Leftist Swedish Politician:It’s “Worse” When White Men Rape Than When Immigrants Do

''Swedish Left Party politician Barbro Sörman has stoked controversy by suggesting that it’s “worse” when White men rape women compared to when Brown and Black immigrants commit sexual assaults.
“The Swedish men who rape do it despite the growing gender equality.They make an active choice. It’s worse imo,” tweeted Sörman.
Sörman, who describes herself as a socialist and a feminist, made the comments in response to what she claimed was too much media focus on the fact that most of the rapes in Sweden are committed by immigrants.


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>Capable of rational thought

Choose one.

Sven Cucks

I blame Feminism


People living in Sweden, please run away while you are still alive and not in jail for something absurd and trivial.

This is really making my fucking blood boil,
thank you Sup Forums you made me swallow the redpill

Beast mode now!

Oh, so its not an active choice when the muslims do it. Thank you for reminding me of how subhuman they are, sweden.

when will this end

So this is what all that witch burning was about!

>Every day I start to understand ancient European rituals better and also why cultural marxists always want to portrait them as barbaric and stupid.

In a sense she's unintentionally right (by way of racist analogy): it's worse when a man mauls a man than when a chimpanzee does it.

>It's worse when whites do it because we hold them to higher standards
Where were you when you realized that leftists are the actual racists?

t. Black guy who voted for Trump to end the democrat plantation.

She's right.

Immigrants come from different cultures, it takes time for them to adapt and learn about why rape is wrong. Swedes on the other hand learn from a young age that rape is bad and that even if the woman consents but is drunk they are still commiting rape.

It is worse. When a white man rapes he has stooped down to the level of sub human beasts like niggers and moslems.

You don't need to be taught that doing something to another person that makes them cry and scream is wrong

How does the immigrant not know if they aren't enjoying it?

Japanese girls cry and scream during sex


you watch to much porn


That's true though. White men have every opportunity to scale the social ladder and get a gf through conventional means, whereas browns and blacks are unfairly prejudiced out of the system.

SD (the "right" party) is just sitting back and watching voters flee from a burning house. They realize no matter what they say they'll be called nazis, so they just stay silent.

>It’s “Worse” When White Men Rape Than When Immigrants Do [because we expect that from immigrants]


Don't worry, there's a good chance that we'll rise up one day and make the old nazis look like a bunch of hippies in comparison.

keep roleplaying mehmet

shady ass link

get off Sup Forums you stupid fucking nigger you dont belong here

Hur många skulle gå med på en coup d'etat i sverige just nu?

Honestly, it's time to start killing every last one of these traitors and any family they have.

>haven't heard of the Kybalion

Time to take the wizardpill bro.


Kys, leaf.

>Liberal detected

>“The Swedish men who rape do it despite the growing gender equality.They make an active choice. It’s worse imo,” tweeted Sörman.

So shes implying that lets a Somalian is too dumb to make the choice to not rape or hurt someone?

No words to describe this...

It seems clear that Swedishness is a terminal sexually transmitted disease.

>They make an active choice.

Once again a leftist is exposed as a common racist.

They really do think these migrants are less than human. Even second and third generation and beyond they are "other" in the mind of the leftist; unable to properly understand law or morality and therefore less culpable. Like the retarded or children.

Not one single moment of reflection must be allowed on this topic however, because they'll start screaming you're the racist for bringing it up.

Also I don't think a single place in the world doesn't punish rape

yes, that's why it is funny
also, checked

To be fair, that implication would be correct.

So she's saying the rapefugees are just passively raping women, perhaps as they saunter back to their government supplied housing while counting their refugee-standard spending money?

I think so too. Thats why i'm reading up on how to perform the blood eagle.

Plot tvist: We boil their children in oil, in front of their own eyes while they spread their wings.

Tell your pedofile prophet i said hi.

enköping pls, sluta med era svaga psyops

I actually don't understand the comment. Do Sand Nogs have a force field that repels gender equality?

In many ways shes right. White men are rightly considered to be to be righteous, good men so it's always a crime to see one sink to the levels of a debased beast. The brown hordes are nothing but sex cracked psychopaths and theologies know this.

Always remember that liberals have always been the racists.


how would you know they cry and scream?

Theologies = the liberals

Fucking tablet

So it's true that rape is permissable in Islam?

Can you cite the relevant verse?

Damn Sweden, you're all so cucked
We should have never given women equal rights

va kacklar du om?
Är det inte rätt många SD snubbar i militären

The "master race"

Time for the the ol' gasseroo, I say.

its another episode of low expectations racism, that poor non white man didn't know any better

They're usually on top, actually. Nice try basementfag.


So that's what a Swedish_jewish name looks like.

Add it to the lists, boys.

All rape is equally bad regardless of culprit.
This is the result when you rip off lady justice' blindfold - you find out she has one blind eye turned.