Lily Allen really made me think with this
Other urls found in this thread:
>Every NHS waiting list
Fuck me the liberals have found something new to pin all their mistakes on haven't they.
Shit. Do I have to be a productive member of society now?? Oh no! Maybe people will finally get off their asses.
Explain to a yank what that is please
Is she taking responsibility for Islamic terror attacks?
What a surprise.
National Health Service
It's that damn socialist healthcare of ours. Which explains the long waiting lists, because it's underfunded and understaffed. Nothing to do with brexit though.
National Health Service.
The already had an increase in waiting lists (and a drop in living standards) thanks to the E.U.
So I'm not sure what she's on about there.
>you are responsible for the mass destruction wrought by the EU and the globalist cabal
>Lily Allen
>made me think
Choose one.
Okay guys, I had no idea the repercussions would be so heavy for leaving the EU. Anyone else here starting to starting to regret voting leave? Maybe they'll hold another referendum and we can make things right.
Is she taking full responsibility for the muslim rape gangs and drugs trade, the breakdown of marriage and the nuclear family, rampant paedophilia and child abuse; all things lefties like her enable with their politics.
Rlly md mi tink
You are now responsible for me being a fuckup and you need now tot ake responsibility for being white and for all the colonialisation
Aw cmon why do you even post this. Let this miserable being just rot.
Oh no what are they going to do, shame me on the social media platforms I don't have.
Suck a dick "Lili". Dumb cunt
So virtuous. So brave.
>factory closures
>young people stuck in dead end jobs.
>drop to living standards
Since when have liberals cared about any of this?
>you are responsible for everything bad that has ever happened, without exception
So. Powerful.
When I want to take politics lessons from an entertainer, I'll first ask the circus ringleader for advice about what's in the national interest.
Dance, monkey: dance.
lol. Can this cunting halfbreed fuck off already?
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
I regretted voting for Brexit almost immediately, we can't let them trigger article 50.
So they're obviously responsible for everything good that happens then too right?
But Brexit is going to fuck it up.
90% of UK doctors are poos and pakis. Stricter immigration laws would be a disaster for bongistan's healthcare.
>"Every job lost"
>"Every jump in inflation"
>Not understanding basic economics
I thought she quit twitter after she got triggered by Sup Forums making fun of her dead baby. Now she is triggered that Article 50 is triggered? So much triggering.
Lily Allen would be a bit of a british qt if she wasn't such a dumb fucking ideologue.
Ughh..... obvious bait, guys.
>EVERY job lost
Do they not realize how stupid this makes them look?
>Sheltered liberal with zero idea what the common person lives through think she's right about everything because she has money and is famous (really she's just looking out for her interests)
Every time.
she's a fucking spaz
Erm no sweetie, we just need to lower the regulations for home trained doctors. Easily solved.. You racist anti Brexit remoaners are anti UK and anti British. Not gonna work now hun.
stop spamming this you autist
You literally need to score 50 percent on a piss easy test i dont know how much regulation has go to do with that stat
i thought ms. haunted-womb quit twitter?
You literally need to poo in the loo i dont know how much regulations goes with that.
>Still falling for the porcelain jew
I had an ex when I was like 17 who was 16 and she looked like jailbait Lily Allen and I got to bust nuts in her mouth it was great because I always hated LA so it was satisfying as fuck
I wish she'd just fuck off.
Her music is fucking shit.
She's completely fucking irrelevant.
>liberals lecturing others on responsibility
>*posted from Kesington, Chelsea*
Someone reply saying that her pro-immigrant position makes her responsible for every acid attack, rape and terrorist offence.
The daft slag is irrelevant, don't entertain her.
>meanwhile, remainers are actively plotting and scheming to destroy and under mine the UK at every stage possible
She's such an awful person
Pretty sure her and her followers doxxed someone on twitter because they said something mean about migrants
It's actually 10% of doctors and 5% nurses are from the EU, it's extremely exaggerated.
It's a nice feeling when a multimillionaire liberal whore calls you a cunt for trying to save your society.
I own my own business and I voted out regardless of the consequences to me personally, it was bigger than that and if it goes tits up so be it. We'll dust ourselves down and try harder.
None of that will affect her because she's sheltered by her wealth. Hasn't got a fucking clue about the real world.
Rustles my jimmies man.
what if brexit turns out to be a good thing?
will brexiters then be responsible for making the best decision in years?
will the naysayers be blamed instead for not believing?
Are the stayers going to be held responsible for all the EU related habbenings?
Somebody post the Lily Allen pepe
Their simple little minds cannot comprehend the idea that Brexit may be a good thing for Britain.
It's their new Holocaust.