Political Quiz

Post your results.

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Feels good man

Did I succeed?

see Sup Forums, this is what happens when you start lurking this board as a democratic socialist and little by little your beliefs start crumbling. I don't know what to think anymore...am I weak? I feel like I have no opinion of my own

You're turning to the truth. Keep on keepin' on, Nicola.


Take a political compass image, and superimpose the Nike symbol on top of it. That is the path all intelligent people take in life.



NatSoc reporting

>In general, the idea of a racially diverse, multicultural society:

>Is simply a tool used to destroy peoples and nations

>tfw this quiz knows about (((them)))

>you're no nazi mate.

Superior Conservative Ideology

Get out.

Add another one to the pile.

you're doing the right thing compare, just keep up, we all felt this way

Hitler wasn't a racist


You're good where you are, nigga. Being moderate is the best way to go.


Check em

Hey Sargon
>wife's daughter

not really, 5 years on Sup Forums can take you to strange places



i feel if we had serious politicians in our country I would have a better understanding of where I'm leaning towards.


Too socialist/10

Praise Kek

i learned not to follow italy's politics, it's a mess and i'd rather start worrying about it when the elections begin
IF they ever begin
try taking some other political tests, or study what you believe is right, read stuff, libertarianism, conservatism, capitalism, hell even fascism or traditionalism, that should help you

Excuse the shit phonefag quality Sup Forumstards


You're where I was about a year and a half ago. Keep on keeping on, you're on the right path

Here, take muh profile NSA

Where my conservatives at?

NatSoc = Fascist. You are far from that. And you come over as an indoctrinated person. Good luck, my friend.

Post your political alignment in this poll too

What a disappointment


reporting in

Lol. Liar.

>Those who are living in a country illegally should be:
>1) Immediately deported, no exceptions
>2) Allowed to stay if they are non-violent and employed
>3) Granted a path to citizenship
Where's the gas chamber option?

but that's wrong, national socialism and fascism are distinct

make america great again


>NatSoc = Fascist

AMA then, I came here during the 2012 election.

only reasonable political viewpoint

Useless test that doesn't allow for nuance.

A shitty quiz. Especially the last line, apparently you have to promote degeneracy to be individualist.

>All these morality scores lower than 10.
>Falling for Kosher tricks.

I'm disappointed, Sup Forumstards. Stop looking at traps.


Changing one's beliefs in light of new information is now weakness, it's fucking intelligent. Anyone who says otherwise is a moron.

Don't worry bro, most of us went through a transition too. /Pol changes you.

Uhhh, guys.....



right now i'm learning about the horrors of communism, because i was greatly misled during my teenage years. I had that romanticized commie worldview. Today I went to the library to buy Gulag Arcipelago by Solzenitsin, and found out it's out of print in Italy. So i took Everything Flows by Grossman. Next I'll read some austrian economists about libertarianism.

There are few flawed questions on there, where I would have appreciated a sixth answer.

Reckon that's why I got conservative and not centrist.

He likely ment this in relation to other Europeans rather that the whole world.


Individualists are fucking disgusting

Happy with this, balance is necessary.

kek, everyone of those mean the same thing.

Mine went like this. Am I alright?

>being nether a socialist or capitalist

let's go, boys
>right at the edge of the left
[spoiler]not bad[/spoiler]

individualism is another word for degeneracy


It must be >>>/reddit/.

what am i Sup Forums?

good to know, you're off to a great start

Genuinely did not see that coming

Yeah thats just a really sharp curve and most people start near the left when young

If you're still trapped in the libertarianism meme, read some Hans Hermann Hoppe and sort out the implications of that shit.


Eh. I'm somewhat all over the place. Would imply I'm a fence sitter but I just hold syncretic and milder red-pill views than most here. Ask me if you wish.

i have the weirdest one i think


>I like to even out my correct beliefs with some bullshit every once in awhile- gotta stay balanced!

It's amazing what this place can do...

don't know buddy, reminder that when Italy conquered Ethiopia, italian soldiers were encouraged to take a nubian wife (often a child) and there was no law against racemixing. This changed the next year with the racial laws strongly pushed by the new ally, Hitler.


oy vey

>when you take the maymays seriously

That lady's red droopy clown shoe titties in the bg are distracting desu.

Collectivism and individualism are societal bases for socialism and capitalism accordingly. It has little to do with degeneracy.






Mein /brĂ¼der/.

I was born in a traditional family, my dad has always been a businessman, nobody in my entire family is a leftist, so I guess that's why I started in the blue. The sharp curve is because I started to be interested in politics and economics with libertarian books. I grew over it eventually.



You faggots changed me from a Lolbertarian to a conservative.

You bastards


>no white option

what a shitty test

This girl is literally perfect.

that is a crazy chart. I am always around pic related


got this even though i identify as libertarian