CIA and Government Pedophilia: The Finders/Franklin Scandal/Dutroux Affiar

Studying this subject is depressing and upsetting, but elite pedophile rings DO exist. Silence is what allows it to survive. I know most of you guys are tuned in to the deep state and their machinations, but still this info has to get out to everyone who has not seen it. Top priority!

Conspiracy of Silence:

Monster of Belgium:

Four interviews all dealing with MKUltra, The pedophocracy, and human compromise. They are all enlightening and frankly quite scary, but valuable resources for investigation. The current top investigator for the franklin scandal Nick Bryant is interviewed by famed expert on conspiracies Peter Levenda. Also Whitley Strieber, author of Communion discusses his traumatic memories of childhood seemingly related to MKUltra programming, even including ties to The Finder's Cult.

And finally, the picture for this thread is a concise account of The Finders Case. Really important and quick way to dive into this subject.

Anymore info on the Finders? That's creepy as shit.

Watched the other videos on Dutreaux. Wow. I have a feeling Americans wouldn't be so peaceful if something similar happened.

Now if it's just colored kids... From day Haiti

Dutroux is hated like Osama is hated in the US but most people don't know about the shady deaths around the case. That is -always- omitted.

Were you alive during the protests over there? It was really huge, wasnt it? Have there been any new leads? Any new outcries? Especially since your country is at the center of the european political maelstrom, I wonder what it is all like.


bump, this is much more important than "muh jews" and "muh niggers"

Inquisition now.

day of the helicopter when

This thread is being slid

pizzagate is fucking real

>hahaha fucking greasy neckbeard conspiracy theorists
>i know it turned out to be true about all these other people but THIS TIME it's different.

you seem to be obsessed with pedophilia user. stop it, it's not healthy.

Obsessed with justice is a good thing

I used to think pizzagate was complete bullshit too

That shit is fucked up. The day of the scaphism can't come soon enough

There is a special hat just for you.

You think you're hot shit don't ya?

Would wear


Seriously, where can i get one?

The Jews are involved in this though. I agree that our priority as a species though is to first eradicate this satanism problem before race wars, but top Jews just as the elites all submerge in it.

Bump nonetheless, I would advise people to look into satanism and satanic rituals also as a starting point, this is where the deep state, pedophocracy, secret societies and major conspiracies all originate from.

A lot of the truth is hidden, and for someone new to this, especially someone who has been indoctrinated by the mass media in the last century, it may sound all like crazy mumble. I'd approach to creating these topics also more with clickbait; if one new person sees the truth behind the world, that's one extra step towards exposing it all to the general public. Just as political studies on these subjects, religious ones also shouldn't be ignored, as that is the root of it all, "root of all evil".

This man is telling the truth.


Yeah can confirm, I only recently heard about the shady shit surrounding the Dutroux's affaire

I'm past 24 and I was just a child at the time. I remember my parents telling me never to follow an adult I don't know. I remember I was also way younger than the victim, who were 10 at the time I think (Julie and Melissa) so I was like 7 years old max

