Serbia stronk

Serbia is receiving BUKs, MIG-29, get their old stuff upgraded, they are also testing a new rocket capable of striking back any attacking neighbouring countries.

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Kebab removal soon.

So ZOG (AKA the US) won't be able to bomb their hospitals and schools a second time.

Fuck that shit, we got that shit only because of the upcoming elections

how does one become one of those uber chetniks?

this is my dream

Daily reminder Serbs are the actual turkish rape babies and that their kebab remove is literally nigger we wuz tier

2:37 is that the kebab removal guy?

stop crying salt Davor.

absolute truth - the post, basically

>they are also testing a new rocket capable of striking back any attacking neighbouring countries.

knowing them, they will use them offensively against neighboring countries, when they decide to chimp out again and try to retake "ethnic Serbian areas". Too bad (for them) we NATO now, i feel happy knowing that if a single tank of theirs crosses the Dunav again, allied airforce will bomb them, again, this time probably even harder because attack on a NATO member is serious business

Well thank god we are good with China and Russia if NATO ever want's to bomb us they will help us,also this time it won't be 2v1 whille we get bombed as well.

>allied airforce will bomb them

That's what you like to believe. Next thing you know Kosovo returns to Serbia, and there are Serbian T-90 rolling around your house.

i dont think your big bros will help you if you attack first, aka are an aggreessor. We still maintain somewhat good relations wiith Russia, and i dont think they'd support aggression against a sovereign state, especially a NATO member, even if its done by their protegés.

Thats of course scenario in which you attack Croatia in the name of Greater Serbia, in some other scenarios they might support you

you stated that we will attack you for no reason at all,you are just being paranoid from all the propaganda like canibalistic chetniks so on and so on.But China has really good reason to help us since they all ready funded their project here that is over 1 billion euros whille Russia is making us their fortress on the Balkans so it would be much tougher to bomb us and thanks to the bombings nationalisam is off the roof

Lol no we aren't, retards. What never fails to amaze me how every time, literally every fucking time Serbia is praised on this board, there will be an autistic Croat or Slovene or two who is going to spout bullshit like "le Serbs are turk rapebabies! Croatia is teh real kebab remover, look we fought against them once!". You pathetic lowlifes are fucking OBSESSED over Serbia. For real. You're fucking sad.

And why the fuck would Serbia attack Croatia?

i couldnt care less about what happens with Kosovo, its way too far from us and outside our sphere of interests, but that other part isnt very nice of you.

What have we ever done to you, except not liking mini Russians? Your ambssador here, Anvar Azimov said we (croats) shouldnt mould our relations with you through prism of your relations with Serbia, so i guess it goes other way too. Did you know Russia was one of key supplier of Croatia in our independence war, that russian planes were landing in Zagreb full of weapons despite international embargo, and that Russia actually urged Serbia / Yugoslavia not to attack us on multiple occasions?

In recent history you were more of our allies than serbian, i am very sad to see situation changed to be honeset

>implying serbshits ever removed kebab

we have no interests in attacking croats, rs is our number #1 priority, so as long as you stay away from our part of bosnia and don't help bosniaks hoping they'll want to call themselves muslim croats again we don't need to use our new migs on you


>What have we ever done to you
I think he was talking mainly about Kosovo, maybe about RS.

here comes incredibly salty brazilian diaspora that doesn't even speak our language with his 2012 memes that prove serbs are niggers

kosovo is de facto lost, albozergs make 90% of the population, we can only take the northern part because we don't have army, men or international support needed to ethnically cleanse the entire kosovo

>Serbs fought against the Ottomans more than the Croats and did so because they wanted to protect their homeland
>Croats fought the Ottomans less than Serbs and did so because mr. Habsburgsz said so

Really mingles my tingles

Currently, of course. But taking it back would be a piece of cake only if we managed to somehow pull the burgers out of there.

maybe short term you got no interest in waging a war against us, but sooner or later apetites will grow again, some new vojvoda will come who will again brainwash tens of thousand of you in ending decades long occupation of RSK.

I aint kidding, i see more often than i'd expect comments on various news sites about "liberating occupied RSK" and shit. My point is, idea of Greater Serbia has just been supressed by few lost wars and 1999 bombings, but it still isnt dead

send another "kosovo je srbija" train maybe they will surrender this time

We are peacefull people Davor

Why do all these no name BALKAN countries even need standing armies? I mean, realistically?

Serbian airforce? ROFL!

Well we ain't gonna do anything with the current party in power. Anyhow, no one knows what the future holds but this seems unlikely.

Well thanks to the Russian intervention we can protect our own air space again

>Autism Speaks

Took them long enough to upgrade to the 29

That's an interesting salute.

>Meanwhile, Serbia’s archrival Croatia is shopping for a new fighter to replace the nation’s aging MiG-21s. “The two leading contenders for the planned contract reportedly include Lockheed Martin’s F-16 and Saab’s JAS-39 Gripen,”

Kek.Archrival,what a joke.

post another "serbs are niggers and rape babies" meme, maybe you'll learn your own language and your descendants won't get blacked in huezil

maybe you'll get a slice of bosnia if you decide not to wage a war against us just to screw us over

not this again

Give me one (1) reason Serbia needs to maintain a standing army and airforce.

Protip: Yugoslav wars 2.0 is not a reason in a SHTF all fighting will be done by disorganized militias composed of civilians with AKs anyway

You're a Turk in denial.
>The Air Force's inventory numbers around 90 aircraft, including 47 combat jets, but only the MiG-29s

>post another "serbs are niggers and rape babies" meme
no problem m8

For all the same reasons every other country needs to have a standing army and air force. An additional reason would be that the Serbian nation (not the government) has ambitions to reconquer some territory it has lost control over.

you're probably and actual t*rk

And? And you're probably related to me.

Still more than you :^)

So an austrian erotic book is a valid historical document. Oh but he sais memes, right.


can you comprehend the fact that most of croatia was under the ottoman rule too, hence they raped your women too since you were also non muslims?

we already have six, excluding those we just bought from russia

Get in here for more Serbia chat.

>Daily reminder Serbs are the actual turkish rape babies and that their kebab remove is literally nigger we wuz tier
this is gold. haha

Nobody stayed when the Ottomans came, people retreated into Hungary
Ever wondered how it was possible that Croats defended Hungary when our own country was ocuppied?ár

Why are you even falling for the memes? First of all rape wasn't an everyday unpleasantness for fuck's sake, it was strictly banned and ottoman law was sure as fuck followed. Surely there were a few stray cases of such savagery that passed all of the obstacles including ottoman law and the protection of women by the men in their family but you have to realise that ethnic turks didn't even live here, only domestic muslims. And I doubt you haven't heard how the children that would actually be born from a rape would end up.

Feeling's mutual Srbski

>Nobody stayed when the Ottomans came, people retreated into Hungary
are you fucking braindead? do you not even understand how migrations fucking work or do you just prefer to live in your fantasy world?


that's rich coming from another dinarid balkanigger whose ancestors were often on the receiving end of the mutilated little asian benis

Kuga s m glih kr reku, ti kurba mjhna? Jest t puvem, de sm zvežban holcar pa de sm biu že doskat zravn, k sej kramper pubirou; saj 300 gajb ga mam že nabranga. Drva znam cept z eno roko, traktor uhk pa u miže furam.
Tuko tem žvajznu, de teu du Buhina pa nazaj udnesv, vrjem m. K to pišem, že brusm skiro pa vežem štrk. Mrtu s ti, toja držina, us toj prjatl, pa še ceu toj rod za sto generacij nazaj. Ščijem po grobovh tojga roda, ungavm t use babe u držin pa use drva tm ud bajte udnesu. Suvata njt u cvet pride pa mlek nj set skisa. Ti nis nč u primerjau z mano. Upam, de vm vs prdelk preč pride, pa usa žvina crkne. Dep te kura bcniva pa ps puscau. Vem ke žviš pa vem, ke mate kluče ud bajte skrite. Merkej se, k bom zj hmau pršu. Frderbou tem preh, kokr uhk Očenš zmolš.

U moj drušnə so usə jagrə u far; skəp ga pjemo usək dan pu šihtə. Skəp pupjemo več šnopsa, kokr ga u ceumo let u petəh občinah nardejo. Duma mam tri puše, ut tga dve šnelfajərce pa eno pušo z rešpetinəm. Z enmo šusəm uhkə frderbam tri vepre naenkat, auslezvam t jəh pa tuko hit, de tut za pumežikənt nimaš cajt. Ti se kər devej kunštnga, sam de se nauš krvau useknu, pruklet baštart.
Čep ti vedu, s kerga se kle norca devaš, nep tukole guvoru. Tis gutov tak pauliha, de hodəš u gmajno srobret rauhat; jest grem skor usək dan pu južnə u gmajno žagat tuko det puvem de səm že dost takəh pankrtov stumbou, k so pu moj host vandral.

I meant the same happens all the time to us here.

"Lol no we aren't, retards. What never fails to amaze me how every time, literally every fucking time Albania is praised on this board, there will be an autistic Serb or Fyromian or two who is going to spout bullshit like "le Albos are turk rapebabies! We are teh real kebab removers, look we fought against them once!". You pathetic lowlifes are fucking OBSESSED over Albania. For real. You're fucking sad."

a sploh zastopiš kar si objavu al si sam ena huopica k zna kopipastat?

I really don't get the same impression. Well, maybe with fyromacedonians but they're just naturally like that.

Is this the navy seals copypasta but in Yugo?

Don't get me started on the Fyromanaics they're the only group of people in the Balkans i genuinely despise.

I hope Serbia does not pay for any of those WEPENZ.

look at those retards

>6 planes
Just enough to win a war with Ukraine. Strategic delivery in case we can't make it to the frontline and need proxies to fight.

What's going on here? Are you guys planning something?

Штa cи тo yпpaвo блaгoизјaвиo o мeни, нeкpcтy јeдaн? Caмo дa cпoзнaш, дa caм cвpшиo Бoгocлoвијy кao пpви cвeштeнocлyжитeљ y пoкoлeњy, дa caм yчecтвoвao y нeбpoјeним хoдoчaшћимa пo Cвeтим Mecтимa и изa ceбe имaм пpeкo тpи cтoтинe пoтвpђeних Литypгијa. Bacпитaн caм y цpквeнoм пoјaњy и нaјбoљи caм cтapocлoвeнcки јeзикocлoвaц y читaвoј Cpпcкoј Пpaвocлaвнoј Цpкви. Tи зa мeнe ниcи ништa дo caмo јoш јeднa нeчacнa дyшa. Oкaјaћy ти гpeхe ca тaквoм бoгoбoјaжљивoм cкpyшeнoшћy кaквa нијe зaбeлeжeнa ни y јeднoј житији нијeднoг Cвeцa нaшe Пpaвocлaвнe Цpквe, зaпaмти oвe мoјe филocoфcкe пoyкe. Mиcлиo cи дa мoжeш зacлyжити Цapcтвo Heбecкo блacфeмишyћи o мeни и вpeђaти пoкoјникa пpeкo Cвeтoмpeжјa? Пoмoли ce Гocпoдy, ceмe coтoнинo. Дoк oвo блaгoyгoднo филocoфиpaмo, мoјe мoлитвe пyтyјy cвeтим кaнaлимa дo мpeжe мoнaхa иcлeдникa нa Cвeтoј Гopи и твoјa И П aдpeca ce зaбeлeжaвa пa ce бoљe пpипpeми зa Apмaгeдoн кoји ћe дyшy твoјy нeчиcтy oпpaти Пpecвeтoм Oлyјoм и вaздигнyти тe дo Heбecких Bиcинa. Блaгocлoвeнo cи oкaјaн, гpeшничe.

it represents a common theme and a certain dialect spoken in NW Slovenia

They have so many identity crises at the time that it's hilarious.

Kaj ste ravnokar izustili, nebodigatreba? Vam v preudarek, šolanje sem zaključil na samem Parnasu zahtevnega tečaja za urjenje mornariških tjulnjev in na plečih nosim tri stotnije pogibeli. Izveden sem v bojevanju na skrivoma in celokupno veljam za najboljšega daljnostrelca slovenskih obrambnih sil. Zame predstavljate nič več in nič manj kot predmet lova na daljavo. Odnarediti vas kanim s tenkočutnostjo, kakršne ne pomni svet, temu sem slovesno zaprisežen. Kaj si res iskreno domišljate, da si lahko na moj račun vse dovolite? Račune delate brez krčmarja! Govorivši to občujem s črno roko, razpredeno širom vesoljnega slovenstva in vaše medmrežno mesto se beleži v njihovo podatkovje v taistem hipu, tako da se, uboga para, le pripravite na hudo uro! Na ujmo, koder bodo plat zvona bili, a za vaše žitje zamanj. Urnemu ginevanju ste zapisani. Z vseobčno silo krenem nad vas, desetkrat sedem ducatov razstankov vaši biti stroječ in to zgolj z rokami! Ne samo, da sem tepežkanja vešč, ampak tudi z orožarno sem pobližje seznanjen, da bi jo lahko s toliko večjim pridom lahko koristil vam na neljubost širom sveta, nesrečnik! Ko bi vam bilo vsaj dano predvideti obseg mojega povračila, vašemu "bistroumnega" pridušanju navsled, tedaj bi nemara bili jezik za zobmi obdržali. A to vam je bilo docela nedomače, zatorej slednjič napoči obračun, capin razcapani! Uničevalno ihto nad vas prikličem, da vas z odplako vred proč odnese. Dnevi so vam šteti.

У мoлитвaмa cвoјим пpecвeтим мoгy cвeтлocним бpзинaмa Cвeтoгa Дyхa дa ce тpaнcyпcтaнциpaм билo гдјe нa Зeмљи y билo кoјe дoбa, и мoгy ти гpeхe oкaјaти нa ceдaм cтoтинa нaчинa, и тo caмo кopиcтeћи Кaтихизиc. Aли ниcaм caмo блaгoпoyчeн y вeштинaмa мoлитвe, вeћ имaм пpиcтyп и вacцeлoм вoзнoм пapкy Cpпcкe Пpaвocлaвнe Цpквe и cвe ћy тo блaгoyпoтpeбити дa гpeшнo зeмaљcкo битиcaњe твoјe oпepeм y Cвeтлocти Гocпoдa нaшeг Иcyca Хpиcтa. Дa cи caмo знao кaкaв Cтpaшни Cyд ћe твoјe бoгoхyљeњe нaднeти нaд твoј зeмaљcки живoт, мoждa би пoгнyo глaвy и пpимиo блaгoдaт Cвeтoгa Дyхa y миpy и тишини. Aли Coтoнa тe нa гpeх нaвeдe, и ниcи мoгao дa ce oдyпpeш нeчacтивим cилaмa њeгoвим, и плaтићeш ocвeштeњe живoтнoг пpocтopa cвoмe пapoхy. Oбacyћy тe бecкpaјнoм љyбaвљy Cвeтoгa Дyхa и ти ћeш ce вaздигнyти y Њeмy и cлaвићeш Њeгa пocтeћи cpeдy и пeтaк нa вoди и хлeбy. Oвим peчимa тe paзpeшyјeм гpeхa, cинe.

if you're gonna post copypastas, do it right

>different slavs from that region are trying to gain the favor of the kebab removing gods

kek be praised. The dankest anti kebab meme still comes from the serbs. So yea.

is this some obscure serbian dialect

>macedonians are obsessed with us
>continues to talk about macedonians without anybody mentioning us
projection much

Nothing Amerikanski keep moving,no oil here.
But Croats are beutifull,that's the most importent.

>Obscure Serbian dialect

No it is just cyrillics.Heaven forbid you actually get to read our obscure dialects.

Jebo sam mater onome ko je mislio da je citati Zonu Zamfirovu dobra ideja.


Russia, could you deliver us some weaponry as well? Pretty please?

More new toys

weird, google translate didn't translate any of those words to english

Croatia already had long range missiles but as soon as Serbia gets them, Chetniks (-> notice im not mentioning Serbians) HAVE TO STIR UP MORE TENSIONS BETWEEN US

Probably because he is talking about being a priest and shit,so it is using a lot of Church Slavonic borrow words.

Чoвeчe, oвo јe нeвepoвaтнo. Зaмиcли oвo нa пpaвoј литypгији.

Кeк бикaз јy ap a мoнки мaј бpoвн фpeнд,нoв џycт нeк јop ceлф вит јop тeјл.

These missiles are literally for Hungary and Bulgaria though.

Serves will not rest easy until their joke of a country is only Belgrade and the surrounding area.

Serbia isn't strong, it never was and that meme needs to die.

>Not posting the gif

Yea (((Chetniks)))
And we'll get into a war again and we'll buy many tanks and bullets from the merchant.
Our infrastructure will be flattened again and we will rebuild again, staying in poverty.
Shabbat Shalom goy

>tfw my oc was reposted


Don't you have to post bike paths on Sup Forums at this hour?

>Be Serbia
>Surrounded by NATO
>Your closest ally is Russia
>Russia gives you shit ton off defence for protection
>Croats chimp out against us for getting better equipment
really activates my almonds

Serbs were turkcucks for 500 years. We on other hand defeated them.

you just have remove kebab meme larped by autistic permavirgins and 9gag army, we got history and battles

>Croats starts to arm themselves before Yugo war
>Serbians chimp out

>women constantly raped

I'm seriously getting tired of this shit


And for the kebab removing meme: yes, what's the fucking problem? Serbs were under the ottomans for 350 years and resisted and fought them even during that time. For 100 years they fought them before that, and for 100 years they fought them after that. Ultimately, Serbs emerged victorious and expelled/killed a lot of muslims from their lands.

Desu, i fear they are doing what the US is doing for us. They are modernizing their own equipment even further and giving us the outdated stock as gifts instead of dismantling it.

lmao man serbia could fucking wipe out croatia, bosnia, albania, macedonia, maybe even Bulgaria on its own.....without (((outside))) intervention

no wonder they get a lot of hate on this board and in general

dude you didnt have a king that spoke your language for 1000 years and when you finally did, he was a Serb LOL