I was in the military

>I was in the military
>suck my dick

It's always the PoGs who bring up their service. That or marines who've never seen combat who want to be thanked for sitting around all day

Soldiers are not responsible for the decisions of their governments. They deserve our respect.

This. I've never even worn a service related piece of clothing off of work. Most veterans hate this shit and shit on the faggots who do it.

>veteran at my shitty no-name college wears veteran hat every day
Ok, we get it.

spank you for your cervix

I only ever see older men wearing those types of hats. Nothing wrong it.

The vets that wear that shit weren't frontline grunts, they were the support crews that didn't do shit. They are also the fuckers that receive VA benefits for pussy injuries like shin splints .

The camo hat with your state flag on it looks pretty cool. If I was in the military id wear that

Shin splints? Like from running?

This. There are many people out there that your wouldn't think were veterans that have actually done shit or at least don't pander to the population.

These people give other veterans a bad name.

i wear these things to get compliments

i have never been in or tried to get in the military

We're kind of self regulating in that sense are they?

In a sense Combat Vets are like the jews of the MilFag community

>TurboPog telling everyone at the restaurant he's a veteran, being a fag in general
>he does this but he knows, in the back of his head, that there could be an actual combat vet or saltdog in the crowd
>You'll never know, the combat vet blends in since he doesn't flout his service
>but when he reveals himself and calls you out, you feel that icy feeling creep down your spine
>you've been revealed

I love it, the MilFag community is like a mafia or a criminal underground

>mfw rated 70% for disability
>mfw spend it all on frivolous shit like funs and ammo
>mfw I got my house and job because of my service
>mfw fags like OP can only bitch about it on a tibetan throat-singing smokesignal forum

Sure, just some bullshit reason to get VA benefits

I was in the military and it's like nails on a chalk board when someone finds out and thanks me for my service. I don't like people know I was even in the military, its not something I'm proud of and I really want to leave it in the past

Fuckit, if they made it out of school and went into the real military let em wear it.

A lot of vets are entitled welfare queens. Some vets are literally single-black-mother-tier human beings. Military is another form of welfare, fuck them.

B-but I like my hat. I like how it looks.

I have a friend who is former military and he is the same way. I never talk to him about his military service because I can tell it makes him uncomfortable. Sometimes he will bring it up but it's usually with some sort of disgust. From what he's told me most people in the military are uneducated trash.

Is this why you keep your service to yourself or do you have a different reason?

You're a piece of shit.

Milfags best fags.


>made it out of school

I hate you with the intensity of a thousand thousand blazing suns. The entirety of human language cannot begin to express my disdain for you, you sniveling worm, you grunting ape, you whining dog. You've insulted, demeaned, and outright mocked forces beyond your comprehension, and an end shall soon be upon you. As we speak, the legions of Hades come against you, there will be no mercy, no recompense, and no respite, for your transgressions are beyond forgiveness, and you will answer for them. Eternal torment and woe be upon you, lowliest of fools, weakest of men, dirtiest of filth, for oblivion's embrace is beyond you.

"How do you know if someone's in the Marine Corps?"

"Don't worry, they'll tell you."

That's pretty accurate, also you have to suck up to people. If you don't suck up to the right people your life will be made a living hell.


Muh sides


Every faggot around my area who wears anything military related is an Air Force faggot who flew a desk but still wants to be recognized like he was in the sand putting pantie hose on the air filter.
I hate these assholes so much because when a combat vet steps up they dog on him for "not being smart enough to get a real job".

Fuck these asshats.

Didn't get a job or acceptance to a college?

Those pants are pretty slick though. What's wrong with wearing them if you were never in the military?

>the generally a hat person



you should bring is up to non-veteran friends if you trust them. I learned a lot about the government, military, bureaucracy, and got a few red pills from talking to enlisted guys and ex-military. i don't want to hear about how hot it was or how you totally pranked that guy, but insightful stuff is appreciated by civilians. i knew a navy nuke and i hung on every word he said and still remember his stories.

most vet's crimes are not saying enough.

The military is like joining a fraternity in college, it's a popularity contest where only the dumbest people get to advance

I tell every civilian that says they want to go into a combat position not to do it.
Brains are meant to be put to good use inside your head not painting the walls of some sandniggers home.

Thread full of introverted millennial fat kids too anxious to leave their bedrooms much less make eye contact with the rest of the real world. I fear for the future of America.

>most vet's crimes are not saying enough.

Man can you imagine what would happen if a veteran movement against Islam and the establishment took the US by wildfire?

It would be chaos

>Veterans who have seen the true face of Islam start to get more and more venomous about haji immigration
>They begin to finger the government that sent them to fight for bullshit wars, wars that broke their bodies and killed their friends
>Liberals and cuckservatives run around and trip over themselves in circles trying to fight back but not triggering the generals populations post-vietnam PTSD on treating veterans like shit at the same time
>Vets start to realize the Kike influence in these wars, stoking the fire within them

And you fags on here just want to call them welfare queens and call it a day

You're fags are missing out on a glorious opportunity to do some real damage, its ripe for the taking but instead you decide to channel your memetic energy on fucking with some washed up actors ill conceived art project

checked. knee pads deployed

eh, like i said. i talked to guys i thought were pretty smart. it's a game to figure out if they say they served were they:
>useless desk guy
>carried big gun ptsd guy
>"i can't tell you what i did" guy
>I liked it too much adrenaline guy
>i don't every want to talk about it guy
>honest guy that has different things to say about the military

I just try to find the latter.

I occasionally want to do faggy anti-suicide vet charities, but i don't think it would help. they only ones that can help them is each other so i'll leave that to them.

People ask me at work all the time if we have a military discount.

And some of them get mad when I say that we do not

This is actually genius. You should make a thread about it.


>Forgive me O(Pvt.) Pile, bout to suck muh own dick for one second

This not the nastiest pic of a Carl Gustav in action u faggots ever seen? Top it, i fuckin DARE YOU!


Most combat vets don't wear service advertising. I recently met an marine that still wore his tags, said he killed people like I was going to be shocked.

He was a bus dismayed when I said "Me too!". I then asked him IRQ or AFG and never got an answer....

....with that I got my answer, he's a liar riding on the glory of others.

Welfare queens doing the bidding of their ZOG and Saudi masters. I felt no sympathy or pity for these Zogbots when Mahdi Army were killing them in Iraq. I feel no sympathy or pity for them now when the terrorists they funded kill them now. They deserve to be spat on.

Based. I never understood people hating on the military.

Where's the downvote button?

Is she trying to fund her studies in hamburger university?

I served in Iraq.
I tell them i fought for Israel in Iraq
They ask me if I'm Jewish.
Nope, 100% American

Oh, don't mind me, I'm just going to wait in line for ten minutes to raise the odds that someone buys my meal.

>i don't every want to talk about it guy
We'll take it to our graves and might tell you about it when we're dying.


Respect for invading third world Nations for Oil and the Greater Israel project? No. Useful idiots.

>They deserve our respect.

But US soldiers aren't doing anything useful.

That's like saying someone eating sand deserves respect.

Because the vast majority of veterans are brainwashed automatons, after years of active service there programming becomes irreversible

Good job, she needed a good fuck

As someone who was a military brat, I hate this.

Relevant Story Time
>Be in college
>Sitting in class
>Front row is a former military guy, clearly 10 years older than everyone
>Guy always wore tight shirts, and would yell his sperg opinions while the professor was talking
>Come in Veterans Day and sit down
>Professor isn't here yet
>Military guy stands up and turns around
>"Everyone in this room, I want you all to know right now that you're welcome."
>No one says anything
>Guy gives a pissed off look and sits down, like he was expecting us all to suck him off

I guarantee that idiot didn't even actually go oversees.

Haha, I'm the "Liked it too much" guy, can get some very odd looks from people, always give me a kekkle.

t. radio operator

This. Most veterans you meet are faggots riding the coat tails of dudes who actually fought.

oh you'd be surprised what you'll say when you get older. i guess the shame just goes away because you don't have anything to lose socially. some vietnam guys have told me about alot of racism where they'd let nigs get killed, also standard viet rapings. It was still possible to enlist instead of taking prison time back then so if someone in their unit was known to be a criminal and he started acting up, they would just shoot them and leave them in the rice paddy.

that's not all that surprising but i heard all of it first hand. maybe they're liars but taking it to your grave benefits no one, not even you. unless it's classified then you're a traitor for telling people.



Except oil is close to obsolete in a few years, although the US gov is trying to desperately stall it (in vain).

It's just war economy. War itself is the source of income. The military is of absolutely no use to ordinary citizens nowadays.

PoGs = ?

I saw this phenomenon when visiting some mall in USA. Two guys in uniforms were walking by and every other person, especially older people were like "thank you for your service" and they got free ice cream somewhere. I swear some fat man told them "thank you for protecting our freedom"

The fuck?

Most of us don't just blindly hate everyone from that region. Not to say we want them in our country but we just wish they would fight for themselves because the foreign fighters trying to gain influence over there really are some pieces of shit.

Worst stuff I've ever seen done to an enemy combatant was done by ANA who were frustrated that Pakistan kept sending over Arabs and Chechens.

This is digital stolen valour.

a small part of me wants to say "thanks" but

1) I know that actual vets get triggered by that sort of thing, as a vacant gesture, and

2) I also know that non-vets put bumper stickers and such on their cars, in order to get lenient treatment from police.

>nigs get killed, also standard viet rapings
>unless it's classified then you're a traitor
Bingo chief. You'd be surprised how much is classified and how few of the men actually know it.
Best not to give away too much and use your damn head.


Personnel Other-than Grunt

I'm 26 years old. I'm looking to become a 12M in the US Army Reserve.

Do I need prior experience to be accepted into that job?

non-Infantry soldiers. Infantry thinks they're all rock-hard-dicked killers. The reality is that there are several other combat jobs that are decent (even though they're fucking POGs).

REMFs would probably be the better term. These are people who never saw combat regardless of their job. It can refer to all kinds of people who are clerks and supply and bullshit but also encompasses Infantry dudes who vacationed in Korea and think anyone gives a fuck about their EIB.

Lock this piece of shit up

>father fought in 'nam
>wounded and nearly kia, purple heart, etc
>won't talk about what happened that day
>know not to ask
>aunt tells me he was a changed man when he returned home
Can't recall a single time he ever told anyone he was a veteran. When I was very young and noticed the scars on his body for the first time I asked him what happened, his only response was "I got shot".

Nice bait.

I'm infantry in the guard and got deployed right out of basic. Except they lied to me and I got stuck as their backup supply in case someone got injured. I only deployed for 3 months... I'm still considered a veteran

It's pretty awkward going to the veterans affairs office for coffee at school... then again it's inundated with non combat vets who talk about their ptsd all day.

Don't you have to be A M E R I C A N to serve in the AMERICAN military?

Why don't you talk to a recruiter instead of posting this every night?

It's become sort of a past time for me.

Yeah, Americans are actually proud of their country, and especially the people who risk their lives to serve and protect it.

Sound familiar?

Probably not, Juan.

TY guys

>it's inundated with non combat vets who talk about their ptsd all day
>non combat vets who talk about their ptsd all day
>non combat vets who talk about their ptsd
>non combat vets ptsd

Sounds like a stolen valor faggot to me. You should've whooped his ass user

When I did my PTSD screening all I talked about was non-combat related stuff for like an hour. Doc finally flat out asked about combat and I blew the fuck up on him. Told him about getting rocketed every day, having half my company blown up in IEDs, killing 2 dudes in a ditch, all kinds of shit. Really got in his face about what a fucking asshole he was for prying about this stuff. Super You-weren't-there tier bullshit.

Maybe I should have talked to someone.

who /greenwennied/ here?

Nah, I don't have the organizational skills to keep it alive until it catches on so I just throw it out there every now and then until it starts to catch on

Sounds like you were doing what he asked.

If you are still having problems go to the VA and share some stories with some nam vets. You'll find someone to talk to who understands. It's what keeps me going. I talk to the guys at the VA about my daily life and they help me out. I haven't talked to them about combat related anything though. Most of us are trauma cases that like to stick together to keep each other in check so we don't freak out.

I don't think anyone under 60 should be allowed to wear a Veteran hat

When someone walk up behind you and you didn't hear them walk up, and you turn around ,does is scare the living shit out of you? Because if still fucks with me, and I've been out for years .

Say that to Horsecock Harry and Johnny 11 Bravo, faggot. You'll get your shit pushed in real quick with your loose ass dick holder, fucking nasty.

Think of them as Narco generals/foot soldiers, get much respect, so many cases.

Oil will never be obsolete in your lifetime moron. It's not just for fuel you know.

Being army Infantry does not increase the size of your dick, trust me I should know

It depends m8. At least for officers in the navy, you cant really tell. In flight school right now, and if it werent for the fact that they wear a flight suit to teach our class, most would pass for normal dudes.

Yeah sure, theres a few marine Captains w/ stereotypical haircuts, but for the most part, all the navy LTs are normal guys.

I avoid this situation as much as possible. Grocery shopping has become a 6 a.m. on a Tuesday ritual.

I wrote

>close to

I know we'll always need plastics and other oil based shit, but that's a tiny fraction of the amount of oil we need as fuel right now.

thank u for fighting for our freedom 7,429 miles away.

Six ?! What are looking for, PEOPLE?!

I go at 3-4...fuck people.