Everyone i know tells me i should go to psychological therapy...

Everyone i know tells me i should go to psychological therapy. But psychology has become greatly disconnected from empirical science in the last few years.

I've bought Jordan Peterson's Self-Authoring suite, but i've yet to use it.

Basically, the only good reason i can see for seeing a shrink is to get on some medication like adderall (which i have limited access to through social contacts), but i fear that i'll either be put on something useless or be required to do a bunch of nonsense training with no scientific veracity. I also worry about being permanently barred from military service if i seek too much psychological aid. I'm just trying to fix what bad (ultra-liberal) parenting broke.

How do i sort myself out? How do i know if i need drugs to attain that goal?

Depends what the specific issue is. Things like anxiety and depression can be treated with either medication or non medicated therapy or a combination of both. Things like bipolar disorder often need some medication. Things like organization or time management or other personal skills usually don't need medication. Non medicated therapy isn't necessarily useless. Some forms like CBT and dialectical behavioral therapy are quite useful. The key is remembering the strategies you learn in the sessions.

This shit really works.

Don't fall for the pharmaceutical jew. Cognitive-Behavioral therapy is proven and effective.

Sounds like auditing at a scientology centre

Adderall/ritalin/precription uppers and psychedelics are the only redpilled drugs imo. I get so much shit done on addies.

Hard to say. Mostly being given pot from age 14 to now, and never being forced to develop a work ethic.

It does. i love being on it, i feel alive.

How can i tell if the shrink they assign to me is using science-based methods?

Authoring? Yeah it does, but they've got studies showing effectiveness.

>meth is redpilled


>he thinks methamphetamine is the same as amphetamine.

Next you'll tell us that ethylmercury and methylmercury are the same.

Meditation is a better method of dealing with the mind, psychotropic drugs can have horrific side effects.

until it ruins your life or you get a heart arrhythmia.... or both.

I'm of the opinion that meditation is little more than self-hypnosis, and hypnosis doesn't work.

What large-scale studies have you read on the effectiveness? The most championed studies have sample sizes of 50 or so buddhist monks. I've never seen a robust analysis.

How'd they do any sort of bodily test or even diagnostic scans? Just. Lay here and talk about your mom

Ruin your life how? Just dont abuse it and youre fine. All successful businessmen and entrepreneurs are on uppers. Youll ruin your life if you abuse anything.

Just wait til you build up a tolerance and become dependent on it. Fucking sucks.

It's addictive.

>All successful businessmen and entrepreneurs are on uppers

sweeping generalization.

You can rationalize it all you want. Stimulants like adderall are no joke.

>was always an incredibly quick thinker but could never follow through on the things i thought of doing/saying
>despite this got through highschool/university with above average grades while constantly fighting my own apathy
>get perscribed add meds
>became a god

whatever i can conceptualize i can now follow through on

life's never been easier

>How'd they do any sort of bodily test or even diagnostic scans? Just. Lay here and talk about your mom

They just have you write about your life, and press you to answer difficult questions about it.

Canes are addictive. Don't fall into the pseudoscientific jew. Everything enjoyable is "addictive", but there is no physical evidence that "addiction" prevents you from making the right choices.

Love is an addiction, by every formal classification.

>All successful businessmen and entrepreneurs are on uppers

I know several millionaires and the in my experience, the exact opposite true. I know one specifically that said he couldn't find consistent success in business until he got rid of his dependence on adderall.

Most are and if not that then modafinil - your brain can function at top level with only like 4 hours of sleep on that shit but it's expensive.

why become dependant on medication at all? That is what they want you to do, goyim

stop being a pussyboi and get yourself some meth. Adderal is the non alcohol beer of uppers.

I would love to take stimulants more often, but they always interrupt my sleep, which aggravates my CNS and burns me out in the long term.

I took some yesterday and felt extremely irritated and aggressive earlier today. I'm very sensitive to them.

Don't use it everyday. If you develop a tolerance cut back or completely stop for a while. There are no withdrawal's except bummed mood and tired for a few days but that goes away. There are no withdrawals period if you dont use it everyday. Dont become dependent on it, just use it like a tool.

I used to take benzos for sleep when I took uppers. Come down is a bit annoying at first with uppers but goes away

The funny thing is that I can still get to sleep with melatonin. I can tell though that my brain doesn't fully shut down.

Same thing happens when I take other drugs like psychedelics late in the day. The next day I may feel more anxious or depressed or fatigued. It sucks too because that's how I unwind on Fridays, but I want to do something constructive on Saturday.

Amphetamines are worse for this problem because it still occurs even if I take them in the morning. Other drugs won't interrupt my sleep if I take them that early in the day.

a combination of CBT and DBT worked for me. Not totally better, but better nonetheless. It basically gives you practical things to do every second to change how you think, how you feel based on thoughts and what actions to do to make you feel better in the long run.

Pills did absolutely nothing for me. Adderall is terrible for you. I know people whose brains get fucked up from using it for too long.

Also CBT and DBT are both empirically tested to treat depression and anxiety

There's no way talking adderall every day can be good for anyone's brain. I feel sorry for the guys I meet who have been taking it since they were kids. It's pretty fucked up that we give kids with developing brains amphetamines at all.

oh yeah I knew this guy who took it everyday since he was like 14 and he had to have like 3 redbulls everyday by the time he was 20 and still taking adderall