How do you feel about the removal of EPA regulations?

How do you feel about the removal of EPA regulations?

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They were removed and I'm still ok.

I'd have to look at the exact wording of the repeal.

Frankly though, if we have to chose between the earth and us, we won't choose the earth.

I don't know much about it; and I would think it is difficult to find any unbiased information. It's probably a bad thing.

Here is the executive order.

looks fucked to me

I am ok with it, not the like the EPA was preventing things from becoming polluted, in fact if I am not mistaken they helped to conceal polution.

Good. We will still have clean air and clean water. The EPA has grown far beyond that and needs to be put back in its box. We've been paying for our own destruction as the EPA was funding a lot of politicized science used to justify unnecessary regulations.


All the forests should be paved over with concrete desu.

All this does is deregulate an industry (coal mining) which employs only 60000 people roughly nation wide; as well as allow oil refineries to produce more pollution. Basically it will just increase profits for the energy sector without benefitting its workers or employing many more people. The regulations were not job killers they were just detrimental to profits. So for the sake of billionaires luxury we will have a more polluted country; even if you don't believe in global warming, more methane in the air is still an unpalatable possibility

colorados gettin smoggy

A lot of EPA regulations were put in place by the agency instead of through legislation. By making regulations without prior legislation establishing said regulation, the executive branch is making laws. Getting rid of ALL regulations made by the EPA without legislation should be removed.

How will we "still have clean air" when all this does is allow industry to put more toxic chemicals into the air? Regardless of how subjectively you feel about it; the air will be less clean by definition; and the profits will hardly benefit the economy at large, as these industries are very small in terms of employment.

You dropped a 0, friend.

The kind of authoritarian capitalist government Sup Forums wants

We had clean air before the EPA, we will have it after.
Perhaps you should be pressuring your local government to address local issues, instead of insisting the feds do everything.

Nope. It really is that small. Coal mining started plummeting in the 1940's about 30 years too soon to blame it on the EPA

The Feds are acting; deregulation is not a neutral action and how are states supposed to regulate pollution that does not stop at borderlines?

that's fair. but i'm sick of living in a polluted hell. its sickening to go outside in the city, and i don't think the people are strong enough to inspire legislation to help it.

Looks good to me. Seems as though they're just making it easier for us to keep extracting oil and other natural resources that we desperately need to keep the lights on for the next 50 years or so.

Yeah, shit will get a little more polluted. You're not a coal miner yet living in a slum surrounded by grey mountains of slag, so i don't want to hear any fucking complaining from your warm houses and advanced electronics.

Everything has a cost. A healthy well-fed laborer over the course of an 8-hour work shift can sustain an average output of about 75 watts. Your microwave uses 800 watts. Did you earn it? No. The planet did it for you, and it looks appropriately worn out for the effort.


if you don't think pollution is a problem then you're a fucking idiot

because WV water wasn't flammable enough amirite

Yeah at least the lights will be on but we won't be able to go outside for more than an hour at a time. Do you fancy living in those conditions ? It is certainly possible, check out China if you want a look at it

this is true. the jobs argument is just wool for your eyes.

if you think the EPA is not over regulated then you're a fucking idiot.

It does too little actually.

fuck you

Even worse, user. I can think of several instances where the EPA caused much harm. Gold King, Animas, etc.

>if you don't think pollution is a problem then you're a fucking idiot

If you think the pollution this is going to cause is 1/10,000th as bad as it was for most of the western world between 1800 and 1970, you're completely ignorant of history.

You want me to pull out my copy of Road to Wigan Pier and give you some excerpts of soot-blackened houses near industrial kilns? Of people working in coal mines shovelling on their knees for 7 1/2 hour shits, with hour long commutes through miles of 4ft high ceilings?

Summerfag is about the best description i can find for you.

epa regulates if i can cut down trees in my back yard around a man made dam erected to create a pond by my family 70 years ago.

epa does not regulate the amount of fukashima radiation i can absorb from wendy's alaskan halibit fish combo.

Fuck off with em

regulation is a scary word

Oh but the oil gas and coal industries have never done anything bad right? Why should there be any oversight? It's like you people want to live in squalor

Dude you live in a BLUE state. It is the fault of your own legislators, and also you the voter, that Colorado is polluted.

>Yeah at least the lights will be on but we won't be able to go outside for more than an hour at a time.
They sell good filters for masks.

>Do you fancy living in those conditions ?
Do you somehow deny that those conditions are an unavoidable consequence of keeping the lights on for an exponentially increasing population?

>It is certainly possible, check out China if you want a look at it
China doesn't have shit on the industrial era. They had zero laws and had to start from scratch with absolutely no environmental concern.

You're literally suggesting that we go back to the levels of deregulation prior to 1970 (approximately the time the EPA was started)

I already do live in squalor, miles of nigger ghettos and rusted out factorys and a polluted river that is the water source for the the tristate area, you know whats funny to? Its an area that votes blue.

He is saying that if you think recinding a few regulations is the end of the world then you should kill yourself.


Stop being fooled by names.
PP does not want to help babies and families. Despite being named planned parenthood. That's how they trick you. EPA doesn't mean this is the only way we can give a fuck about the environment. Stop being fooled so easily. Also watch this video,

That's not the epa's fault, that's cultural marxism's fault.

problems not the epa its how the deomcrats use the epa to pass regulations they cant get through congress.

cant get a bill to pass. Give epa oversight on waterways, then redife what a waterway is ; now you can regulate every constructions site with a puddle on it.

Democrats truly need to be purged.

You are suggesting it would be better if we had no regulations; which is how it is in China; and don't try to convince yourself that China is some primitive society, they are every bit as advanced as we are only more voracious. And no, and industrial hell is not unavoidable, we may have to face a shrinking economy you are so blithe about tough choices (lol wear a mask) so why shouldn't environmentalists be. Go to sleep when it is dark you pussy.

I feel betrayed.

oh fuck you. planned parenthood helped my sister immensely and the epa is good. get your head out of your ass.


>You are suggesting it would be better if we had no regulation

I am suggesting that if we must ultimately choose between the environment and keeping the lights on, we will choose the lights. Morals don't apply here. This is survival.

Everything else you say is just pussycramps so i'll forgive you.

me too. I thought Trump was going to be anti globalist but he's looking like a big globalist puppet now.

Not being allowed to dump poison into streams is overregulation? Shit, I didn't know that!

PP just like EPA does good things, but are usually used by Democrats for other motives.

>China every bit as advanced as USA
>china 1 billion people
>china 172 million car owners

17% of the population owns a car.

You think you can survive without the environment? You are retarded

>Energy independence
Pick one.

The guys who represent the coal industry even came out and made a statement not to expect significant job growth as a result LOL

They're downplaying expectations after spending years telling people that it'd help revitalize Appalachia lolol

>by giving more power to multinational corporations

Wow that was a really thought out answer. Did you make sure to research the problem before you decided to be a dissapointment?

The local environmental regulations here in Phoenix are actually more strict than what the EPA would hold us to. Makes literally no difference besides less paperwork to fill out.

Pollution is a violation of the NAP.
Take your cancer cloud somewhere else, faggot.

>You think you can survive without the environment? You are retarded

Henny Penny! The Sky is Falling!!

You're catastrophizing.

There is also another place she should have gone that offers more.

>by giving more power to multinational corporations
Sweatie, these are American companies. Come back when you graduate 8th grade kiddo.

>implying the 1% will give enough of a shit about space exploration to get us off earth before it gives up the ghost and we all die

fuck you. reducing "a few" regulations, and adopting the general mindset that eco-change isnt real is fucking dangerous, considering the current situation. you may not see all of the shit that is happening, but here in colorado, i do. over at the reefs, they do too. and your thickheaded support for some retarded ideal that you formed half assed on the toilet is helping to really fuck things up. get your head out of your ass.

So what did the EPA do before all this controversy? Isn't it their fault that flint michigan's water is so unclean?

that second one is the fda yeah

the 1% will move to mars and rule the world with impunity.

Oh god, you're just full of blue pills. Space is escapism writ large. We cannot just run away to join the circus to avoid cleaning our room.

Also, you are the 1%. You have electricity and indoor plumbing and have probably never gone hungry or had lice. Spoiled brat.

What a pathetic shill you are! Any policy which enables the fossil fuel industry to pollute the air (and by extension the water and soil) is ultimately an act of violence to anyone who relies on these resources to survive (every living thing). If you can't see how this will play out you lack the capacity of foresight; a hallmark of low intelligence.


Which petroleum company is not a global company?

>The kind of authoritarian capitalist government Sup Forums wants
Regulations are authoritarian user.

The regulations that were resinded violate the law. The executive branch cannot create legislation. Just because your state and YOU do not know how to properly live with the environment is fault of your own. Learn to go green faggot.


Oh one professor at the University of Delaware (america's finest institution) says so and there is no way what he said was distorted for this click bait headline :^)
> Establish and oversee the implementation of ORD’s diversity strategy

>he types this from a computer that is powered by and made from fossil fuels
>he types this while eating food he got from a grocery store, that his mom drove him to in a fossil fuel car, from a store that uses fossil fuels for delivery and keeping all the produce cool

>nah but fossil fuels are evil, ((((((for other people to benefit from)))))))

What a fucking dill weed.

They also transport a few thousand times more freight than all of those cars combined, so there's that.

Then get your state to fix itself.

i try to live as green as possible. me and my mom and sister dont eat mean. but its not enough. I agree with you that the laws should be repealed if they were made illegally, but the denial in the white house of our impact is terrifying. i hate this and i want the environment to be protected. why doesnt anyone care?

You understand that the costs of fixing that would put several hundred thousand people out of work and probably wreck local economies?

>implying I have a car and don't use solar energy
Lol faggot not everyone is a bitch like you
Anyway your argument is ridiculous. The regulations that he repealed were aimed at reducing fossil fuel dependence which is a beneficial trend; trump is replacing it with the suboptimal trend of continued dependence on fossil fuels. Human beings can survive without this shit, maybe not alt right NEETs but you know real people

All you environmentalist need to admit you want to kill huge swaths of the human population and yourself.

Can somebody explain how the regulations being repealed are somehow unfair or unreasonable to business?

So far, the energy market has been moving away from coal and it looks like that will continue.

it seems hopeless. republicans hold the power and noone seems to want to regulate these big companies. i dont know how to fix it and ive been really worried about the state of the world.

Cause people like you only whine about it instead of suggesting policy proposals. Maybe if, and I know this sounds hard, but develop some sort of "plan" with "metrics" and then we can save the environment. Until then people like you that only cry about Muh smogg gob should do summin are part of the problem.

Reducing population growth and resource consumption over a period of generations does not equate to killing millions of people you dumb shit

>you want to kill huge swaths of the human population
>and yourself.

just the niggers

how do you figure?

I just want to kill about 1% actually

I understand.

>implying I have a car and don't use solar energy
Lol, solar energy is a net loss at anything other than equatorial latitudes. Way to pass the buck to make yourself feel superior.

And what, you grow all your own food?

>Human beings can survive without this shit
Barely. Not without any luxuries. Working 10-12 hour days year round. Do you have any grandparents? Ask them about how their parents lived. You've absolutely no idea how spoiled you are and how foolishly you bite the only hand that feeds you. Read a fucking book.

>we had clean air before the EPA
Tell that to London, or any other city during the industrial revolution

That is what the developed world was doing! Now we need to import a bunch of uneducated people that have as many babies as they can that especially don't care about the environment.

>Barely. Not without any luxuries. Working 10-12 hour days year round. Do you have any grandparents? Ask them about how their parents lived. You've absolutely no idea how spoiled you are and how foolishly you bite the only hand that feeds you. Read a fucking book.

>nuclear power does not exist

Stop user, you're embarassing yourself.

Feels good man.

Every regulatory agency in any government that is entangled with the economic entities it is supposed to regulate will always be a stewpot of industry insiders who are only there to bias the regulations to favor their parent companies while disfavoring others. Same as with subsidies. You pay a ton of money to support a bunch of parasites and nothing changes.

Rand was right on this one. Either the government is severed from economic interest or there is no point in regulation. Fucking pick one crapitalists.

Capital costs, mostly. It would be extremely expensive to replace or retrofit most industrial facilities. The losses would force the companies to lay people off, especially if they were forced to relocate.

How many times have we seen our industry leave to foreign countries because the prices were too high, and how many times have we seen cities like the once-great detroit reduced to ruins by their absence?

My great grandparents actually lived honest lives as farmers and craftsmen in a world where they could drink from the streams near their house and eat fish from the oceans without getting poisoned in the process. They certainly worked very hard but that is a part of life too; hell I work almost 10 a day anyway and really most of my luxuries feel like time wasted

>new face of America

>nuclear power does not exist

It's 10% of total global power? Do you have figures and plans for supplanting the other 90% without polluting anything? What do you intend to do with the millions of metric tons of annual nuclear waste? Thorium decays into worthless shit just like any other fissionable material.

"oh a wizard will fix it" give me a fucking break. Think this shit through at least.