The embarssing effects of capitalism

Baby formula locked away in a store. You see this all across the nation. Why? People need this stuff to feed their babies and yet it's just locked away.

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Maybe if people actually got a fucking job, and bought the baby food instead of stealing it the store wouldn't need to lock it up.

Fuck you for having kids you can't afford.

>need this stuff to feed their babies
that's what tits are for. if you're a woman and you're not breastfeeding you're fucking worthless and your kid will be too.

Maybe it's because there's a rampant "welfare babby" problem in the black community and some enterprising urban youths decided to make a quick buck for drug capital to steal baby formula and flip it

>what is a nipple?

People get enough baby formula from WIC. The problem is that crackheads would use it as cut when they're "slangin'."

Not realizing crack heads steal it in mass amounts and sell it

>People need this stuff to feed their babies
No, you don't need poison to feed babies, feeding babby is what tits are for.
Feeding your baby "formula" is child abuse.

I find the stuff locked away usually gets stolen the most, what's wrong with protecting your property?

Use your fucking tits - retarded niggers.

This isn't a political issue.
Fuck off

so black women don't steal it.


niggers steal it so we have to lock it up

We both said crackheads. Did you feel weird saying crackhead like it was 2004?


I wasn't alive in 2004, grandpa.

This store must be in a black neighborhood. The store in my neighborhood doesn't even lock up the booze, let alone the baby formula lmao

Could be worse. You could be in a communist country where formula is only stocked on shelves once a year

>Baby formula

wtf I love japs now

Hughie Malone, is that you?


Don't have kids if you can't afford it?

>People need this stuff to feed their babies and yet it's just locked away.

Because niggers steal shit and niggers don't breastfeed.

Over here, they're locked because the Chinese keep buying them to send back to China. Their milk powders are toxic or some shit.
Now there's a limit of 2 per customer. Doesn't stop them coming in with their extended family and emptying the aisle out.

Fucking animals.

im 12 and what is a sage

The embarrassing effects of communism

you should really check the shit they put into that

Fucking this! Babies get all they need from breast milk! Only need vitamin D supplement, which is cheap as shit.

>feeding your kid (((formula))) instead of breastmilk

lazy nigger detected.

>People need this
What is lactation? It's almost like niggers don't have brains. Free food for your children comes out of your breasts. Eugenics is bad they say, also it's great that as a society we let these overgrown children reproduce.

Targetfag here -

We had to start locking that shit up because niggers, white trash, and fucking cholo's kept stealing it. If you see any poor person with a thieves mentality do me a favor and feed their guts to dogs; it's thanks to them that I have to go out of my way every day to get the keys for this shit.

Baby formula makes babies retards anyway.

>when your brand is so shit not even venezuelans want to steal it while facing starvation


It's because they can't stop smoking and drinking long enough to provide uncontaminated breastmilk for their child. They just don't give a fuck about their kid.

>feeding babby is what tits are for
What if mommy has a dick?

ban imminent


we should let the niggers take it for free intstead

They need no supplements stupid. Breast milk has it all.

Kill yourself

My mom didn't do breastfeeding because she thought it was gross.

Dont you mean the embarrassing effects of welfare and public schools?

Iceheads use it as cut when they're skating?

Then get off this board!

>You see this all across the nation.
No, only in certain ares
People steal it
>People need this stuff to feed their babies and yet it's just locked away.
They can buy it if they need it, just like many other products

Baby stuff (diapers, formula, food) are among the most stolen things from stores. So this is probably in a nigger area.


It's because niggers steal it and then sell it at flea markets, you stupid fuck.

underage ban
get out

>1 post by this id
Pretty much the thread ends with this post

That's not the effect of capitalism, but niggers. Try going to a store where niggers don't live

'bye nao

Result is pic related

Dey can't feed baby with dey tit milk cuz da crack dawg.

sounds like a good buisness for the shop, why would having someone buy a lot bother you?

The problem is not every baby has a mother whose breasts can produce enough milk. It often needs supplementing, particularly if the baby was premature.

>feeding a baby soy


This is the exact attitude that is killing the white race. Niggers don't care about affordable kids and they are winning.

Pretty sure you can actually make bombs with that shit believe or not

bro call hell on your calculator
1 - 800 - 666 - 0000
upside down bro. it's spooky as shit

It's the most stolen because it's the most necessary. Why do we charge so much for these essential items? Capitalism basically means that people can't get the stuff they need because greed corporations want insane amounts of money for them. These should be public items, not capitalist enterprises


can someone post back to the future tyrone?

>embarrassing effects of capitalism
>product is locked away because of reteated theft
>implying theft is in some way part of capitalism

are you literally retarded?

Then the child has to be rescued from the freak who wants to corrupt another

Then their kids should die like nature intended.

suggestion: carry the keys with you.
No gut spilling needed. Easy access.
No more tears.


Why did they have children if they couldn't afford to take care of them?

You don't know what that word means. If someone chooses to shoot themselves in the foot, the only thing they "need" is to be gassed.


ITT: Signs you are in the "bad part" of town.

But what if the babies have two dads?

this, just stock a shit ton of formula and sell out. turn the store into formula only. stack them floor to ceiling. capitalize on china's shitty products.

>My mom didn't do breastfeeding because she thought I was gross.
ftfy, sorry to hear lad

So, she chose to neglect you because doing what was right would've been icky? How did she make it through giving birth?

>The embarrassing effects of niggers
Fixed 4 U

>baby formula
tits or GTFO

The embarrassing effects of socialism

I mean what else is there to even say on the matter?

Coat hanger that shit if you can't afford it.


Because people steal it and use it to cut drugs.

I remember when I was younger someone told me they did this because they were afraid people would fuck with it to kill babies. Now I know it's mostly because of nogs stealing it

Because the fucking government gives the shit away to unhealthy nigger women who can't produce enough milk to support a child, yet they ~*~*sTiLL~*~* steal it so they can buy more sugary drinks and junk food to eat while they share blunts with their 5 year old.

>The problem is not every baby has a mother whose breasts can produce enough milk.
Any woman can produce as much milk as there is demand. As long as there is sucking the milk will flow.

>giving your kids formula

you deserve it

So fucking what? Just ask store personnel for it. Or do you advocate stealing you fucking parasitic piece of shit?

What am I watching? Cannibalism?

>people who are the age I was when I started browsing Sup Forums were born in 2005

Western governments subsidize the breeding of undesirables. White people are funding their own demographic replacement.

>embarrassing first of all
>embarrassing effects of shoplifters

fuck your broke ass nigga

haha, what ever could they feed their babies with if not kike formula?

Christ, breastfeeding is such an awesome thing, keeps the baby healthy, feeling loved, keeps the woman in check, can fully feed and hydrate a kid up to 6 months and even works for healing rashes!
My 3 y/o still gets a tit once in a while even though 95% goes to the lil baby and that lil son of a bitch has never been sick!
Women who don't breastfeed are niggers!

It's so they don't get tampered with (poisoned) you fucking losers.

The embarrassing effects of Indians.

Baby formula is locked at all stores because it is used for drugs, it is the most common thing locked up.

So only people with a lot of money should be able to have children? What kind of fucked up perspective is that? The joys of having a child should not be limited to those in the upper classes.

What is subjective value?

>Capitalism is bad because stuff gets locked away
Its literally powdered gold if you sell it to China.

Also beats Venezuelan Socialism anyday.