Capitalism should be Illegal

Capitalism makes the rich richer and the poor poorer. It doesn`t solve poverty. We NEED SOCIALISM. If REPUBLICANS are mainly CHRISTIANS, Obey Jesus, "Sell your SHIT and give MONEY to the POOR.


Christians overwhelming donate more to the poor



No, we need capitalism combined with controls on big business and technology. We need lots of small businesses making things by hand at top notch quality. The era of unsatisfying wage slave jobs has only begun because technology reduced all of the effort and craftsmanship it took to do things into mindless repetitive slave labor. Large corporations outcompete anyone who would do things the hard way and we all end up enslaved by them.

Capitalism doesn't make the rich richer and the poor poorer. The people who choose to either buy or not do.

Free Market ,you dirty filthy freeloading piece of
scum from the deepest parts of the basement.

do we need to bomb you a third time?


>Obey Jesus, "Sell your SHIT and give MONEY to the POOR
"SELL your shit and GIVE money to the poor", he didn't say "TAKE your NEIGHBOR'S at gunpoint shit and give it to the poor".

He also said "Render unto Ceaser that which is Caesar's".... cunt

Socialism just is not moral, there is no way to make it that way, it is always violent and brutal.
>But muh democratic socialism
if I was at a friends house and there were 3 total people and 2 of them voted to beat up one and steal his money it doesn't justify anyway
That not even getting into how it doesn't work anyway.


No, YOU need a helicopter ride.

Here's your sign Skippy.......


hey japan how about you share your fancy robot-building tech with us? you know, just because your entire country spent decades developing electronic engineering to build those things shouldn't mean you got to keep them all to yourself, that's selfish.

Socialism makes rich poorer and poor deader tbhwy fampopolam.

>Obey Jesus, "Sell your SHIT and give MONEY to the POOR.

Jesus wouldn't want us to start giving if we didn't want to. If anything, he'd rather us give in secrecy and give what we thought was right - given we were honest in our actions.

Mussolini was much more like you than you realize. Italian Fascism was an evolution of communist thought.

If YOu look at Scandinavian countries. YOu would see that SOCIALISM actually works

We need national socialism to exterminate niggers and degenerates.


The Nordic model or Nordic social democracy refers to the economic and social policies common to the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Iceland and Sweden). This includes a combination of free market capitalism with a comprehensive welfare state and collective bargaining at the national level.

Which isn't socialism.

>free market
>welfare state

leftism and free markets are not reconcilable. You don't even understand economics

Socialism does not solve poverty either, it just brings you all down to poverty level.

Capitalism is not supposed to solve poverty. Its supposed to raise the standard of living for everyone.

And it does that.

socialism is a great idea friendo

You wouldn't know shit about socialism, you haven't lived under it. Your country is capitalistic and used to be imperialistic. The only shit that worked was National Socialism and it wasn't even socialism.

The only reason the NatSoc didn't work, is that they were killed by overwhelming numbers of burgers, vodkas and tea.

>wasn't even real socialism.

>tfw sounding like average communist.


You first

we need less bait


>Thinks Capitalism is great idea
>Sees hobos sleeping in the streets
>Hobos asked for change, but you, a selfish asshole, refused.
>Hobo dies by starvation
>Poor community gets another reason to revolutionize capitalist countries

Those people are usually losers by choice, I actually tried to help hobos. They just buy booze or drugs.

Try harder Jap.

Capitalism is businessmen accepting that people are greedy and want stuff that they don`t need.


>You wouldn't know shit about socialism
I doubt that Jap doesn't even know how good the gulags were.

>hobos get physically removed

This is why America is a dump right now. Japan is much better because people help the poor. Free healthcare, free education. a great standard of living for the poor

Anime should be illegal.
Capitalism has built everything we have so far.
Why does everyone want to live in western cultures?

How many migrants are rushing to get into Venezuela?


the poor deserve to be poorer, the rich deserve to be richer. poor people are fucking shit.

>free healthcare
>free education

someone has to pay for all of that, yknow? Not everyone is equal, just like how not every race is entirely equal.

Only 13% of Americans live in poverty. If you want your "revolution" to come, it's gonna have to happen elsewhere, because the working class have it pretty great in this nation.

Communism and Socialism are diff systems. HOLY SHIT. Why can`t you differentiate?


rip thread based Kangaroo.



We need to nuke Japan again don't we

Socialism combines capitalism and communism.

Why give some lazy fucker my money? Fuck that they already take enough of my shit. saged

These countries are not socialist by any means.
Their volvo tier welfare funded by capitalism works when applied to mostly white people who have a different ethic.
This is rapidly changing of course. There is only so much of other peoples money to go round.

When you apply welfare to shit grade humans like we have done in my country, you grow an underclass, entrenched in poverty.

Great understanding human behaviour there Freud, got some more wisdom bombs to share with us ?

It generally makes everyone poor equally.
Things we take for granted become rarely obtainable luxuries.
Of course the ruling elite live pretty well.

>Socialism combines capitalism and communism
No it does not. You seem to be confused on what socialism is.

8 years of Obama was democratic socialism. Fuck that. Enjoy all the MOOHAMEDS that will go to your country for a hand out. Instead of equal opportunity.

We tried feeding a father with a kid. Bought them a pizza, turn around and he's trying to sell the pizza for booze instead of taking care of his cared.

I think we should let the chinks get their revenge. It would be more fun that way.

Offered a Pizza to this hobo and his child. He agrees.

>Hobo takes pizza and soda with his kid
>drive away
>drive back a few minutes later to see
>Fucking dirty ass hobo is trying to sell the pizza and soda for money for booze

Lemme ask you. do you pay TAXES? congrats, you support SOCIALISM!!!

>should be
when weak ass arguments depend upon what "should and should not" be allowed.

You seem to be having trouble reading OP, is it because bombs are so bright?

Capitalism works BECAUSE people are greedy. Not in spite of it.

Okay, now you're just trolling.

Yeah, as I said, you clearly don't understand the mechanisms behind addiction and self-destructive behaviour
I guess you felt good being so generous to buy these people a pizza once, and even better when you realized you made the right choices in life unlike this subhuman trash

>any single other system makes the hard working poor into the rich like capitalism does

Stop larping as a Jap you fucking kike.

I dont agree with socialism but
Tax money should go to free healthcare and education
So the poor would get his fair chance to make money and wont blame the rich for failing

Define socialism

taxation is theft.

>Capitalism makes the rich richer and the poor poorer.
so your solution is to make everyone poor?

The problem is most people had a good chance. Then they turned around and blew it on booze and weed hoping they could blame the rich and get supported for it.

Socialism is a political ideology that advocates political democracy alongside social ownership of the means of production, often with an emphasis on democratic management of enterprises within a socialist economic system.

What happens when the poor become rich?

i know this is b8, but
>the poor poorer
what other nation without a capitalist market economy has obese poor people shitposting on $800 smarphones?

No, In capitalism. there`s winners, and losers.But in Socialism, everybody WINS. That`S my solution

>Capatalism doesn't solve poverty
>Socialism does

Liberal Playbook of US Economics:

>Tax the middle class out of existence
>Reward single mothers for creating more mentally unstable children
>Exploit the advanced crime rate in order to demonize the police to create public fear
>Play on public fears and distaste for current government to institute communism

The more collectivized it is, the less democratic it is.

Then they sell their stuff and give to the poor

You can't have winners without losers, I thought asians were intelligent? This is a very basic concept.

Has failed miserably everywhere it's been tried, even to this day.

Ah yes, the countries that are renown for hotel prisons, where each prisoner gets their own room with a view, a gym, a tv, internet, attached bath, and bed, while the working class man has to pay high taxes to pay for it and refugees. Wow. Im really jelly senpai.

Trips of truth. Sheep > sushi

The guy is a genuine commy.

rip in peace, pupper :'(

The people who deserve to be rich because they came up with a product that people want don't win. Neither do the people who want a more democratic and more individualized state.


Your comment has gone from an observation

> the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer

to a whole bunch of steps and conclusions that

> it is caused by capitalism
> socialism is better

Socialism is for fucking beta cucks. FUCK OFF.

I voted republican, I'm a satanist, fuck off and take care of yourself, mr ching-chong


The Bible clearly says that love of money is the root of all evil, yet the Christian Republicans seem to love money and capitalism more than anything else.

We're capitalist countries, not socialists. We have certain socialistic ideologies but they're also the reasons for our downfall.

That`s reaganomics. which is shit.
>SUPER Tax the Rich
>Reward single mothers enough until kids work.
>User Prisoners as labourforce. give them food, water, and shelter.
>play on public fears that rich are assholes while gov`t are saviors
>I`m still thinking

>buy $600 iPhone every year with friends

>complain about how the wealthy get wealthier

Society will NEVER be equal because humans are not equal. Some are better than others, some are a waste of space.
This is the evolutionary process that has created us, it's a work in progress.

The wests current model is about as good as you can get. Free markets with some necessary regulations, welfare and services funded by taxes.

The other option is Venezuela

I`m using pc for free at a net cafe fyi. in Japan. everybody can use internet for FREE. UNLIKE Shitmerica and their ComFucks and VERIshit whom overprices wifi

I get this but still most of them if they were educated from a young age that they should be responsible for their actions and should either staying poor or changing their life

but it's not fair. :(

least we don't eat dog

And the net cafe sells your data.
>believing in the free meme

>and capitalism
Nothing wrong with appreciating capitalism, even as a Christian.