation. Every black guy I know loves Tekken and Outlaw Star. Go to any fighting game lobby, and it's full of black guys in their 30's, and all of their custom fighters are Japanese school girls.

They literally could not be you are thinking of ronin.

nigger needs to clean his kitchen

Blacks are creeps


>Samurai Champloo is all about finding a dad that went out for cigarettes and never came back.
>Goku is an absentee father that only interacts with his kids when he's pulling them into fights.

that's fucking spooky small

>Every black weeb into Tekken, DBZ, Champloo, King of Fighters, Afro Samurai, etc.

Pic related 100% every time they mic up on PSN.

Because most grow up watch shitty produced kung fu movie and dragon ball z plus what ever manga is in the library back when internet was scarce and we had to get a library card. Also yugioh/pokemon card hustle.

Ancient Egyptian Gods were actually Asiatic.

The most acclaimed hip hop album of all time is literally a bunch of blacks LARPing as Shaolin fighters

Really makes you think