Any Left handed anons on Sup Forums?


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Any studies on how left-handed people are degenerates?

no but theirs studies that we are better at pleasuring women

Don't they tend to be leftists, subversives and "muh freedom" advocates?

yes. my handwriting is hideous. kinda wish they would have forced me to be right handed. then I would be ambidextrous

Left-handed and right-winged.
Wouldn't have it any other way lad.

U can learn now

The romans thought left-handed people were subhuman deviants.

And yet look at Italy now

im more neutral sometimes at times im right leaning due to sjw
Practice more user

Yes, and spiral bound notebooks and pic related were the bane of my existence.

Oh look another slide thread that isn't political at all. You can't just post a picture of politicians and call it political. By that logic why not post a thread about baseball with an accompanying image of a President throwing the first pitch? You Eurabian posters are almost as bad as Leaf cunts or Poles. Every Brit or German post is liberal as fuck.

I'm left-handed. Left-handed people from my experience are usually useless; it's obvious that there's a link between it and having attention issues. Any math, statistics or whatever course I've been in it's always the left-handed fucks doodling, talking, and ultimately failing

Can confirm. Am well grounded righty, had ADHD leftie friends.

Right here OP.
This world is not made for us.

does ambidextrous count?

I give left handjobs :0

yes i guess
scissors will always be my number one enemy

Ever use gel pens? Pencils are a bitch, but hot fucking damn I love the way a gel pen writes but I hate getting the ink on my hand and "stamping" my paper as I move my hand along.

don't use gel pen much but when ever i write i somehow always leave a pen mark somewhere on my hand
u female

left handed reporting in

My grandmother wanted to force me to become right handed, but my parents made sure that didn't happen.

yh my dad was forced to in school during the 60s

they should have. if any of my children are lefties I'm going to force them to write right. I'm fairly certain it makes you borderline retarded

I was ambidextrous then at 9 I broke my left shoulder and arm. Took a year to recover. The only thing I still do left handed is golf.

Right here. We wuz creative thinkers and shit.

NYC former left wing halfjew lefty reporting

Reporting in

But this is barely politics.




Highly doubt it pham


>sees me writing something with my left hand
>are you left-handed user?
i fucking hate people so much

I'm left-handed and not leftist at all.

You're either righty or lefty. So 50% of the population is lefty, but they lie about it for some reason. Why?

[autism intensifies]

the rate is about 1 in 10 is the superior southpaw

Being left-handed is great, I can move a mouse and write at the same time, I don't have to teach myself stupid shit when accounting. But any other activity besides shooting and writing I'm right handed.

1 in 10 people are transvestites. Really makes me think...

Gross. Genocide leftniggers asap.

holy shit i never realized Based Bill was a lefty.

Just like Based Barack HUSSEIN Obama!


You mean the whole left handed people are evil thing?

I'm right-handed but I write like a left

Pic related, it's how I write, sorry if pic ends up rotating

>left handed
>browses Sup Forums too much

I'm probably the thing you want to gas the most.

They are more likely to be pedophiles

You sound like a leftist, with the
>not all terrorists
bullshit now.

Do you seriously read that?

Well that's out the window

Left-handed here AMA

I had long arms so I just crossed my left arm over

Stop living.

Left handed writing

Left handed guns

Left handed Guitars

Throw right-handed.

Close enough.

Do you piss lefty?

Don't elect Republicans.


both pedophiles!

And wipe lefty too?


Reporting in

Hi. Heres a rare, left hand drawn Pepe

Don't elect corporate puppets

>tfw you're pounding your puer delicatus's boipussy and he starts jacking himself off with his left hand
Had to pull out to give him 10 lashes. Fucking deviant.