
What was really going on here?

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Hey, what a minute.

Where's the rollercoaster that had twirls and shit that went through an oven. Where are the masturbation machines and the bear and eagle?


No jews died there whatsoever from Nazis, gas chambers, or crematoriums. It was a temporary work camp with amenities, sports, swimming pools. Actually the residents had a good time. Any of the ones that died were typhus. Typhus killed everybody. And even then, it wasn't the German's fault, because the Allies bombed their supplies. So the Allies caused the deaths at Auschwitz.

My source: The Greatest Story Never Told (all of it) and hitlerdidnothingwrong.blogspot.reich.

Bad case of typhus, nasty lice.

Where's the pool? And if there was Typhus (basically aids), why was it open?

You should post the pic where they actually bomb the fucking place killing the inmates.

How are all of the inmates killed if we have holocaust survivors?

People survive bombing raids all the time, but not when they are concentrated

Meant for

I don't see what you're trying to say with this.

Allies bombed some of the camps, but not all the prisoners died

And how is this relevant to what really went on in that CIA-annotated aerial photograph?

Gas chambers were real. But they were used primarily to delouse the workers. Jews were so filthy and disgusting they had to be forcibly cleaned. Patton talks about how the willfulness of liberated jews to live in filth made him physically wretch. Gassing piles of bodies to death is western propaganda.


What is this, then?

The removal of existing corpses post-liberation. Either that or the worlds largest, wall-free gas chamber.

was in a class where some guy asked the professor why there was a gas chamber at Dachau and the Prof said there wasn't, then someone else said they were there and saw it. then the Prof mentioned something about gas chambers at other camps but then said a majority of Jews weren't killed at the camps. unintentional redpilling perhaps.


Something, that never happened (but Sup Forums wish it did). Am i right?

>the incinerator that burned thousands of bodies a day couldnt handle another 100 more

I cannot find any non-"anti zionist" posts online that contain this image in a context other than the Holocaust.
Can you explain that?
Say what? I did not say any of that.
Who are you quoting?

Ah, the source is a show called "Ghost Adventures."
I am sure that they totally would never have any reason to make up the source of the photo that they had in order to make people think ghosts exist. Totally no bias.
Really makes me think.

Funny how you stop responding after I bring out what the actual source was.