Reminder that rape is only illegal in one specie of the animal kingdom, the human specie

Reminder that rape is only illegal in one specie of the animal kingdom, the human specie.
If it wasn't for rape, 90% of humanity would not exist, same with animals.
A women's job is to breed, if they don't do it someone has to force them, that's what nature dictates.
Their reproductive systems are made to be penetrated unlike the male's anus.
With abortion being legal and the existence of pills there's no way rape should be illegal when it doesn't involve stds.

go jerk off to some porn, fag

reminder that the definition of rape favorizes more rapes on women than on men

not an argument

wasnt meant to be, fag

the feminist society in wich we live dictates that if a male gets raped it's payback (see jail rape)
while any girl doesn't even need to offer proof she got raped
to acuse someone of murder, you need to prove he was on the crime scene at the time of the killing with dna, fingerprients, cameras...
not with rape
a women can say she was raped one year ago with no proofs and the state will listen to her and ruin the job of the acused

I know your women and they would kick your ass. They look nice and all but damn they are alpha. They kinda scare me desu.

Cállate, retrasado.

of course they would cause there's no jailtime for a women if she kicks a man but it's for a man for even a slap

your existence is due to rape

Keep telling yourself that, spanish dicklet.

that's the truth
as I said, all humanity comes from rape
almost all animals rape to reproduce

It takes away someone else's agency. In nature we're barbaric and in nature I, or anyone else, could simply kill you for fun. We live in a civilized society where we don't rape or kill each other. If you want that shit just move to Africa, no one will miss you.
Fucking savage.

>all humanity
>all animals
Yeah, you're just retarded. Go read spanish fag, and get a job.

>It takes away someone else's agency
not when there are pills and free abortion

so we are not animals?
french education

Are you retarded? The actual experience of sex that you didn't choose. You had no choice to have it or not i.e. No agency over that action.
You sound like a wild animal with no concern for others. Thank god I can tell you're a beta virgin.

What the fuck are you even talking about?

Kill yourself.

a lot of species need the approuval of the women, some of species only have one partner aswell.

so your argument is biased.

>a lot of species need the approuval of the women
those species will disappear

>The actual experience of sex that you didn't choose.
the harder they cum then

and why the number of human goes higher and higher since rape is illegal?

Surely you cant be this retarded, and youre just baiting. If you look into pre neolithic and post neolithic communities which encompasses roughly tens of thousands of years then you would understand that rape is exceptionally rare. The was no rape, people reproduced normally withing their ancestral communities, wtf are you talking about?

Laws only exist in one species of animal...

kys muhammad

Reminder that murder is only illegal in one species of the animal kingdom

Want to know why everyone, especially women, is so afraid of rape? It's the one crime we lower the burden of proof for, the one crime that even being accused of can destroy your life, the one crime whose perpetrators usually end up beaten (or raped themselves) in prisons. It's because women are afraid. Deep down, they know that their appeal is almost exclusively limited to sex. They know that their sole power over men is their autonomy to decide who they sleep with. If we take that away, they are nothing. Men could do that. We could create a society in which rape is legal and accepted. And it would be a hell for women. It is a sign of our empathy and altruism as a sex that we have not done so. But, we must remember that women will not afford us the same compassion.

I should add that it's mostly whites and Asians who take such stances on rape, further proving that Spaniards are the niggers of Europe

Sex is illegal for white males, so don't.

if this profile is even real its just trolling neckbeards, consider the following: she would just not swipe right on white guys if the felt that way. robots pls fuck off

If you take away man's strength, they're nothing.

I see the reconquista missed a mudslime...

Women must be locked in cages and bred continuously by white men.

Then we take the sons into military schools, the daughters into behaviour schools. We will eradicate feminism within one generation: The old, useless feminists will be in cages, naked, forced to produce white offspring as repentance for their past sins, until their ovaries dry up. Then we will dispose of these witches, and a new generation of young, feminine, fertile white women can take over. These young women will find good mates in the military-schooled boys, and the white birth rate will skyrocket.

>If you look into pre neolithic and post neolithic communities which encompasses roughly tens of thousands of years then you would understand that rape is exceptionally rare
how could we know this?

Rape is illegal for the same reason murder is, the fact that we're better than animals and want functional orderly society. You dumb degenerate.

why lock put daugthers in behaviour school if they will end up locked in a cage?

I assume those girls would be allowed to roam white men's kitchens (but no contact with their pozzed mothers).

wait a minute, why would she bother telling people not to swipe right if they're white she's never going to swipe you right back? She'll never know

Because this is correct

Go worship Allah somewhere else