Mexico isn't sending their bes-

>Mexico isn't sending their bes-

Drumphies absolutely annihilated with one image

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amerisharts love their laws getting broken. Just like your sphincters in jail.

Well, I guess its time to report her ass, en masse

Let's she how good she is at climbing walls.

yfw a private school gives private funds to an individual because of her skill set.

Why is it always a point of pride for these people? "I beat the US laws on immigration, I took advantage of America's hospitality! It's an obstacle I jumped through!"

I've met some Greeks who overstayed their visas here and they were ashamed of their immigration status, spoke about it in hushed whispers even when nobody else was around. I knew a Lithuanian who got deported and told me from Vilnius that not becoming legal was one of the biggest mistakes of his life.

But these goddamn spics... I don't get it. It's like border laws are a game for them, and once they become successful they wanna reveal their high score.

>Mexican Intellectuals don't want to live in a Mexican shithole.

Mexico BTFO

those dark eyes are cute af

this is what you get for not having id

Damn, well maybe the best universities in Mexico will take her. Obviously since white people and latinos are the same Mexican intellectuals must be on the same level as white intellectuals.

She's a slut. Look up her nudes n shiet

>implying darkies getting into yale is special

you know they have mandated quotas for non-whites/asians, right?

how about you just post them, faggot

If I illegally enter a liberals house similar to how a spic illegally enters my country, will the liberal have me arrested for crossing an imaginary man made line?

I'd bleach her.

Stop fucking praising criminals / America is great because of immigrants but only if they are legal and law abiding

>reveals she is an illegal

She's not so smart after all

Shitskins have no honor. More at eleven.

Lets call ICE on here!

Aw, that's a shame. Attending Yale after she's deported will be hard.

Maybe they will take her after she enters the country LEGALLY.

Exception not the rule

She has to go back.

>she has to go back

that was a terrible idea to say that openly

She their best and brightest because she is more Spaniard than native Aztec. Fucking lul

Why is Sup Forums now infected with civic nationalist pieces of shit?

America was great because it was 90%+ white, and that's the only fucking reason. Any child or retard can notice trends. We are getting worse with every immigrant, legal or otherwise, that steps foot here, I don't care how much cherry picking someone does, what I said is fact.

What's that retarded tonguesmile? She looks dumb as fuck.

user from that school, with verification papers about his enrollment, said that she skipped exams and asked for the answers to schoolmates.

the retards wouldnt even change the questions


Stop being a faggot and post em.





Its like giving food to the neighbots kids when your kids are going hungry

>bajillion years in jail for smoking or selling pot
>No jail time for shit like this

No one talks about this.
Liberals literally don't really give a fuck about other cultures.

Finding a lone exception to a general trend doesn't disprove the trend, much less "annihilate" it.

She has to go back.

You've got a really interesting definition of annihilated. Hundreds of thousands mowing lawns, hanging drywall, and hanging out at Home Depot looking for a white guy to hire him for some odd job. But look, there's one half-intelligent one that gets accepted into Yale mostly to fill a quota! Yea. Annihilated.

kys subhuman argentinian

she wasn't their best until we taught her, OP.

>diversity admission to kike university
Deport her for fucks sake please

there isn't one square inch of her body that I wouldn't touch with my penis

She has to go back

"LoL, I stole this education from you taxpayers and your families, and now I got a full ride to yale! Thanks suckers"

she more than likely has a subpar 2.X gpa but thanks to affirmative action shes going ivy

Time to inform ICE lads


The CTR Shills and Payments:

Fuck .....fucking wetbacks are useless.

>reveals she is an illegal immigrant
Look who's not going to Yale.

This. It's the part that pisses me off the most. Scholarships for minorities are laughably easy to get.

deport when?

Jesus I wish it were this simple user. She's gonna go be a rabble rouser at our 2nd finest university. The jews win again.

>1 post by this ID
Nice shilling, faggot.

DEPORT THE CUNT, that diploma belongs to American students.

Doesnt pay taxes and now is getting free education at Yale. Are you fucking kidding me?

For every one of these, there are a hundred drunk drivers running from a murder scene

>2nd finest
harvard, stanford, princeton, caltech, MIT, chicago, and probably UC fucking Berkeley are better schools than Yale

Did you guys report her to the ICE?

She has to go back.

OP is a typical American asshole who wants to brain drain all their southern neighbours.

Not if your a halfie with a non-Spanish surname. Believe me.

>look at how smart this illegal immigrant is by telling a crowded room that she was an illegal immigrant

>reveals that she's an illegal
she's not very bright after all it seems

daily reminder that Ivy League schools do not award merit-based scholarships to undergrads. There is literally no such thing as anyone "earning" a full ride to Harvard or Yale.

Is she really all that smart if she couldn't figure out a way to get a full citizenship after being here for over a decade?

WOW! she stole a full ride from an american and we are funding it too. This country is fucked.

Done user keep spreading

>Myth buster
>an illegal immigrant choosing to pay taxes
>nobody is forcing her to pay taxes because she legally doesn't exist
>somehow, the myth is busted

I wouldn't even care so much about illegal immigration if they didn't act so fucking arrogant about it.

>>Mexico isn't sending their bes-
Well, looks like it's time to send their best back. The rules are simple.

Good, Mexico will need their best to recover from the loss of drug money when the wall is built.
Thank you, Mr. Prez for taking care of your neighbor and sending them their valuable individuals back

They literally do not care. The only time when citizenship matters is when it is enforced and now that we are beginning to treat it seriously they are assmad that they will have to pay the consequences of being lazy and opportunistic

Drumphies and Drumpkins and Trumpkins BTFO! They'll never recover!

>1 post by this ID

these are all russian bots btw which is why they only have 1 post and never reply

>approaches microphone

>Mexico sends its best and smartest
>Manages to get a degree thanks to minority bonuses and white handouts
>Makes a public speech about being illegal immigrant
>Will be deported later 100% surely

Not very smart move, Juanita, you have to go back

>Mexicans are smart :D :DDDD

right on 9/10

I think the point is that people think most illegal immigrants as low-lifes.

Is it really so hard to believe some Americans are legitimately fed up with mexishits? I live in Denver and the west side of the city is littler juarez now. If you are white you get called out for being in "their" neighborhood. Shit used to be all white 15 years ago, nah fuck them. THEY NEED TO GO BACK.

>be mexican
>see americans criticizing mexicans for being garbage
>even though I know deep down that mexicans are garbage, because of having an emotional state of a 16 year old girl, can't even deal with the feelings that accepting this fact brings
>deny any and all accusations of mexicans being a sub-standard people
>blame Americans for any problems
>blame south americans for any problems
>when that doesn't work, claim victimhood and assert that everyone is just out to bully the poor mexican people because racism
>doesn't even know what racism is

The funniest part is you Mexicans like to claim you're all manly men and shit when in reality you're just emotional women. "Machismo"? Give me a break. Masculine men don't play the victim at any sign of emotional trauma.

call ICE i dont give a fuck

She's literally a Mexican intellectual.

I've noticed that too. A buddy of mine from India just had his visa revoked and he has not made it public knowledge. He is doing anything and everything he can to get it reinstated.

You have autism. This will be my last post as well.

It is a felony to cross our borders illegally, and therefor, she is not eligible for Pell grants.

Why the fuck would you announce you're an illegal right after graduation!? Besides one college girl is hardly a reason to not secure the boarders.



Looks like she will be bound for mexico instead now


She took advantage of America's hospitality to receive her education. You wasted good federal funds on somone who shouldn't even be in the country.

Post em or I ain't buying.

> Not understanding how stats works

It is a felony to allow white people to continue to think they arent the worlds true niggers.

well great, mexico needs girls like her.

education in this country is becoming a joke. none of these people are actually smart, I bet.


kys fag

They have one of the largest endowments in the country.
Not today, you Ancapistani fuck.

Laws are OK when liberal democrats make them, but not when conservative republicans enforce them.

She wasn't an immigrant. She was brought in as a child. The parents are still scum

Neither does kek apparently.

>graduation speech
>in march

Donald Trump has no problem with immigrants as long as they come legally and responsibly. Liberal Democrats constantly promised to secure the Mexican boarder and crack down on illegal immigration and no one batted an eye but when Trump does it he's a racist!?

>welfare education

She can go get her degree in Mexican indigenous pottery studies in Mexican Yale, they probably have one, she seems pretty smart, she'll get her scholarships over there... In Mexico

would marrry and give her da G....reencard