Why do Ashkenazi Jews have high IQs?


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They're jews, they're the best at cheating anything. People, organizations, IQ tests...

Ashkenazi Jew IQ = 108

We deserve this planet, Goyim.

Jew at top tier school, can confirm.

Although, in general I would refer to myself as resourceful.


Ashkenazi Jews are attractive, highly successful, and highly intelligent.

Instead of vilifying them, they make the perfect breeding partners.

this was created in a lab or something

Thanks to constant European purges and a studious culture

We're not Chinese

She looks a little like Hila in this picture.

Oy vey white man don't race mix with a Jew women!

A Chinese dude I know got kicked out for having his phone out in an exam. He thought he could get away with it, no doubt he has before.

Tactless and soulless, fuck the Chinese. I have a bunch of PRC immigrants where I live in NY and the fuckers don't seem to know up from down

>Ashy genes and name.
>Never jewish, raised atheist and white.
>not good looking (girls find me creepy, as they should)
>Not successful (but was always in the "gifted" classes... though given how I intentionally fucked up a test once with funny answers (I saw funny test answers on the internet and wanted some luls) and one page have an entire underwater mural crudely drawn on it, rather than actual answers, I still never got moved to dumber classes, so I'd suspect jewish play was at work there)
>Went through entire childhood and adolescence with crippled social skills because autism (I'm better now... learned the rules of social manipulation without jews even teaching me, so it may very well be a naturally occurring thing amongst ash/jew people and their descendants).

Jews seem to manipulate it, I'd say because on paper I've always "looked good" when the reality is that is far from the case.
It may be a case of helping their own, even if their own doesn't see themselves as "one of them".

I suspect my name actually helps me alot.

not compared to the Anglo.

that part nigger holds them back.

Well people might not like me saying this but IQ isn't everything. The Asians have higher IQs than whites but whites clinvent more things. Whites are more spread out out on the bell curve so we have more geniuses than other races that have a higher average IQ.

>t. e. michael jones

after getting kicked out of (post the list of countries here) they more or less required the ability to survive in a place that didnt really have a supportnet. so in a sence scrounging led to the necessity of survival intern allowing for higher iq.

goys can't touch this

I went on a "gifted and talented" school trip where we did mostly cognitive activities.
I remember working out this puzzle where you needed to work in 3d space as opposed to the assumed 2d space to solve it.
We were supposed to solve it as a group.
I just solved it and showed everyone.
I got marked down for not working as a team.
One of the girls there seemed impressed that I did that even though i got reprimanded.
So yeah, the ladys like that Captain Kirk shit.


she's aging badly. post one of her from this past 6 months.

We killed all the dumb ones.

Survival of the fittest along with sly semitic blood.


Jews are like meta knight in Super Smash Bros Brawl since they are so OP they get banned from public events and are shunned upon by fags

goys can't touch this either

Luckily for you I'm no Goy

Selective breeding.


to actually answer your question, jews have a more advanced neshama (intellectual aspect of the soul required for understanding Torah). everyone has a soul, and everyone has a neshama, but the jewish neshama is simply operating at a higher level than that of most goyim. the thing about the neshama though is that you can rely on it too much -to the detriment of other aspects of the soul.

They were always very adverse to any kind of physical/manual labor, and would discriminate against their kinds who would lower themselves to such goyim-like occupations

>they have to compensate for their inferior aesthetics.

Goyim are born with a nefesh, a simple soul.

Jews are born with a neshama, which is actually two levels higher. A neshama allows the Jew to break out of reality and into the divine for tiny moments, to see reality for how it really is from the ein sof. It is from this that Jews get their power.

How do you beat cheating? Provided two people with equal skills and intellect, if one starts cheating the only way to stay even or get ahead is if you start cheating too.

nu-Sup Forums everyone, shitskins jealous non humans

>the thing about the neshama though is that you can rely on it too much -to the detriment of other aspects of the soul.
Such is the Jewish plight

Centuries of eugenic breeding in western and central Europe

> Jews piggyback off the white genetics to prevent over-incestation.


Visions of the olam haba and the anguish that it is not so.

they practice eugenics.

I don't know but as of Thursday I'll likely have slept with two in the space of 7 days. Both intelligent and into politics. One is descended from socialist jews who fled Germany in the 30s, she worships Rosa Luxemburg and is a member of the socialist labour party.

The other is a Libertarian with family who survived the holocaust, she lived in Israel and went to middle school in the US, parents are media professionals and she is a TV producer.

The first one is a bit of a lunatic but they were both more interesting on the first date than 99% of the girls I've slept with. In fact they're probably the only girls I've ever met to be genuinely informed and well read. The first one even had an open mind about market economics despite being a literal card carrying socialist. The second girl, upon me saying that Nixon is an under rated president, started talking about how Kissinger. On her own. It blew my mind after years of rarely even finding guys who could have that conversation. The only semi-comparable experience I've had in 10 years of dating have been pseudo-intellectual feminists who didn't actually read.

TL;DR - Jews are great


its also why they have so many genetic disorders. same genes that increased IQ also caused things like tay sachs

how do i get a jewish gf

so a level of inbreeding works?

>How do you beat cheating?
It's called having morals, or Orwell's common decency of common folks. Jews have been kicked out countless of times at the initiative of the little folk, who would either reach to the King or take matter into their own hands (slaughter in such case). Jews would prey upon the miserable and low-lives, make them indebted and then made slaves when they could not repay. You can corrupt "intellectuals", but the common folk acts more closely to their intuition and eventually revolt against such behavior. If you read a lot of medieval history, you'll come across a lot of those "side" slaughters in folk uprisings, it's uncanny.

Waddup sven

standard jew victim narrative that starts the story in the middle. they were kicked out because they didn't have survival skills and resorted to Jewing.

Leeching and bloodsucking is their survival skill.

Because race is real and Jewish/European hybrids are fucking smart.

>toothless bong taking credit for based us wasps

lol. jewish girls are fucking ugly. so Jews post half-goys like scarjo, who obviously gets her beauty from her nordic genes. too funny.

goys have a Ruach supposedly, kike; not nephesh. Also possessing neshamah consciousness doesnt = access to "en soph". You'd still need to pass through Chayah, Yechidah, the abyss of TzimTzum then the three negatives ending in Ayin.

nope she's 100% Jewish by jewish law and religiously observant fgt

>this whole thread
It's kinda comfy, reminds me of the good ol' days

>taking credit for based us wasps

fat yank taking credit for wasps

lol @ "by jewish law".

check out the chutzpah on you, murray.

she's half nordic and if she were 100% Jew she'd be ugly as fuck just like 99.999999% of 100% jew women are.

smart Christians didn't or weren't allowed to have kids
their inbreeding to keep their "high" iq has the consequence of a range neurological, spinal and other physiological defects and diseases (on top of a great fraction of them being hideous)

proper Europeans are still superior to me

you're going to be called a shill but seriously, Jewish women are the best. You can ACTUALLY TALK TO THEM.

Goyim can have Ruach but not necessarily, only the righteous do. Neshamah is the first level that has is tied to the ein soph but only in small moments, you can 'feel' it but only for fleeting moments, a person with a Neshamah is still a creature of reality. But these fleeting and rare moments are still a huge advantage, at allow for "eureka" moments that give Jews an edge in business and science. Yechidah is essentially of the ein soph.

You'll can choose not to believe this shit fine, but it's literally the reason according to Jewish mysticism why Jews are so successful.

The Ashkenazi are smart, but they trade intelligence for rampant inbreeding and genetic malformation. They have a markedly higher genetic predisposition for certain types of hereditary cancer like ovarian, gastric, breast. The higher the percentage of Ashkenazi blood, the more they start to adopt the troll like hook nosed beady eyed look. And also, if you spend an entire lifetime trying to schwindle people, you develop a certain sense of cunning that can be translated to IQ. In conclusion, Kikes are the worst form of human existence, regardless of intellect.

actually, IQ tests are social awareness tests so those that wrote them score the highest, since jews fill many of the higher rolls in society it makes total sense they would do ok on this society's social aptitude tests.
thats no real indication of base intelligence though, hence why every major culture has a different IQ test

reminder that the Nazis "Ideal German Soldier" photo was a jew.

They need to make up for the fact that they are soulless

Ashkénaze is like very smart. Always and beautiful. Marry into Judaism. Totally cool to do, right John Mulaney?

>reminder that the Nazis "Ideal German Soldier" photo was a jew.
I'm going to need some source documents on that nigga. Nazi party produced or it didn't happen.

You can only pick one.
Ashkenazi are extremely mixed and marry non jews all the time

Seems unlikely a uprising of that sort would happen in modern times. Too much research has been done into brainwashing and propaganda, it's too easy to corrupt people into doing nothing. Even if a movement were to occur they have experience with halting it too, like the occupy wall street movement. I'm very pessimistic about the future to fight back, especially since the law passed not long ago about ISP selling your browser history. If they get complete control over the internet every opposition is done for.

I've reconsidered my NatSoc position and am going to marry a Jewish woman of the Ashkenazic phenotype. This was a very persuasive thread, thanks my fellow goyim!

because of what IQ tests actually test.

were iq tests more focused on math and science- Koreans, Japs, Chinese, and probably Germans would score higher.

note that non ashkenazi jews are not especially high IQ. And the Askenazi are matrilineally European.


Guy in tv show Scorpion was Irish. Note that he was made into a Paki by the Jew producers.


>implying Ashkenazi aren't the master race

Yeah the royal families of Europe never inbred and had intelligence at the same time, did they? My shlomo detector is pegged to red right now.

Killing off all the non crafty members of ur phenotype over the course of centuries leaves you with just the crafty ones.

This is how white euros got to where they did. Massive natural disasters and centuries of war.

The jews have been booted out of every country over and over for the entirety of recorded history.


This anti-goyim racist thread is now under assault by Antifa! We will shoot you in the streets you fascist racist deplorable homophobic misogynist transphobic islamaphobic anti-semitic nazi frogs!

You have been fucking warned.

Racist Ashkenazi supremacists will be shot down.

>the jew fears the Episcopalian
feels good, too bad the Anglicans old us down

lol the collapse already started same way as usual empire gets rich abuses neighbors trys to lock the m out environment collapses starving neighbors climb through fences and break down empires highly integrated supply chains trying to meet their basic needs.
if you havnt noticed you havnt been watching these last 20 years

>inferior aesthetics

All the dumb ones were gassed.

If the statistics are right, the Jews constitute but one quarter of one percent of the human race. It suggests a nebulous puff of star dust lost in the blaze of the Milky Way. Properly, the Jew ought hardly to be heard of, but he is heard of, has always been heard of. He is as prominent on the planet as any other people, and his importance is extravagantly out of proportion to the smallness of his bulk.

His contributions to the world’s list of great names in literature, science, art, music, finance, medicine and abstruse learning are also very out of proportion to the weakness of his numbers. He has made a marvelous fight in this world in all ages; and has done it with his hands tied behind him. He could be vain of himself and be excused for it. The Egyptians, the Babylonians and the Persians rose, filled the planet with sound and splendor, then faded to dream-stuff and passed away; the Greeks and Romans followed and made a vast noise, and they were gone; other people have sprung up and held their torch high for a time but it burned out, and they sit in twilight now, and have vanished.

The Jew saw them all, survived them all, and is now what he always was, exhibiting no decadence, no infirmities, of age, no weakening of his parts, no slowing of his energies, no dulling of his alert but aggressive mind. All things are mortal but the Jews; all other forces pass, but he remains. What is the secret of his immortality?

took 100 years for first egyptian empire to collapse under weight of refugees, took 50 years for rome extra some people get to live their entire lives and have grand kids during the collapse of a empire its only afterwards they name a day it collapsed

>Yeah the royal families of Europe never inbred
They did and turned out mad or retarded half the time, often resulting in coups where another family takes over or revolutions. You only need to look at the history of Europe to see that.

They should thank the Nazis for killing all the stupid ones.

Children of satan.

They're like aryans in terms of intelligence, except evil and parasitic. Jews also make for shit engineers, as they have poor spatial and practical mathematical ability.

>99.9% inferior aesthetics.

>Jews also make for shit engineers, as they have poor spatial and practical mathematical ability.

>oy vey! not all Jews are ugly.

>jews declare war on germany
>germany """""""""""exterminates them"""""""""""
>jews smart
>for patch of shitty land most of them wont go and stay in

jews are smart like a cannibalistic rat.

not engineering smart.

ephraim was the smart tribe when you read the torah.

judah was the dumb one.

If they are so smart why did they name themselves after nazis?

hey jews in the thread

did you know that ephraim was the chosen one?


Subsequently, Shiloh became one of the leading religious shrines in ancient Israel, a status it held until shortly before David's elevation of Jerusalem.[6]

The Tent of Meeting is to be distinguished from the "Dwelling Place" (Mishkan) often translated "Tabernacle".

The whole congregation of Israel assembled together at Shiloh and set up the tent (or tabernacle) of the congregation there (Joshua 18:1).[7]

The tabernacle had been built under Moses' direction from God (Exodus 26) to house the Ark of the Covenant, also built under Moses' direction from God (Exodus 25). According to Talmudic sources, the tent sanctuary remained at Shiloh for 369 years [8] until the Ark of the Covenant was taken into the battle camp at Eben-Ezer (1 Samuel 4:3–5) and captured by the Philistines at Aphek (probably Antipatris). At some point during its long stay at Shiloh, the portable tent seems to have been enclosed within a compound — a Greek "temenos". It was at Shiloh that Eli and Samuel ministered (1 Samuel 3:15) and Shiloh was the site of a physical structure that had "doors" (1 Samuel 3:21). At some point, the Tent of Meeting was moved to Gibeon,[9] which became an Israelite holy site under David and Solomon.

this bothers the tribe of judah

guess who ephraim is white people? you betcha. its you dumb lot.

you are renown for building ancient engineering wonders under the guidance of jehovah or jesus christ

so get it together

>reminder the "perfect aryan" poster had a jewish baby

>more then


or did you think the dumb arabians built the modern wonders in india, iran, egypt,etc.

remember it is proven that King Tut was a white dude by DNA testing

so here you have a group of white people spread to all of the places that major engineering accomplishments took place during the same time periods that these kingdoms 'diasporad' the lost 10 tribes of israel

makes you think doesnt it

judah was a thief and murderer. esau was a fool and murdererl.

joseph was a brilliant christian.

dumb ass (((archaelogists))) cant even see the fiery serpent symbol the ankh is


so if you are white american, you need to go back to a protestant church of your choice and help rebuild your community

the only bad choices are catholic, islam, and judaism

all corrupt euro and middle eastern trash religions


>ignoring that Italians have the highest IQ of any European nation

2-4% african is the ultimate redpill. any more is arab-tier, any less is potato/british-tier

is that you china man? im not sure.

or is it the queens man who has britains dick still in its mouth?

i wont respect an aussie till you have a republic you and throw off the city of london

at least america keeps fighting while you take it like a swedish woman

i cant forget, is the holocaust your state religion as well?


enjoy your jewish and british dick

April 8, 1999 Fredrick Töben Australia 7 months' imprisonment Mannheim, Germany – retrial – 2011 indefinitely stayed by judge Dr Meinerzhagen. October 1 – November 19, 2008, London, extradition to Mannheim, Germany, on European Arrest Warrant issued by Germany, failed. August 15 – November 12, 2009, Adelaide, Australia – for contempt of court because he refused to stop questioning the Holocaust's 3 basics: 6 million, systematic state extermination, gas chambers as murder weapon.



They killed based Scalia cuz he would suck the same cock as you guys

Associate Justice Antonin Scalia, writing for the Supreme Court, held that the prohibition against hate speech was unconstitutional as it contravened the First Amendment. ... Thus, the Supreme Court embraced the idea that speech in general is permissible unless it will lead to imminent violence.

And Trump is going to boot the rest of the Jews off that bench.

But Im sure Turnbull and your queen have your best interests.