You weren't

You weren't.

what were they thinking

saging a slide thread

>caring about ISPs selling your data when your OS, browser, and search engines already do it

This is quite literally nothing, anyone getting outraged by it has been living in blissful ignorance

you where thinkin about the future

you can opt out or stay in for cash

>It's already shit guys might as well make it more shit.

Bullshit, you kike faggot. Look at the people responsible. King nigger, the great friend of liberty, implemented it and Rand Paul, totalitarian boot licker, voted to remove it. Go watch nigger porn until you can come up with better lies than a drugged up ghetto nigger.


Muh Privacy is for pedophiles and terrorists. Law abiding citizens have nothing to fear.

LOL do you even understand how politics work? ?Ballots are organized so that you pick a candidate for the term, you choose a senator for your state and congressmen, and choosing a president is completely different. Have you even fucking voted?

That "rule' that was repealed hadn't even gone into effect, so literally nothing has changed.

The fucking NSA collecting everyone's shit is a far bigger problem, one that no one gives a shit about.

Do you have a lock on yer door? Do you close yer drapes at night? If you have nothing to hide, yoou shouldnt do either. whatta fucking fag. keep suckin the gov cock. They care about you

Oh yeah? And what happens when hillary 2.0 gets elected and decides being right-wing is no longer law abiding? Would you give a shit about losing your rights then?

Go away Shariablue. Everyone here approves of this BASED repeal. Fuck communist internet. KEK demands Free Markets xD

I bet this fag think Snowden is a traitor too

>implying any of the ISPs are actually gonna start selling your info
Stop listening to Reddit you faggot.

>What the fuck was I thinking?

Like millions, Trump lied to you to get your vote.

Time to help the democrats defeat Trump however they can.

>Help democrats
Fuck no, there is no way in hell im going to actively side with the deep state.

Burn it all down and restart.

Saying you have nothing to hide so you're fine with the government invading your privacy is like saying just because you don't have anything to say you're cool with having your freedom of speech taken away you stupid cuck