Dindus get shot dead ahhaha


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>bringing a knife to a gun fight

This guy needs a medal. Fuckin-A this is what home defense is all about.

best AR-15 commercial possible

What a vibrant, multi-cultural, Burger King Kids Club-style act of self-defense.


She got boned in the end.

Dindus? I'm counting only one nigger, and he might just be a niggery-looking mexican. Source?

There white trash faggots deserve death as much as dindus.

Act like a nigger, die like a nigger.

dog bless Ameriga

I love how early reports described the shooter as a "teenager" or "young man" with no mention of the ages of the robbers but now they're calling the robbers "Young teens" or "boys" and just describing the shooter as a "man"

Three guys and one knife? Not a surprise it didn't went well for the robbers

>killing three people at once in your own home
holy shit that must have been brutal af

so were these just run of the mill burglars, or antifas trying to push the boundaries like they do in Europe?

The only outcome that liberals would be joyous with would be the robbers stab the guy to death and break his gun in half... this is why liberals need to be gunned down the streets now.. they have perverted our nation into a nation of fucking pussies.

Break into someomes home become the victim.

So get this, right? That woman, the get-away driver? She heard gunshots and fucking bolted. She didn't even try to wait for survivors/the injured. She certainly didn't go in to help them.

She deserves the three homicides they pinned on her.


They deserved it

>getaway driver is a woman
>she inevitably fucks it up
fucking. priceless.

Who plays them in the movie? Cast them.

>killing fellow white people

Degenerate kike



Do people move after they kill home intruders?

I wouldn't want to walk past the place 3 people bled out on my way to a fridge which once had brain chunks all over it.

thats the first thing i was thinking too

>man those poor white kids who broke into a house with a knife. They dindu nuffin!

AR-15 is /our gun/

Good riddance

>letting a bunch of low life scum ompact your ability to live


Miles Teller is Shooter


>Victim 1
>Victim 2
>Victim 3

Yeah sure, who are you trying to fool.


You sue the survivors family for damages/clean up costs as a final fuck you.

>robbing a house in America with a knife

I'd be armed to the teeth bulletproof vest and all

journalists need to get dragged out into the streets and beaten


women operate on undiluted self-preservation instinct.

>thinking it matters

The ultimate degeneracy is letting race stay the hammer of justice's fall.


The Gospel according to Colt.

I thought a master race didn't rob.


The only victim here was the guy getting robbed.

what is this bullshit? i dont see any victims, just retards.

>robbing a house in broad fucking daylight
They deserved it for being so fucking stupid.

The chick's a spic also

The shooter was probably a jew, couldn't spare the chance of killing two young aryan males.

Maybe I'm just an autistic psycho but that sounds fucking awesome.

>making a sandwich over the shredded remains of your nigger enemies

based kid

Bro I'd walk passed that spot on purpose, shit I'd point it out to people visiting my house.

Great AR-15 ad.

Can you imagine the feeling of seeing three dead scumbags on your floor after they tried robbing you?

Don't forget about the stench. It is not a pleasant smell.

fuck off

That first thief is not white

getaway driver is being charged with the deaths of the kids too rofl



The feeling would rival a ball destroying orgasm, I bet

What in the fuck is this cancerous formatting? I've seen a few different stories posted this way today. It looks like some garbage Hollywood tabloid bullshit. Also, I like how they call the criminals "victims".



>tfw 13yo qt3.14 is more alpha than you'll ever be

>stealing from fellow white people
>defending this
YOU are the kike, this is incontrovertible.

feels fucking good man

Frenchie gets it.

The shooter definitely didn't forget their weapon.

Did I move when my dog shat on the floor? No, i told my wife to clean it up. Blood and a little human tissue would be easier to clean, because it literally isnt dog shit.

is the clean up the respnsiblity of the homeowner or the city? It's a crime scene on private property, and I'm curious.

>jews trying to make us feel bad about 2 dead wiggers

Nce try mossad




I wouldn't be suprised if they were trying to steal the guns to do other robberies.

Did you really have to call them "victims"? Wouldn't "suspect" be the more accurate term at this time?

Kill burglars, become man.

If it looked anything like this shit, i'd be out


Yeah what is it with that trend nowadays? Shouldn't they be called perps or offenders? Not "victims".

But he has white blood, probably half latinking ,half inferior white (his mother was probably white)

Makes him a filthy dindu


Come the fuck on.

They violated the NAP. They deserve what they get.

I don't think Oklahoma has much Antifa presence, they were probably just burglar shitheads


Because it is garbage hollywood tabloid.

>I wouldn't want to walk past the place 3 people bled out on my way to a fridge which once had brain chunks all over it.

Place a fucking permanent chalk outline there to celebrate your triumph over evil every day.

Nice try. There was only one white kid, two Hispanic looking ones, and a negro (probably the ring leader).

>didn't go*

When a guy in army blasted his brain out here we could still find his skull pieces months later everywhere. One of our CO's who was anal on cleaning even joked always when he inspected our room that lets see if you have cleaned after the dead guy also and tried to find remains of that guy in the room, it was a joke thing but sometimes he did.

After we ended our duty they refitted the room as a maintenance room.

>find a qt
>kidnap and rape her
>put knife in hand
>gun her down
>Castle law!

Can you do this in Texas?

>ain't no room for halfway crooks

Can you take thier head to a taxidermist and mount thier heads on pikes as a warning to all intruders?

Let a woman take the steering wheel, get fucked.
See: Germany / Merkel

save a loife, bin that knoife

There is something wrong here. 2 & 3 are bleached or albino niggers right?

>one out of three isn't white!!!!!!

Friend who has a pawn shop had a guy swallow his own lead right in the middle of the floor. You can't find a trace of it after professional cleaners worked it over.

second shooter sighted

but he is a man, he earned the title

>NAP violators

>cops run rape kit
>finds your dna in her
>gg no re
There is always an investigation even for the most obvious self defense cases