Is Faith Goldy /ourgal/?

She calls for crusades and uses Deus Volt unironically, she promotes female traditionalism, Seems pretty trad and is Waifu material

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she BTFOs Lauren Southern in the looks department

she's also /mygal/ if you know what I mean
>t. will give her strong aryan babies that will be raised to give us strong aryan grandchildren


lauren southern is a kike plant
(((libertarians))) are glorified leftists



nice lip injections


I can't help but wanna cum buckets whenever I see her in rebel media clips.

I'm not even sure what she means by that but I think she means it. I like the memes though.

I'd watch it, bud


I'm an Alt-right grrrrl teehee

She needs to moisturize

A lot

If she was serious she would spell it properly




5.56 is for pussies.

I'd throatfuck her, breed her cunt and lick her armpits.

That's the Mike Pence variant.

She honestly sounds perfect. Why cant i find a girl like this :(

(((Golfy))) has awkward mouth gestures when she talks, like her mouth is too big for her face

So, she split with (((The Rebel))) because she's a plant?

Left or right


she's fucking hot

Both, at the same time


There's something strange about he appearance. I don't if I should be attracted or not..

Plus she's a fucking leaf.

How old is she?

Why are leftist whores so superior?


fuck off nu-pol


skeleton with two melons, old man face, jew nose and blow-up doll lips.

K-k-kek? is that you?

What do you want from us?

hot but those nails are trashy



>uses Deus Volt unironically



I'd fill her asshole with my cum, if you catch my drift.


I've been here a while now, and I assure you am against ((Them))), Just thought Faith Goldy was hot and a great woman even though she's in ((the rebel)). Also she's better than that kike Lauren Southern.

>T-Theyre just saying "Ok"!!!

>(((libertarians))) are glorified leftists
Funny you mention that because Libertarians for the longest time would describe themselves as fiscally conservative, but socially left. Not too many of those intellectual cowards willing to make that claim any more, though they still fundamentally believe the same thing.
Every last one of them is more than happy that Gary Johnson tried to defend illegal immigrants, because those traitors don't care about national identity.

Rebel Media is a Jew owned outlet. They exist only to give an outlet to alt-lite ideas so they can control the political discourse. Jews always do this, they always invest in both sides of a fight. Having Jewish ownership, Jewish producers, and Jewish writers means you have Jewish censorship. They only allow the tone of discussion to go just far enough to be slightly edgy, but then they always reel it back in by parroting multicultural apologetic bullshit like civic nationalism, and virtue signaling against nationalists.
Laura Southern does not care about the future of this nation. Neither does that degenerate Gavin McInnes, or any of the other alt-lite cuck personalities.

Getting released from a contract for voicing your own stupid opinion does not make Laura Southern a genuine person. All it means it means is that her going off script broke from her employer's narrative, and thats bad for business.



I prefer Lauren

>Attention whore
>Our anything
Fuck off back to plebbit where you belong cuck


Lauren had to teach Faith what waifu means

Oy vey

and notice the on eye covered wink

that kid is too big to be in a stroller.

>These people are normal people, they know nothing of the kikes!!!


>Some of them even try to FIGHT the kikes!!!


I know all about the rebel, user. I was a keen observer until I seen their narrative exposed. I don't need a backstory on your opinion. Not everyone you don't like is a plant, goy


Still hot and Trad maybe not /ourgal/ but still waifu material and better than Kike Lauren Southern

>Everyone does this gesture for the camera!
>I-Its totally normal!!!

>J-just a fashionable pose!

(((rebel media))) is alt lite shit. Lauren southern tries so hard shilling to alt light memsters.


Being hired to push a narrative in the media pretty much is the definition of being a plant.
If a government body did the same thing it would be legitimate psyops.

>They drew it just like the kikes do it, but thats a (((coincidence)))!!!

Faith Goldy's mouth hypnotizes me.

>T-the record companies must have set this up as a branding symbol!

Faith was really good friends with my gf in highschool. She was cool as fuck

>A-and the uhh movie companies


How do you know she was hired to push a narrative? Your projections show you need a break from the internet

i love james franco

>B-but any politician who does this was just taken out of context goy, they didnt pose like the others do!!

You fucking spergs
Don't talk about her , don't me tion her. Just. Leave. Her. Alone
You fucking spergs ,cucks and bitter virgin manlets
She is a beautiful , charismatic and noble Christian women
Reeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeee

>This is just a new gesture!! has no older meaning!!!


>So zany and random!!!

woah hold on, i need a quick rundown of this pic


Because Rebel Media exists to push a narrative.
Everyone they hire has to be a good little puppet and only espouse opinions that align with the owner's agenda.
Stick to reddit if you want to signal how big of a cuck you are.


faith is old and busted, lauren's hair is disgusting. now pic related 10 times better


>I'm anonymous on a Japanese cartoon board and thus the member of THE Secret Klubâ„¢ that is allowed to have an opinion in and to express it theehehe
>Muh secret klub
Kill yourself sperg
Noone gives a fuck, youve done nothing,heck noone will even know name besides your mom ,employer and few friends

She sure dope this one a lot!!!

obvious shop, look at the difference in pic clarity between the face and tits. tits are clear and crisp, face is blurring. I would be very surprised if this was legitimate

Is she old or does she tan too much? Her skin looks like that milf leather. Like the liver spots old cougars get on their chest/cleavage


Her face is all ugly n shit
She's like what an ayy lmaos would create if all they did was scour Tumblr and women magazines for reference
Has a lot of feautres that SHOULD make her beautiful as fuck in the fact but none of it meshes well and her skin got BTFO because she doesn't know what sunscreen is

I heard she is only 24 years old. I thought she was in her 30s


>a fucking leaf
He's just not interested because clearly she isn't literally a dog.

Faith Goldy is knowledgeable, looks gorgeous (athletic, very thin, low body fat percentage, high probability of breast implants), and provides good reporting on subjects.

Although statistically women are left-leaning and often think with their emotions, positive exceptions do exist. She is able to communicate the points well an does not seem to participate in emotion-based, sensationalist "news" that is often seen in mainstream media (i.e. CNN, Fox, BBC, MSNBC).

Most importantly, she is able to justify her conservative viewpoints, and looks sexually attractive while doing it. I like it.

Okay I will end this after one more pic, and save you all the autism

But know this, this gesture is commonly known as "Owl Eyes", look it up

These owl eyes are no coincidence, see below

>Everyone who disagrees with me is from Reddit
Dude, I know about their agenda. All I'm saying is not everyone is hired as a Jew plant. People get hired at biased outlets all the time and get canned for going against the narrative. People also get hired at biased outlets all the time and quit because they don't fit in with the narrative. Discipline your paranoia just a tad, lad.

>triggered because I think his favourite meme is shitty and overused
nu/pol/ is literally the easiest people to troll

this stuff is sadly not fake, its time to wake up guys

>Faith Goldy will never personally teach you about the evils of sexual education.