Why hate Jews?

Please explain to me what is wrong with being Jewish?

Why do you people dislike them so much?

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Because they smell bad and they are similar to white niggers.


"The jews are responsible for all the wars in the world."
t.Abraham Lincoln

Because they haven't gotten over a small prank that a white vegetarian artist played on them 80 years ago.

And now they want to genocide the white race.




Please read and stop being an ignorant nigger OP.


Jews are racists and are only against racism when goys do it (that's you goy). FYI their talmud teaches goys are no better than animals.

Jews are behind almost everything Sup Forums complains about, whether it's communism (created by Karl Marx, a Jew, and implemented by people like Trotsky and Lenin both Jewish), feminism, forced multikulti, mass immigration, political correctness, the mainstream media, the Left, neoconservatism, Zionist wars (like the Iraq War), anti-white propaganda, WW1, WW2, the USSR, etc.

You name it, and you'll probably find a Jew behind it. Relevant books that cover the subject are The International Jew by Henry Ford, and The Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald.

Concerning... but does this justify supporting Hitler?

Nothing wrong with Jews, some of the world's best & brightest are Jewish.

the jewish religion believes themselves to be "god's chosen people" and all other races are considered cattle (aka, goyim)

Because of this belief, anyone who is not jewish is considered less than human, and treated with complete disrespect, and there is a close link between this attitude and supporting multiculturalism because to a jew, mongrels breeding with mongrels is acceptable and encouraged.

There is also no 'sin' for acquiring as much monetary wealthy as possible, thus jews are very greedy and devote much of their lives collecting wealth. Jews claim they have a certain level of 'genius' that no other races possess, but that 'genius' is really just lying and being deceitful and if confronted with facts of this, they ignore it or pretend it never happened.

tl;dr jews are greedy, lying, and deceptive and always play the victim. They have been kicked out of about 200 countries and to them, it is still somehow some 'evil oppressor's' fault that they get prosecuted throughout history.

Lurk more newfag

shekel seeking behaviors
'SHUT IT DOWN' behaviors
degeneracy promoting behaviors
controlled opposition behaviors

merchants... not even once.

Jews in Israel are our greatest allies

Jews in our country are our worst enemies.

Look up the communist reolution of 1919 in germany and look into the leaders ethinity.
100% jewish
Look at the USSR and the leading elite
over 70% jewish
Look at the statistics of communist traitors and saboteurs in america during the cold war
over 90% jewish

>spread corruption in a capitalist systhem
>gain power
>people notice corruption
>blame capitalism
>promote communism
>the people making the (((revolution))) are all in your tribe and put you back in power
>gain money while millions are starving because your good are worth more if everybody is poor af
>capitalism comes back
>be rich af and stay rich
>protect the (((revolutionaries))) that are in your tribe and let the goys in positions of power die
>start again

>literally having the nuclear codes

no thanks, schlomo. 'containment state' my ass

That doesn't make sense. Israel has stabbed the US in the back on multiple occasions.

But is it a small group of elite Jews or Jews in general?

I have seen many documents regarding Hitler and my opinion is he was in itself a controlled oposition financed by jewish american bankers in the interest of creating the neccesary conditions (guilt, compensation for the "holocaust") in the western countries after the defeat of Nazi Germany which justified the measures taken by Great Brittain to create the state of Israel. He was right about a lot of things, including the corruptive nature of the capitalistic system through bankers and globalist interests but he really wasnt unto them.


Yes, actually.

Hitler was nothing more than a rebel who led a slave revolt against his Jewish masters and the global bankers. Hitler was one of the first people in the history of mankind to nearly shatter the power of international Jewry and the NWO, but he failed and his people paid the ultimate price. and that's why he had to be portrayed in history books and the (((media))) as the most evil man who ever lived so no one would ever try that again (6 gorillion meme is a hoax). Things would've probably turned out even worse if he wasn't there to counter communism at the time. Lebenstraum (living space) would've also liberated the USSR by taking large parts of its Western region.

If you still don't realize after reading that infographic and all the problems that are happening in the world as a result (like the refugee crisis) that we fought on the wrong side, I don't know what to tell you. Even Patton realized this shortly after WW2. 80 years later and with all the information available at the tip of your fingers, we don't have any excuse.

It's not like supporting him matters now, but he's a symbol of resistance was right about a lot of things.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being Jewish.

Because rothschilds own a bank and one jewish guy wrote a manifesto all of them women and children included deserve to die.
T. Hitler

You're not fooling anyone Shlomo.

Of course jews arent evil in their nature per se. There just happens to be that they represent 1% of the world population and still manage to be in the highest positions of power from which most corruption is being emanated. But the elite/shadow government/establishment doesn't really consists of only jews.

And checked. Praise Kek forever btfo Juden

Jews in general, although there are exceptions.

The powerful ones are obviously the ones who cause the more damage though.


if they are about 1% of the population and make up 90% of communist elites there is something to it
It is genetical behavior if you ask me and even if it is recessive we do not need this in our countris because it may spread in their kids

It´s like with blue eyes if your genetical knowledge isn´t good.
two people with brown/dark eyes can have a blue eyed kid with a 23% chance and a 2% chance of green eyes.

I don´t give a fuck about jews if they live far away from other people.
They have this tendence to erradicate other tribes.
Read the old jewish tellings.
It´s all about erradicating desert tribes and taking teir place.
If you have an alcoholic you won´t let him sleep in the liquor store.

I have found a lot of information supporting this side and would very much like to believe that.

It wasn't after watching Jim Condit Jr. videos and seeing in first hand all the evidence he shows and backs his allegations with, that I was lead to believe he was actually controlled resistance.

Here is the documentary: youtube.com/watch?v=XSeZoedS83w

What do you think? Anyways I believe whatever the truth is, Hitler did expose the international powers behind most of makind's suffering since Napoleon.

Agreed. Also pic is a good reminder that they are always behind the "who is white" meme. Fuck Juden, don't let their lies divide us.

>forgot image

>And now they want to genocide the white race.

They were already doing that back then.

They're just mad that someone tried to stop it.


sepration of church and state little nigga.

you can't claim religious freedom then be a fucking country.

>being this new


Is this another TRS action?
Because who ever made this is a genuis when it comes to trigger leftists into helping us.

not sure what you mean by TRS action?
some user said that he was going to plaster his college with it

TRS (The right stuff) aka the daily shoah does things like this.
They make things like this to trigger leftists and marxists into attacking it and bringing it into the spotlight for normies.
what normies get out of this is
>white privilege is bad
>ending jewish privilege is anti semitic

even bluepilled normies get the hypocrisy


Globalist Jews always have a backup plan if someone rebels against their tyranny and plan, but that's about the extent of how they "controlled the opposition".

You say he "wasn't really unto them" but he was. He broke free of their system and banks, and that's why they declared war on him in 1933, and he confronted them as best as he could.

They had already been trying to force the necessary conditions to create Israel for decades, the war and "camps" just gave them that opportunity. If it wasn't Germany, it would've been another country though.

I don't have time to sit through your video, but I might later, thanks.