Spaniards on /pol

Are spaniards white? some niggas say they aren't 'cos Moros and they are closer to Africa and shit.

What is the truth?

Other urls found in this thread: Caesariensis&item_type=topic

they're as white as Argentina

If they were white they wouldn't be one of the poorest countries in Europe

fuck drumpf and fuck white people

Yes, but you're a fag

I'd let let activate my almonds, if you know what I mean.

All the mad half breeds jajaja

i'm just asking son

They are Spanish

Its a yes, you mongrel

they are the 3rd continental economy
only behind germany and on the same level as france

Spain is white, we just have a lot of latinos (lots of them came from Ecuador ) we have less blacks and Mohameds than France and Germany. At least latinos have a common language, religion and culture. They only cause trouble if they are in a gang


Ecuadorshinos son lo peor

yeah nigga lol

por ahi me dijeron que Españistan tiene más musulmanes que Francia, como es posible eso?


pues porque te mintieron peruviano

spain is white but it's not nordic white, it's mediterranean
some parts are whiter than others
yes some have moor ancestry, that doesn't make them moor, same way they are not german because there were some germanic invasions
iberians do look almost the same as 3000 years ago

my hair is black and muh dick and chest hair is beaocoup am i whit pol? kek

Fucking this

eso es mentira pancho
los tenemos poquitos y bien controlados
saben que estamos locos

Mama how can i claim my spanish/euro citizenship am I eligible? My great grandfather was spanish and my great grandmother was french

You have to go back

say you come from the jews expelled in the 15th century, our cuckesrvatives will open you the door

They are niggers.

>What is the truth?
Good question indeed
Denzel Washington is a sub-saharan american does not mean that all americans are sub-saharan, it's far from it

" By 710, the Muslim conquest of North Africa had reached the North African Atlantic coast. Musa ibn Nusair (also spelled Musa ibn Nasayr), the Muslim governor of northern Africa, had in his employ a large Berber (also commonly referred to as Moors) army."

" In 711, an Arab general, Tariq, was sent into Spain with a force of unruly North African Berbers (from the Roman word for barbarians). Tariq, after whom the Rock of Gibraltar was named (from Jebel Tariq, the Rock of Tariq), decisively defeated the Visigoth king Roderic in 712, after which the Moors, as the Arab-led Berbers were called, overran the rest of the peninsula by 720."

" Mauritania Tingitana"
Mauritania Tingitana was a Roman province located in northwestern Africa, coinciding roughly with the northern part of modern Morocco and Spanish cities of Ceuta and Melilla."

" The kingdom of Mauretania"
" After the death of Caligula it was divided into two provinces by emperor Claudius, Mauretania Tingitana in the west and Mauretania Caesariensis in the east."

" Mauritania Caesariensis (Latin for "Caesarian"Mauretania") was a Roman province located in what is now Algeria in the Maghreb." Caesariensis&item_type=topic

Mauretania Caesariensis and Mauretania Tingitana are not be confused with Mauritania

does this actually work how would I prove jewish heritage?

They are they gay whites. Dont you hear the lisp?

Italy is the third bigest economy in europe faggot

That Spanish man is dressed in portuguese clothing

>Italy is the turd bigest economy in europe faggot

>just realized I got duped and there's no Spanish
You win this time

That is the spanish armor, protobrazilian


I believe you need some sort of document be it birth certificate or whatever that proves you are of spanish/french ascendance as you say you are and well, go the the spanish ambassy in your city/capital city with that and apply for the citizenship is that easy, given of course anyone in your family posseses said document.

Nope. This will trigger some """""""whites"""""""

That's fake and non-sense, they called the north-african berber caucasoid as sub-saharan.

All the moors were forced

Anyone suspected of being a moor or descended of moor was forced out into Morocco. True some Iberians have North African/Anatolian roots from Carthage settlements in South but, so did Etruscan's and Greeks.

What a bronze age Hispani would look similar to a Phonetician or Greek. With dark hair and dark eyes. There is also a Celt influence in the north but, Celts are not native to the peninsula they just migrated a lot but, ultimately were forced out by native Iberian and other peoples.

search for any jew with your same surname and that's it

They're white technically, but they are not Germanic. Hitler lived in a different time, when things were not as down to the wire as they are now.

At this point, losing more white allies is not expedient. They are white.

Once the dark-complexioned peoples are out, then we can debate it.

Many past Spanish kings were of English descent: just a side note.

Hitler and Napoleon were of Haplogroup E1b1b, which stemmed from North Africa during the Neolithic period and went north to the Mediterranean.

Mediterraneans are white, but they are not Germanic. Simple as that. Same for the Russians, Slavs and etc.

Then we're white but that's written in some kind of Molotov–Ribbentrop pact?

Any discussion otherwise is fucking straight up hebrewposting

T. White American been in Spain for 2 months.

The few non white here are obviously immigrants from cuba or dominican republic.

We're not going to genocide you. That is not my goal.

You're white. You're just not Germanic. Simple as that.

Mediterraneans have had great cultures and empires.

I hope to god you're actually Italian. It would warm my cawkles beyond belief knowing there's some Italian bastard in a dank cellar sipping some wine eating some cheese shit posting on a Japanese origami enthusiast board.

>They are white as long as it's convenient.

And then you ask why no one really trust you.

You also need to speak ladino or harketia, apparently.

That's not how NatSoc works. Spaniards can be NatSoc as well.

>was the former Knights Templar order as it was reconstituted in Portugal after the Templars were abolished on 22 March 1312.


The nations known today as Mali and Mauritania were once a single territory called Ghana Empire

Under French administration, the Ghana Empire was divided and the area became known as 'French Sudan' later 'Mali' for one side and 'Mauritania' for the other side and both were part of French West Africa
The name 'Mauritania' was given officially by french authorities on December 27th 1899

The best test is to check if the children in the streets are blond or not. I can see more blonde children than other races in important cities in spain than in france or england

Please never let this meme die

Go to google maps, and walk arroud spanish streets.

we are better
u suck cuck
fuck you

>One of the poorest countries in europe.
Spain is the fifth economy in europe behind Italy and we were the forth before the economic crysis.

10/10 agree
Is al lie that we have roots from the moors, becouse iberians were the slaves of the richerst moors in the peninsula the mix race is a think from this century , think a bit in 1800 was a madnees marry with somebody of another class so imaginehaving childrens with iberians slaves, that is a bullshit khoser idea

In your picture is a Visigoth, not a Spaniard.

True, doesnt even matter if you are a true sephardite, they just give the citzenship away while they do all tipes of schemes to convince asians to buy the citzenship for millions. Our governaments are the true jews in some way, dear Raul.

If you have proof right? or just a Sephardi surname

>Iberians are only white if we can claim their achivements and use them as meat shields in an upcoming war
I would rather be called a moor if Germans or Anglos or """"whites"""" want to spread their germanic/anglo/"""white"""" superiority agenda using our achivements.

>Daily reminder that only catalans are white.

Tu eres un moro no cuentes milongas, eso de que los antepasados son musulmanos es incluso más falso que el HOLOCAUSTO

Its easy as fuck to get nationality by claiming you are sephardi. I blame Zapatero. It's funny because you would think it would be easier for spanish speaking immigrants to get nationality. Instead we give it to jews because of something that happened 500 yeard ago.

Really? reading about it makes it seem like there's a lot of bureaucracy bullshit like, being able to speak ladino or haketia.

Nice joke catalonia one of the zone with more imigrants of the spain and the whitest hahhahah

The fact is to a Nord a South Mediterranean looks more similar to a North Mediterranean than different.

The examples they post of "white" Mediterraneans invariably have some sort of Nordic admixture in them which most of the population does not have.

Fuck off jealous moor. Check the genetics I posted dumb fuck paleto.

Lee mi post otra vez subnormal. No dije que fueramos moros. Dije que preferiria que nos llamaran moros antes de que nos usaran. Ya que imbeciles como Varg piensan que los que no tienen el pelo rubio y los ojos azules no son blancos. Y mucha gente aqui en Sup Forums y stormfront piensan igual. Pero al mismo tiempo nombran los descubrimientos de los portugueses y nuestros.
Para ellos somos blancos por conveniencia, no por serlo biologicamente.

that's why they want to destroy us sending us all the nigs

ostia ya viene el de siempre
Prep the bull Jordi

You can´t even interpret the data clown.
iberians all cluster in the same spot, near all the other western euros

doncs crec que farè un test genétic d'aquells
23 and me
hi habia una altra empresa pero no la recordo
sigui quin sigui el resultat, em donarà una meta

You go to the embassy to know the procedures, believe it or not our levels of burocracy are killers, and if you can claim to decendant from any jew since 1500 you are welcome, if you have a sephardi name, even better, if you are jew (they probably wont ask to see your dick tough)* better still.
*By this i mean they will want evidence, but they wont look much into it
Dont trully know about it, since im alredy portuguese and dont need to learn how to become a national, but it pisses me of we welcome other people staying and making business while we have to play ball to have a company and pay absurd taxes and become most cases, a greasy fuck, because our idea of no courts envolved is gifts not common sense

not giving them links sorry

How convenient

Sí sois moros. You behave like moors.

>yfw superior Asturian masterrace


Cool, I would have liked to get the spanish nationality through my two grandfathers but one law that expired says I'm not spanish anymore.

Im Asturian you dip

Wrong, we have a million, France its about 6 million, están bien jodidos.

those are charnegos
invaders opening the border to more invaders
how many people were in that demonstration?
less than 1% of catalans

You need documents to prove it, then talk with the spanish embassy.

Your opinions are cazurro at best. Castilian grandparent, I guess, uh?

Take the andechapill.

Alredy fond the bait.
You have to pay 500 euros in Portugal, and its the joo comunity of porto and Lisboa that keeps the money.

France is like 10% muslim while in recent polls we were 2-3% muslims which is still too much. Anyting other than

France is doomed.

>"please tell me I'm white internet friends"
Instead of that you could act like a man and not beg for attention.

Spaniards have big chunk of their genetic heritage coming from both Jews and maghrebi Arabs.

Do what you want with that piece of information.

It's funny though, if my last name is jooish then how come I don't feel the urge to backstab people?

Why are pacos so aggresive and easily triggered online? it is a distinctly niggerish trait.
t. superior basque

Ofc I can interpret the data. We have the highest northern european admixture and we're only around 5% moor while you guys are almost 1/5 mohammed. Never better said MOORTUGAL.

Jo també me'n vull fer un però estic molt paranoic sabent que una empresa controlada per jueus tindrà les meves dades genètiques.

>Its a yes, you mongrel
t. Jose Gutierrez
Why is their only contribution to the world Don Quixote?

Really makes me think...

Even Brazilians seem to be white.

I saw a poll on (the French Sup Forums) once. Spain vs the Abyss.

The Abyss won.

>Jo també me'n vull fer un però estic molt paranoic sabent que una empresa controlada per jueus tindrà les meves dades genètiques.
per aixo dic que n'hi ha una altra
pero no recordo el nom

I have, as far as i know, Spanish and Italian descendance.

I think im white, but definitely not aryan. I guess Sup Forums have some high standards for pure whiteness.

I used to bang this basque chick in grad school and she was awesome in bed. Don't care if she was white or not shit was so cash

Basques are genetically the purest in Europe.
