I know Sup Forums is pretty much all far right...

I know Sup Forums is pretty much all far right, but can we at least acknowledge how cringe-inducing it is when people use the terms


Kids using it is bad enough, but I actually see grown adults using it on new articles on facebook.

Other urls found in this thread:


What words should we use to refer to them?

In order to fight the evil you have to name it.

>In order to fight the evil you have to name it.

This is the language of someone who grew up on shounen anime and then decided to get into politics

Nah libtard is good. Very disrespectful.

shut up you sjw libtard

these are shill threads just like name one criticism of x to prove you are not a blind follower or x is not white

so just report

fk off with your verbal control sjw's are cringe inducing fags

Libtard is stupid, SJW is bad but social justice warrior itself is pretty good. It encapsulates the lefties strong desire convince others they are "good" thereby making themselves feel good as well as the actual practice of overreacting to social peculiarities.

>Shitting on leftists in this way is bad dont you think, fellow comrades?

The worst is "cuck", it's a cringefest.

You know when left wing people say "shitlord" and "mra" and "nazi" and "deplorable"

That is the same as "cuck", "sjw", "libtard" and "degenerate". You embarass yourself and look cringe in front of everyone using any of these words.

But why would you care fellow Sup Forumslock surely nobody is calling you those names.
Fucking faggot, neck yourself.

Well I've never watched anime but I agree with him.
How the fuck else are you supposed to describe a faggot? Other than with 'OP'?

Fuck you libtard sjw neckbeard faggot.

>tips fedora

I dont know. I could see cuck becoming more used. It has the hard consonant sounds like fuck and cunt so it feels like a strong word to say.


>Libtards, because they are literally retarded people using emotions instead of logic
>SJW - justice for all but Whites

Not changing shit just because you don't like it you sjwhiney little bitch.

It sounds like a gay word to say. Any time you say "cuck" to a centrist or left, you instantly invalidate everything you said, you may as well say "allahu akbar", it associates you with unreasonable people unwilling to budge at all in a debate.

It's not about what the left care about, but it is what centrists care about - they are the people you can convert. And if you sound like a cult of beta virgins making everything about sex because you can't get any, you instantly put off everyone.

"Cuck" is embarrassing.

>This is the language of someone who grew up on shounen anime and then decided to get into politics

This is the language of somebody who think they're informed and intelligent, but don't know the first thing about western civilization, or logic.

i dunno maybe come up with an actual argument instead of just trying to belittle them because youre too unintelligent to come up with anything else?

They literally refer to themselves as SJW's you fucking moron. It's not same edgy nickname that conservatives came up with.



I was more looking in the future. I would agree that cuck currently has a negative impact on the user of the word, but I could see it becoming more used and the negative impact lowered or mitigated somewhat. Cuckold itself has a history in many cultures and times for being a rather harsh insult.

An argument for what?

I asked what word we should use instead. Yous SJW's are unable to respond, and instead continue to prattle on obsessing about the language I use.

Why don't you let me worry about what words I use? Take your thought policing back to frankfurt.

I had no idea "cuck" got changed to "kek" in allcaps, interesting

The left control culture, lol, that's never going to be a thing.

It is pretty cringy, but SJW does document a specific phenomenon that has occurred recently. I'd never say these on any place that isn't anonymous though.


I think 'libtard' is fine but sometimes I cringe at 'SJW' when it's said out loud, but we need these words to identify the enemy so who cares

>it's a leftist tries episode

you tried faggot SJW libtard




liberals despise being called those names
>special snowflake

these all seem to trigger them to no end

and being labeled an SJW is a bad thing now
we have normies calling EACH OTHER SJW's insultingly now.

why should we abandon these victories?

OP is right! It's high time that we all break ranks with the sheeple.

We are individuals! Don't conform to groupthink.

OP is a faggot and a one post by this ID fag
S a g e

I'm not pretending to be right wing though - I'm pretty much a hard leftist economically with some socially conservative views.

So I'm not a liberal and I dislike "SJW"s, but the rhetoric used against them is just as shit and herd-like. Just totally belies an inability to think for oneself without compartmentalising groups into buzzwords

Hey straya, how about shilling for Maidan neo nazis again?

>the rhetoric used against them is just as shit and herd-like. Just totally belies an inability to think for oneself without compartmentalising groups into buzzwords

[citation needed]

You literally use the word yourself to refer to the same group of people, you fucking retard hypocrite.

You just want us to be intellectually paralysed and unable to talk about them.

Culture isnt controlled by anyone. If enough people reguarly act in a certain way or say a certain word it becomes part of the culture. If cuck continues to be used it will be part of the culture. Again cuckold itself is a fairly effective insult as it suggests men are weak and willing to accept being humiliated. Most men tend to care about status as that is how they compete.

Libtard I fully agree with because it seems to be a cop-out on many occasions, but SJW when used in context really isn't that bad. When people use SJW to refer to the entire left, that's when it becomes retarded.

i dunno libtards really lowered the bar when they doubled down on the whole LOL DRUMPH thing, i feel like i can say the most retarded shit in the world and still come off as sounding like a professor compared to these professional dick-lickers

No, a bunch of virgin faggots say cuck. That isn't going to spread to normal people, lol.

Sure, it'll stay around. Like the word "excelsior" still exists. It doesn't mean it's not a word for fucking losers.

>tfw me and my buddies ironically "cuck" each other when we go out clubbing after 2 hour gym seshes
>tfw most people I know use it in a humorous fashion and we all hate faggot commies like you

meanwhile you're at home jerking it to scat hentai in your mother's basement. sad lefty corbynista faggot lmao- pic related it's you

Didn't you see the quotation marks, buddy?

The point is there are people who sometimes engage in "SJW" behaviour, but to view them as a single homogeneous group instead of a set ideas and behaviours is to be intellectually paralysed. You literally come across as a retard when you use these terms to anyone intelligent, on the left or the right.

I'm not a full conservative myself - but I have respect for people like Scruton, Hitchens, Sloterdijk etc. because they're actually intelligent and have something to say.

People like Jordan Peterson just dickride the "anti-SJW" wave to make money out of retards like you. You're being taken for a ride

Yeah mainstream liberal discourse is the most cringe-inducing, especially with Drumph and John Stewart in general. I just figured if there's going to be a meaningful resistance to that it can't take the same cringey tact


>Didn't you see the quotation marks, buddy?


is this a serious argument?

>The point is there are people who sometimes engage in "SJW" behaviour, but to view them as a single homogeneous group instead of a set ideas and behaviours is to be intellectually paralysed.

So you think that SJW's are not a homogeneous group. Good for you. They're still SJW's.

The word refers to a grouping. The properties of the group are fuzzy. So what? This is true of all groupings of people.

We still need words to describe groups, idiot.


SJW perfectly describes their fanaticism for KILL WHITEY HURR DURR STRONK WOMYN bullshit, you fagola.

Next level cringe

Were you saying something SJW libtard?



See, when you use hyperbole like this you throw away any chance of changing their minds.

This is the problem with you faggots. You think of politics in terms of sports teams.


someone is little baby bumflustered about Brexit today, aren't they? aww poor widdle sociawist never gets what he wants!!! boohoo poor little virgin leftist has nothing left in his life!!!

I'm getting the sense you are talking about what you hope will happen and not neccesarrily what you think will happen.

Look at this fucking normie fags motherfucking minion mimi kek

There is literally no chance of changing the mind of a fanatical SJW, though.
Have you tried talking to them?
They unironically believe everything they do is completely right.

>implying hard leftists aren't for Brexit too

Today is a victory for anti-capitalism. The EU was a neoliberal nightmare

>Today is a victory for anti-capitalism.

my actual sides, i literally spat out my orange juice

lol, nice projecting, I shorted the pound against yen. All my employees are in the UK and I sell software, all my income is in dollars. I'm making a killing off brexit, the more the pound drops the better, and globalism is defeated.

I am massively pro capitalism, I just think that you're a massive faggot when you use buzzwords, and are completely embarrassing to be associated with. And, nice projection on the "virgin" thing. You supposedly non ironically call people "cuck" and "communist", there is no way you're getting anything other than F tier pussy, but somehow I think you're probably some 19 year old beta virgin.

Screenshot your own posts and put them in your google calendar for 2 years. You'll look back at your current self and cringe.

>i shorted the pound
Oh hello Mr Soros, which country have you tried to collapse today

>this whole fucking post




Says a member of the libtards who call anyone not left wing racist, ignorant, bigoted, homophobic, islamphobic, transphobic, narrow minded, produce articles and videos like "dear white guys" :10 things white people could do better", say things like "Oh you're proud of your heritage - RACIST" "Oh you don't want refugees in our country - XENOPHOBIC RACIST OUT OUT OUT".

In summary I am going to keep calling you a libtard

As someone who takes a lot of "conservative" views from the point of the hard left - yeah, I actually do find myself convincing people.

For instance, I'm against positive discrimination on the basis that its more like a temporary fix than a real solution and creates more inequality

Also against more immigration because Capitalism exploits the workers and deprives natives working class of jobs

It's easy to convince people when you don't resort to calling them "libtards" or "SJW"s. People are more reasonable than you give them credit for. Shut them off with these terms and you'll never change their minds. Liberals have the same problem ofc

Just you wait senpai. A libertarian vote is a vote against state capitalism

Because I don't live on the computer in my Sup Forums hugbox, I know what normal people would think if they heard you cuck-a-doodle-dooing. It's equally as embarrassing, it's the same as lefties calling you "shitlord" and "deplorable" and claiming to be "triggered" and "omnisexual", you just can't see it because you're on the other end of the horseshoe. Parroting buzzwords without thinking about how they affect your stature is the mark of someone brainwashed by their ideology.

>Says a member of the libtards who call anyone not left wing racist, ignorant, bigoted, homophobic, islamphobic, transphobic..

Uh yeah, except I don't. I tell my liberal friends not to use these facile labels as much as I'll tell you not to use yours. Suck it up and start doing some thinking

What is your permanent solution instead of the temp fix?

It's not capitalism that's causing our problems, it's massive amounts of useful idiots such as yourself

>A libertarian vote is a vote against state capitalism

just what did he mean by this

>SJW is used to describe those that express moral outrage to virtue signal and oppress those that do not align with their views through strong arm bullying tactics
>Libtard is only used on left leaning individuals that decline to listen but insist on pressing their own ill-thought-out narrative, while disregarding any or all valid argument and/or facts presented
What would you call them then?

Bully and brickwall?


*tips fedora*

i browse r/atheism too, m'redditor friend

>Disregarding the question to press a narrative
See Libtard or brickwall?

lol, the pound is going to drop due to speculation, and it will go back up. We all know this. If you know the lottery numbers for next week, you aren't going to not buy a ticket. I'm not shorting FTSE or something that actually has impact on business, I'm trading invisible numbers that only jews care about.

I'm in an export industry anyway, so while the pound is weakened, I'll be making more money and paying more tax. The more money I make now, the more money I fund into the business, the more jobs I create for my employees, the more tax I pay. I have a very positive contribution to our economy, which is what you should hope for.

Brexit wasn't won on an economic argument, it was won on sovereignty, and for the working class, to benefit our own countrymen and not others, and that's exactly what I work towards. Shorting the pound is not affecting that negatively (especially the small amounts I'm trading), but me supporting our economy and providing jobs after the "fallout" of Brexit is very positive, so while you masturbate on Sup Forums I'm actually doing my bit to support us and overthrow the EU. Patriotism isn't posting on an image board.

t'was a jest my man

It's funny because *tips fedora* is exactly how everyone else sees you when you say "cuck" and "sjw".

I'm not attacking your ideology, I agree with the principle of your statements, I disagree with the words used because you make conservatism sound virgin-tier fedorable.

>NEET tries to use his useless econ degree from a shitty council estate tier college to make himself look like he has his shit together on Sup Forums

what a sad sack of shit

you're so fucking angry lmao, fuming. i wish i could see your disgusting, pimpled fat little red face rn. post a pic comrade.

>you throw away any chance of changing their minds
Fucking kek. You have never spoken to one. Ever. Trying to change their minds is like trying to convince a Muslim that Allah doesn't exist. They have been indoctrinated since birth, and it's impossible.

lol I have a physics bsc from manchester, I run a profitable software company with 4 staff.

I'm a 6'3" stereotypical skinny looking Manc and you should know better if you think I'm going to oust myself on a romanian yak skiing forum

you are a fantasist. seek help.

>Sup Forums, where people can't fathom the idea everyone isn't as useless as them

Keep saying "cuck" kid, I'm sure your virginity will drop off eventually

>What is your permanent solution instead of the temp fix?

Redistribution of white money into black communities.
Just kidding, but that's probably what you think hard left economics is, right? ;) Spoiler alert: that's actually Capitalism

It's a big question but as a libertarian it would involve the abolition of the state. State welfare (as a necessary product of Capital) has only kept those communities lazy. I'm basically a big believer in hard determinism. That a person's environment and upbringing determines - almost to a full extent - how they will live their life. There would have to be a huge social transformation. A revolution resulting in the collective ownership of the means of production (no state). Everyone would be required to work - unless they were too sick or elderly. Work builds moral character.

I don't have all the answers though and I don't even have the arrogance to suggest I'm right. That's why I hate all these self-assured people on the left and right just putting the other side into boxes. It's lazy. The stupidest people are always the most sure of themselves.

>can we all agree on anything
no fuck off

You forgot the other cringe-worthy fave:

Virtue-signalling (makes them feel all clever even though they have zero idea what this means - but if they stick it next to snowflake or triggered, maybe none will notice).

>Keep saying "cuck" kid, I'm sure your virginity will drop off eventually


>redistribution of wealth is capitalism

kill yourself my friend

>Work builds moral character.

not if you're a nigger

>I don't have all the answers though and I don't even have the arrogance to suggest I'm right.

good, because you're very, very wrong.

> t.libtard

I disagree that virtue-signalling is that bad when used correctly, it's straightforward and descriptive.

>>redistribution of wealth is capitalism

If you don't realise this then you are very, very stupid.

insofar as "hey want to trade? ok here have some money"

any other form of wealth redistribution is not capitalism as you're trying to put it

dumb leftist :) at least you learned something new today, thought in the long run there's no helping you


You SJW libtard faggots need be called what you are.

It's more cringeworthy when people post pictures of that retarded Islamist apologist Peter Hitchens, to be honest fampai.

>mfw no qt gf to look at me that way when I overreact
Why live Sup Forums ??

Anyone who uses the NOT A REAL MOSLEM fallacy deserves to be fucking shot

You must realise that state welfare has only come about as a result of the internal problems of Capitalism though, right?

This is not some conspiracy. It's accepted by economists that capitalism has contradictions which eventually clash and then resolve themselves. It's why we have booms and busts.

State welfare is a way to ease the burden a little. It's not as simple as your fantasy free-trade world where two honest businessmen make a deal.

Here's a quick rundown on one of the bigger contradictions in the market to put things into perspective


>posts a facebook tier video made by some shady kike (((Jonathan Jarvis)))
>can find no information about said kike other than "wow his animation style is really subversive" on a leftist critical theory website designandviolence.moma.org/crisis-of-credit-visualized-jonathan-jarvis/

rly made me fink bruv

All that shit is documented. It doesn't matter who made the visuals. Are you denying that the financial crisis happened? Deluded

i didnt watch the video once i saw it was fb tier

you're on Sup Forums not funnyjunk

there are many factors in the financial crisis known and unknown, there are many left wing types such as Soros who want to dismantle what works, and have done successfully. Populist things like Brexit and Trump are the solution.

They take advantage of the freedoms of capitalism to further their neo-feudalist agenda. This is why we will need regulation on them in the future.

>a multi-billionaire
>a leftist

Hahahaha yeah I'm sure he would benefit from collective ownership of the means of production.

You're not even worth arguing with until go read some basic leftist political theory. All you're doing is regurgitating populist rhetoric specifically designed to trick retards like yourself into believing you know what you're talking about.

I'm talking about shit like pic related. It's literally buzzfeed-tier infographics but for the Right. Pathetic

>go read some basic leftist political theory

Far right doesn't exist user, you fell for the Hitler was a far right meme, when he was a socialist.


Not *that* kind of socialist though.

you're a cuck, aren't you?
im sorry but its too late you libtard, SJW cuck

Dude what. Are you doing the American civ nat thing where they conflate socialism with Manichean evil?

Trying to change what you are being called doesn't and isn't an arguement. Sup Forums isn't pretty much all far right. You have nationalists, communists, capitalists, nihilists and so on. Reducing what we call you to what "children" call each other isn't an argument. You can't expect to change something when you are not willing to change yourself. Libtard perfectly describes the mindset and lifestyle leftists embrace. You literally retarded. You resort to rhetoric, groupthink and then namecalling. Instead of trying to someone else's point of view, you shout over it. SJW is one you placed on yourselves. You are in no way a warrior and there is no such thing as social justice. You are so indoctrinatied that you will never see how small minded you all are. You will never think for yourselves. But it's ok to call us conservicucks (how original), racists, homophobes, and whatever phobes or ists you can think of because we have a dissenting opinion. Hurr durr rural and suburban idiots is your latest. Your children shouting to get attention nothing more.