Porn is one of the biggest addictions holding men back from fulfilling their full potential yet society is not...

Porn is one of the biggest addictions holding men back from fulfilling their full potential yet society is not addressing the problem and is actively encouraging it.

How do solve the porn problem?

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fuck off


Well said.

Moderation my friend

When i jack off i bust to a still picture of a woman naked or a woman fucking herself. Not my fault you feel so much guilt from your cuck porn then go to Sup Forums to pretend to be a white nationalist after.

Educate men about the possible side effects of heavy porn use.

leave out all the religious mumbo jumbo and focus on the 30% of men who now have ED vs the 3% years ago before unlimited porn was available.

Also point out that they may get to the point where thier dicks stop working completely, even with viagra.



That's from jerking off too much.


It has nothing to do with porn it's just you can only blow so many loads before your dick stops getting hard.

Speak for yourself, limpdick loser.

porn induced erectile dysfunction is a very real phenomenon that causes a man not to be able to get hard during actual intercourse due to years of fucking with his brain serotonin levels watching porn

>not realizing 3DPD

we're living in the jew world order. there's no fixing it.

>tfw porn just makes you feel uncomfortable

When did I say I can't get a boner? I said you can only fun so much and that goes for any man

Wow, OP, congratulations with finding yet another excuse why you are such a failure. Today it's porn, tomorrow it's something else.

No it's because he came too much. It has nothing to do with porn. Jerk off over and over. Eventually you won't be able to get hard anymore.

I started weening off at the start of the year which went well and I'm now 8 days without any porn at all. It feels great.

I suffer from pretty often PIED and PE with my wife. Without getting into the specifics Im going to start working on both of those. I am so excited for the future. Porn is fun and all but it really is a cancer.

Keep it up bros, you are stronger than your addictions and you can beat the sexual jew.

How do you explain why your whole nation is a failure?

The old conservative ladies of the 80's were right all along, weren't they?

Dear old conservative ladies of the 80's. I was once smug and thought you were ridiculous. You were right all along.

Porn causes ED with real life girls because porn rewires your dopamine sensors to only be aroused by porn. I could get hard instantly just from the thumbnail of a porn video but had trouble getting hard to my wife. Youre right in that too much masturbation can cause ED, which is why you shouldnt do it every day.

Well said.

No, user, we're not commies now.
But you will be soon.

>How do solve the porn problem?
women could straighten out their shit & try to be viable mates again

Yeah, well, if you can't get a woman and you don't jerk off, your chances of getting prostate cancer go way up. Better to keep the tubes clear by whatever means.

Those types of women existed in Brazil?

Yeah, the morally righteous patriarchal prude women of times gone by were based as fuck. They existed when I was a kid too. They need to exist so society can maintain a moral compass.

Jerking off is very related to porn.

Stop using porn and start producing it. Make as much BWC on Jewish girls as you can. Make Jewish men with black women. The Jews will love this stuff.

Ban the Jew filth

Yes. Brazil used to be a Catholic country.
But they lost the cultural war in the end.

Is it possible to reverse this?

No, you're stuck with it for life.


tits or GTFO

Definitely. You must quit all porn. This includes still pics, racy music vids, facebook pics, etc. After a while your brain will relearn to be attracted to 3D girls. To combat PE im going to masturbate once a week and really concentrate on lasting longer. For a long time I just jerked off as fast as I could and now my brain is used to it so if I dont cum quickly I lose my boner.

Visit for more info. Its seriously encyclopedic so try not to get overwhelmed.

Yes. I watched porn all the time and couldn't cum to save my life during sex. After 6 months of abstaining I was able to have a normal sex life. I've been porn free for almost 2 years. Yourbrainonporn is a good place to start

Thanks anons. I've been off porn for a good 2 months already. Feels great.

That site said watching porn is good for you.

Here's a great idea. Stay off Sup Forums.

>implying desperate people won't find a away around it
Even the computer illiterate normies in my group of friends know how to use basic shit like a proxy or VPN to access shit like netflix and spotify, it's going to be piracy all over again, a law none gets hit with unless you're retarded.

Meant for

This is pretty true, i saw that thread last night about that mom inviting niggers to her house for an orgy and i literally woke up mad the next day. Sup Forums is only healthy in small doses.

go fuck yourself

Porn seems more like a symptom than a cause.

No, I quit doing that 88 days ago :^)

You solve it by first stopping using it yourself. It's pathetic and degenerate. Remember that most porn sites are owned by (((them))), and as a rule of thumb, if (((they))) want you to do it, it's probably bad for you.

When you're watching porn you're jacking it to another dude fucking some girl, a bit cucky if you ask me.

Just try your best to refrain, and put that extra energy/tension into something more productive and useful.

Sup Forums itself has porn posted here constantly. And Sup Forums's culture is one of negativity, time wasting and degeneracy.

Degeneracy comes in many forms. I'm also aware that I myself am on Sup Forums right now, but I've tried to quit many times and keep failing.
Every time I try and fail though, the longer gaps of time I spend off the site my next try. So it's like trying over and over again until you can lift a certain weight.

>and is actively encouraging it
No one is encouraging my deviant shit. I'm being repressed here, someone save me.

>put that extra energy/tension into something more productive and useful
Like shitposting on Sup Forums?

Is it true that Trump pulled strings to get backpage's hooker section shut down?

I'm conflicted, because as much as I enjoy seeing degeneracy being purged, I'm aware of the innate stubbornness and determination of humans when they want to be degenerate. So purging is good, but we need to create a better culture.

Or you can focus on bettering yourself instead of worrying if the guy next to you has a hentai collection, natural selection

Hentai collections are degenerate. But I've succeeded in making people stop their degenerate activities before, so if I could help the guy, I would.

There is a bio-chemical feedback loop that happens after ejaculation. Serum testosterone lowers. Dopamine, associated with aggression, motivation, lowers.
Prolactin, which has an effect on the efficacy with which your body utilizes testosterone increases. Androgen reception in the brain decreases. Men shouldn't be over sexed in general,
not just porn. But if your going to diminish yourself,
at least wast it on a real woman.

Good on you leaf, some people are just too retarded to stop like me.


Yes. Your Dopaminergic pathways re-sensatize. Porn is a super normal stimulus which is to much for the
reward system in your brain. Your brain reacts by down regulating dopamine reception to
protect itself from over stimulation. That is why
people need more and more extreme material. Dopamine is important for boners. Low dopamine sensitivity equals diminished boners.