The dark. The heat. The grime and the sweat covering rough men

The dark. The heat. The grime and the sweat covering rough men.

Is there anything more homosexual? I can see why Sup Forums supports coal mining.

Where are the wom*n? This industry is problematic as fuck.

Coal mining the new target now that videogames are under control?

pretty sure full anal sex with a dude is more homosexual than mining mother earth for resources.

How do you think the miners pass the time on their breaks down there? Rock isn't the only thing they're drilling.

They make a shit load of money
Hard days work

Your a foggot that works at zio-mart

I think they probably just eat a sandwich maybe have a cup of coffee.
im not sure why the butt sex comes into this, user.

whats this really about.. did you get bummed in the dark?

Women don't care about getting more women in coal mining. More along the lines of programming, office and other white collar work. Jobs that are high paying and in a nice office. Not hard physical labor work.

The Pittsburgh and west Virginia area are short and ugly as fuck cause all the men were coal miners. If 5'10 and tower over dudes in the clubs.

It's pretty much welfare for unintelligent manlets at this point, coal is disgusting and highly inefficient. Still, they won Trump Pennsylvania and are better than minorities.

coal mining is raycis because they are doing blackface

>highly inefficient
No it's not.

Coal is the stupid man's energy.

Former roof bolter in a coal mine in eastern KY here

Ask me anything

hows your lungs doing?

No problems yet, but I only worked in the mines for 5 years, and it has been 2 years since I've been underground.

I don't smoke though and I regularly go jogging in the mornings.

Why are you homophobic though?

shut up faggot

All trades are Hetero and if they have faggots they are low key and are not sluts.

Is the mine dark enough to give your mate a discreet BJ?

>Where are the wom*n?
they are busy coal burning
not to be mistaken with coal mining

There are lights but if you said something like that everyone would probably beat the fuck out of you then go back to work.

OP's just "asking for a friend" who really wants to be a coal miner.