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>blaaah caps lock look at me im going crazy aaaahh multiple question marks aaahhh

Are you:

>10 million gays
Rev up the electric rods

Finally. This administration needs to step on the gas already, this healthcare shit went on way too long.

10 millions ?

boy that's a lot of zyklon B. Can america obtain such a critical mass ?

Is 10 million an accurate number? That seems like a lot of fags

Stop concern trolling for outrage responses. You're the only faggot here.

You're the cuck that wants to suck trumps dick.



Nothing of value was lost.


smoke some sage and go to sleep

That's about normal for any population. Roughly 3-4%...this percentage spans just about all of modern history.

The national Orange Census Act of 1419

like literally, when you're signing up for the draft, what fucking difference does it make if they ask you if you're a fag or not? This should be a good thing because it shows they treat all people equal and don't care if they're gay or not.
under this system, you'll only be judged on your actions, if you fuck one of your comrades in the middle of the night, then maybe they'll actually care.

Fags want to documented now?


I like him even more then bahahah

>lgbtq questions
thats for genderqueer snowflakes
no actual gay person is upset by this

Im a former fag i went to classes dont you like my transistor radio my friends used to call me pagan zeus chinaman back when I had any

t. revisionist fag (((historian)))

So delicious. So nutritious. Its texture that of the finest Persian tapestry. Its fragrance akin to an eccentric cheese of le cordon bleu. My tounge wrapping gently around its entirety causing my neurons to depolarize by opening ion gated potassium channels in which calcium flows down its concentration gradient to stimulate the corpuscles on my tounge as I separate the skin from the shaft. Ever so gently I tossle his black-cock foreskin between my lips in a fashion similar to tasting a fine wine. This fine wine however is all mine :)

>Deletes questions because theres no need for the government to know your sexual preference
Kill your self

>oy vey goyim, don't forget about the 10 gorillion

>deletes everything
It's just rug sweeping. He also wants to fire all penis police rules breakers on the job and private time. Hopefully thrown out in court all of this BS. Himself included. Bible doesn't say Pence takes over so back to the red dragon threads I guess

He removed a question that infringes on your personal life and is unnecessary for the draft. I don't see the problem.

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Nah nigger, these percentages are out there for anyone to look up. Only in recent years does the population seem much larger than what it is, due to the shilling nature of the MSM and kikes making a trend out of being a colon commando. What they always leave out is that within those percentages, the suicide rates are extremely high (which is fine with me).


>10,000,000/330,000,000 = .03
Why would they include this if it only matters to 3%. I'll bet 3 out of 100 people are furries, why not include that too. Fags, dykes and trannies want to be treated like everyone else but also want special treatment. I've never answered a question about my sexual orientation on the census.


Let them have their question on the draft... That way the military knows who to put in the "meat grinder" squad. Send Xhir ass out to waste the enemy's bullets.

>fags wanting the government to have on record who they like to fuck

kek this for real though i think they're getting desperate by 2nd term they'll probably be talking about his tie and how that's racist or some bs :)


They were planning to use it to make sure Democrats didn't get drafted if it came to that. Most LGBLTWTF folk lean left, send the straight folk to die and you increase your vote share.

>Hates gay people
>Hires guys who fuck boipussi

Really makes you think

Just wondering

For the next census can we make Kek an official religion if a lot of us write him in?

Didn't the Brits make Jedi an official religion by doing so?



This. They're fucking retarded.
Everybody for some reason needs government recognition that they're special.
They need to take a page from the pro-gunners; no registration, no lists, no restrictions.


>operation meat shield

>10 million americans
>literally .3% of the population
>we give these people rights and special protections

wew fucking lad holocaust when?

>10000000 faggots



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Who doesn't?

Why do people give a shit about gay people?

Why do we consider them a distinctive demographic at all?

Fuck their petty retarded sexual fetishes.



also why distinguish yourself by your sin?
i don't go around asking people to celebrate internet porn addiction and identify as an internet porn masterbator and ask people to respect my way of life and bake me a cake for it

what faggot pussies

What is this pedophile shit picture?

checked and keked

So, we have about 10 million faggots and about 10 million spics. Looks like we need someone to reincarnate.

what even were the questions?

How does trump not asking people their sexual orientation mean he's a homophobe? All that information is good for is knowing how many people are LGBT. Literally nothing else. It shouldn't be on the census in the first place. The LGBTQ will praise anything that gives them attention, no matter how stupid it is.

Also, LGBTQP when???

>gays are you and me, they blend into the fabric of society

>2 kids

um no

Here have this pic:



DEBUNKED AGES AGO, obama administration took it down, which is customary for outgoing president to remove their stupid shit, President Trump had literally nothing to do with it shill

>Were annexing part of mexico and kicking all the mexicans out
>Were going against gay people
I'm lovin' every minute lads

Yeah so?

>annexing part of mexico
are you being serious

I imagine this would be beneficial to the LGBT lobby; now there won't be hard numbers to show how few they are, making policies and legislation easier to pass.


Straight liberals likely were planning to identify as lgbtqlmnop on the census to make their favorite cause appear larger. Don't be surprised if they do the same thing with identifying as Muslim or non white.

Good luck putting us in camps now! Gotta find us first!


They were gonna kill themselves anyway.

If anything trump is protecting the gays from pence reading the census forms

What about XXY, XYY, XXX, XO, XXXY etc.

So what?
Fuck filthy sodomites
They will hang on TDTR

He's buddies with the saudis and picked mike pence as vp. Trump is also a ((((Christian)))))))

either an x modifies a y or it does not
even in the ones you listed! break the conditioning

Gender is binary.
Sexual orientation bares no relevancy to population statistics.

>When Trump was elected the LGBQWTF people were screaming how a president trump means more americans are becoming bigots and the alt-sexual people were now more likely to be rounded up and persecuted or put into camps by the federal government

>President Trump now makes it so that no one is asked their sexuality on the census and the alt-sexual community is screaming that it's not fair that they are not being put into a federal database


Sexual preference doesn't belong on the census in the first place.

Instead of the census, it should be a question of the American Community Survey. That would be a much better way to collect the information.

It does from a public health perspective. You have a lot of gays, then you have a lot of AIDS. You have a lot of black gays, then you have Africa level AIDS.

>do you identify as gay or lesbian or bisexual?
>are you transgender?
That's about it.

This is l i t e r a l l y the biggest lie ever told. There is nothing that could even be skewed by the Maine Stream Meaty Oar that would imply he hates faggots. Unfortunately.

Nope, its bullshit. Homosexuals werent even 1% thousands of years ago

How the fuck is this anti-gay?