Live in Serbia

>live in Serbia
>current president is a redneck with a fake degree
>prime minister is a sold out cunt, doing nothing but making promises
>prime minister candidates for president
>starts a giant campaingn, his ugly face is fucking everywhere
>gets a lot of possible votes in a most cuntish way for, paying celebrities to promote him, promising old people better pensions and giving poor people sandwitches for votes
>everyone knows that he's going to win, because folk is manipulated
>other candidates aren't even trying
>out of nowhere, this dude appears
>starts as a joke, just parodying politcians and their promises
>people spread him all over social media as a some kind of meme
>he gets a massive following, mostly from youth, hipsters and edgy memers to be precise
>people now unironically want to vote for him
>he is now a serious threat to mr. sold out cunt
>only two serious canditates are a man that tends to put Serbia in even bigger shit and a troll that has 0 fucking expirience in politics

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You must awaken your inner kebab remover and utilize 2pac wizard rap magick.

shia is looking better

That guy is your fucking President?

I don't believe it.

i don't care about your president all i want to know is when are we gonna genocide the albanians and the larping macedonians

not even 2pac's fast rap can't save us now

that's not our president, that's the meme candidate

Sounds pretty based to me.

>That celtic DNA
Fuck. That's gotta be the whitest man in Serbia. Where is he from? What region?

when this dude gets elected, which will hardly ever happen

>implying that we're not white asf

also idk, suburbs of Belgrade or something

doesnt have a remote chance at winning

>regularly insulted the judges and court prosecutors once proceedings commenced, disclosed the identities of protected witnesses and was penalized on three occasions for disrespecting the court


also what are the politics of this beli guy besides being a memer

everyone is talking about him in my circles at least, but i guess you're right, mr. cuntlips has support from the easy manipulated and poor people, and our country is filled with them

Meme him into the Slav House

sigh .... keep strong

in his recent interviews he said that he will be surrounded by "young intellectuals". basically our country will be runned by bunch of hipsters

Beli is A E S T H E T I C as fuck

>tfw campaining with haircuts and canned meat wins you a country

I get a right wing vibe from this video it is also based

tfw neetovi postoje u Srbiji

what happened to vucic emulating Hitler and killing 100 muslims for every dead serb?

This is the proof that hes a sold out cunt.
Its impossible to change like that going from ultra nationalist to liberal euro cock sucker is just fucking impossible

>sta je sjesti u kafani citav dan i pusit drinu

Don't listen to our ((MEDIA)) Serb-bro, Trump is doing good. Don't let your dreams be memes. You can't banish the Beli. Kek wills it.

KEK that was like ages ago, when he was still a Seselj's little bitch

That is the best political video I've ever seen.

and this is Vucic's promotional video, about him bringing a book to the library 35 years late

this is the 2nd result I got when searching "vucic peder" and it didn't dissapont

serbs make best fast rap, that's a fact

That might be the best video I've seen this year.

i mean what politician EVER beside Beli will do a parody of True Survivor and use it as a promotional video?

I don't know why but I love this fucking sentence.

Shit son
I'm not gay but I'd unironically succ his dingaling if y'know whadda mean


>people actually smile in Serbia

dude what the fuck

Do it serbs. What could go wrong? At least he's too liberal to bow down to the corruption of the existing oligarchy

only wrong thing is that he has no expirience in politics, Vucic is in the game for like 20-30 years, and he still sold us out

Nikolic is a bigger clown than Beli and he's serious.

lmao that too, remember the styrofoam thing?

>he has no expirience in politics
>no backdoor friends doing under the table deals

how is this bad exactly?

Yeah, Toma has said a lot of dumb things.
Nothing will beat this tho:

Can you give us a translation Serbro? All I can make out is that he said yellow people in front of China's premier.

a public interview with some important yerrow dude. he speaks about some stupid prophecy (probably from Tarabić brothers) that yellow people will come from east and they will conquer the world and they're going to drink water from Morava river

it sounds even dumber in Serbian

Vote for the one that promises weed. Thats what we did, and everything here is great. Praise Allah.

No he's not. I just started the quest "Find the whitest man in all of Serbia", went up to that guy but nothing happened. There's someone out there that is more white.

Fucking incredible, thank you.