I'm getting more and more right wing every day

I used to be hard left Bernie voter. This election season really woke me up. The open degradation of the west, the hatred of white people, the frothing admiration of communism, etc.

I never really saw just how deluded leftists are until the brazen accusations made against Trump, with ZERO empirical evidence to support these claims. Then I started researching critical race theory (and critical theory in general), an ideology predicated on the subversion of reality, in favor of emotion.

The increasingly positive attitude towards socialism is disturbing. The way the youth of today piss on liberty and renaissance. They bow to the god of collectivism and utterly revile at individualism. They monastically worship the state and demand that it punish any who dare utter something that is not newspeak.

Pic related is a reddit post, where almost all of the 200 comments were absolutely fawning over these brave, heroic comrades. 34K upvotes. People in comments calling for a class war, and just openly screaming praise at communism. They aren't fringe either. This is the population. We may even start seeing left wing terrorism soon. And the youth will support it and engage in it while the media ingratiates it.

I'm not a neo-nazi or LARPing wehraboo like many on this board, but I'm getting more and more radical as the days pass. I'm starting to unironically think that physical removal is justified. I'm sick of these commies shitting on freedom and property rights. I want off this ride, I want to be liberal again.

Other urls found in this thread:


>having gommies
what a shithole you must live in

Once you take the redpill there is no going back. You will never see the world the same way again

The real redpill is ancap. Only way to beat the leftists is with white phosphorus rounds launched from you're Walmart brand mortar.

Most of these "communists" probably haven't even ever read Marx or know the basic things he said. Hell, they probably don't know that the chronically unemployed would be the first to go in a true Communist revolution.


There's a lot of manipulation that has to happen in order to get a society of useful idiots. Reality is much different than you originally perceived, so now you have difficulty putting yourself in words you used to take for granted. Welcome to the rabbit hole.

I never get tired of hearing this story. The disillusioned leftist is so damn satisfying.
>The open degradation of the west
>the frothing admiration of communism
>I never really saw just how deluded leftists are until the brazen accusations made against Trump, with ZERO empirical evidence

>I want to be liberal again

Fuck off. You don't belong here.

True. Commies need to be dropped from 8000ft from a Great Value UH-60 into a Mcdonald's Patented Physical Removal Zone

Leftists Flick Off Memorial Dedicated To Victims Of Communism


The Black Book Of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression


I believe the brown shirts are "la raza", the group that wants to reclaim the land mexico lost in the mexi american war.

I'm a classical liberal tho

Thanks user I was looking king for this good read.

I remember when I was at that point, have fun getting redpilled more.

>The increasingly positive attitude towards socialism is disturbing
just means when they grow up they will swing even harder to the right

I was never really too far left. I voted for bernie because muh outsider, in retrospect he would have been pretty shit. This election flung me pretty far right.

communism and "progressiveness" are our buggiest enemies these days. if we had more control of our government we could get rid of the problem.

happens to /us/ all

I'm in the same boat.

Before the election season, I wasn't really all that informed on domestic or foreign affairs. I was raised in a conservative household but I generally tended to lean liberal on social issues because that's all I was exposed to on social media (Normiebook and Twitter).

Once Trump began picking up steam I began to really dive deep into why people rallied behind this guy so much. The majority of the people I knew hated him and just spewed their typical talking points of "racist" and "sexist". I started visiting Sup Forums more and more frequently and, of course, became a Trump supporter through and through.

Since then, I've consumed red-pills that are irreversible (mostly the race-mixing and how often it's force-fed to the population through hollywood and whatnot). There's no going back, and it's only getting worse. Fuck.

I wonder if those bitch motherfuckers would have the SLIGHTEST idea what to do if a sniper shot at them no-warning or a grenade bounced to a stop 2 feet in front of their little whatever it is they're doing.

I'm not a sniper, and I don't have a grenade, I'm just pointing out that some (possibly most) of this is a scare tactic, or even worse, a prelude to a false flag in which dems try to force gun confiscation.


>former hard left Berner

I know that feel. I was always generally independent and non partisan, and I was never a social justice warrior, but I had an elementary grasp of economics and liked his anti establishment message. I'm only 19 now, so I was 18 during the primaries. When Bernie was cheated out of the primary by Clinton, I knew I would NEVER vote for her. I eventually got redpilled on free market economics. I had always recognized and hated the degradation of whites, while all other ethnic minorities proudly proclaimed racial pride...but things didn't click. It took a while for things to properly click. I hated that kids talked like niggers and acted like degenerates. But I just thought I was different.

Instead, I realized I'm the only sane person in a god damn insane world. And I know (((who))) made it that way.

"Sup Forums is a radiant abyss where men see themselves as they truly are." - Nietzsche

Exactly the same boat here senpai. I stopped basing my political views on appeals to popularity and emotion and started trying to predicate them on reason and evidence. Now I'm pretty much a lolbertarian.

heh. Stick around and eventually you may change your mind
> t. Ethnically homogeneous Constitutional Monarchist
God save the Queen


I was gonna post chop I'd done but the KeK Lord blessed me with this ...

user wants to use a uh-60 heli. so i was gonna post a chop of obummer hanging from air pepe, but look at chaptcha photos to choose from

Helicopters and the UH-60 is one of them

You can't make this shit up

It's funny how all the internet "communists" think their lives would be so much better under communism

>So you'll be ok with working in a factory for 12 hours a day to make sure other people have enough to eat?
>What? Of course I won't be working in a factory, I'll be a card carrying party member who will be making sure everyone else is doing their part.

Also I'm pretty sure those are airsoft.

Remember this always; even though the media and (((them))) try to make it feel like you're the only one (in the world) who feels the way you do, you are not the only one, and the number of people who feel similarly to you has been steadily slowly increasing for a long time now, and the trend is a gradual raise in number.

I feel you bro.

I was the same age during the past election. People in my area acted the exact same way, promoting sexual hyperactivity and drug culture and seeing nothing wrong with it. I felt like I was going crazy.

Everyone I know from high school who really shilled behind Bernie are either complete losers, genuinely believe and promote marxism, or went off to (((universities))) and couldn't give less of a shit about anything besides hedonism.

Glad you've woken up.

Pretty much my tale too, but I still believe in some unions, protecting industry and some workers rights. I was never keen on the socially left anti-white stuff and that is why the left lost me as they abandoned the white workers that used to make up that party.

Another big thing that turned me away from the left is their disdain for freedom of speech, especially in relation to humor. Modern lefties are insanely uptight.

I believe the relationship between workers and business owners should be that of voluntary exchange, meaning a voluntarily established union of workers can negotiate on the workers behalf.

I think many unions these days are over bloated and political in nature, but I generally support the concept of unions. That's actually partly why I'm so opposed to immigration- more numerous and cheap labor means you can ignore unions set up by native workers who want to bargain for a better deal.

Ironically enough it's through this shunning of radical right-wingers form mainstream media that more people are curious and converted. Most people aren't really aware of the state of the far-right because it's often far underground and out of view from the spotlight of society.

This is why Trump's rise was so frightening to so many people. This is why people couldn't believe that Trump gained so much popularity and won, because these views are pushed down and suppressed throughout the media. Unless they can give voice to people who hold far-right views, the average citizen will be unaware at what state they're at.

Watch this

Then watch this

If you still want more and aren't freaking out yet, then read this. You can find free pdfs online:




It's like a Vietnamese village during the day. Everybody looks peaceful and normal, but at night half the village dons the black pajamas. Because instead of facing what they don't like, they've driven it underground where it festers, and the ranks grow. Not to mention generation Z soaking up redpills as they age and witness the madness of social justice, when they literally dindu nuffin, but are being called oppressors.

One possible theory to explain this is that the illuminati's actual goal is some sort of far right society, and that they want to level the playing field, as it were, by forcing the right down so hard it rises up in might and throws the left out of a helicopter at 14 thousand and 88 feet.

If you want to learn more about the beliefs and practices of the illuminati, study the cult of Saturn.

If you want to learn more about jews and their beliefs towards whites, study Israel Cohen and Ovadia Yosef.

If you want to learn more about Cultural Marxism and how to beat it, study the Frankfurt school.

From reading your posts, you may get something from this video. It's Chris Cantwell talking about why he can't he can't be a libertarian anymore. Everyone should watch it.

Here's the full version.

WHoops here's the short clip from it

completely agree on the cheap labor immigrants bring. Unions played a key role in the great rise of the middle class. I consider that rise to be one of the greatest things in the world to have occurred. But today many unions are often jokes. Many are corrupt and bloated and the middle class is being sold out anyway through trade and immigration. The elites understand this great crime taking place, but they are content in fully knowing how things "are" and leading us "foolish" peons. When we become Brazil 2.0 and live in the slums they will make sure to give us a useless government program or two and feel content in their beliefs that a globalised world is a just and equal one.


If the left had just shut the fuck up about race and suppressed all race related stories (negative and positive) they could have kept me asleep until white people were less that 50% of the population

instead they reinforced my white racial consciousness by constantly reminding me that im white and they hate me because of it

thank god 3rd worldist marxists are really fucking dumb

>muh left vs right meme

your problem is jews, burger. a little less than 10 years ago, the major (((banks))) in your country absolutely crashed the world economy. first they got bailed out on the taxpayer's dollar. and they are the persons that your so-called "outsider" appointed to his inner circle.

bernie sanders, jew that he is, at least spoke about breaking up the big (((banks))). he would have taxed institutions that the jews use to keep economic dominance/ursury on their side.

socialism is absolutely key to a strong, free nation. if men are born equal, then they shouldn't have to face the (((consequences))) and indentured servitude that has shaped the post-WW2 world. income should be capped at 1 million/yr, anyone who makes more than 1 million/yr who is a jew should have to forfeit that money into a fund that supports free healthcare and public education for children.

but i guess jerking off about (((donald trump))) is easier than addressing the real reason why the west is collapsing


We cant all be helicopter pilots.

>Pic related is a reddit post, where almost all of the 200 comments were absolutely fawning over these brave, heroic comrades. 34K upvotes. People in comments calling for a class war, and just openly screaming praise at communism. They aren't fringe either. This is the population. We may even start seeing left wing terrorism soon. And the youth will support it and engage in it while the media ingratiates it.
hey, now you know how it felt to watch you frothing dipshits during the obama years!

Very good point. It's human nature to do the opposite of what you're commanded to do. Free will trumps arbitrary rule sets. It's woefully ironic that they're actually galvanizing the "alt right" by constantly shitting on them. They also don't see any humanity in people with "alt right" views, they just paint them all as pure evil (a justification they constantly use to do violence on the innocent).

Get the fuck out you leftist cocksucking fuck. You motherfucking enabled this.

This honestly happened with me kek.

If they hadn't overplayed their hand, they wouldn't have begun to wake the sleeping goy. Thankfully, I believe that what is happening is not a meticulously plotted conspiracy, but is rather a self perpetuating/escalating ideology that has been loosed upon the west by a certain chosen people, who in turn perpetuate it further. if it were better planned, it would have been more subtle, but due to its nature in rampant escalation, it's beginning to wake us up-the internet is CRUCIAL in this, I believe. If we had all been confined to TV news and newspapers, we would still be fucked, and 9/10 of us wouldn't be the wiser-in my humble opinion.

I don't understand the first part of that infographic. Is it suggesting that pre hart-cellar act minorities were redpilled? If so, why?

I think it's referring to "le conservative hispanics" meme



Send them all to South Africa. Plenty of diversity there for them to enjoy.


>If the left had just shut the fuck up about race and suppressed all race related stories (negative and positive) they could have kept me asleep
>If they hadn't overplayed their hand, they wouldn't have begun to wake the sleeping goy

so much this. i never gave a shit about politics.

>I believe that what is happening is not a meticulously plotted conspiracy, but is rather a self perpetuating/escalating ideology that has been loosed upon the west by a certain chosen people

thats a really good way of putting it, and one thing you learn about jews from studying the history of their shenanigans and subsequent repressions in Europe is that they ALWAYS get cocky early and escalate too fast and start arrogantly broadcasting their jewry

The internet introduced a huge amount of chaos to the social engineering plans of ZOG, I'm worried they will clamp down hard on dissident speech on the internet


>. I'm starting to unironically think that physical removal is justified. I'm sick of these commies

Who exactly are you talking about?

You know the great thing about these faggots and their air shit guns?

If they brandish, even if it's not a real gun, people are within their rights (in most states) to put them down like the dogs they are.

I'm probably not the only person here that this happened too but i got redpilled by being at university. My university in a lot of ways was so far left that I realized how retarded it was and that this was the way society was headed.
>tfw always alienated by my peers
>tfw always hiding my powerlevel

Let them try. I'm optimistic with the ability to spread and save information we now have. Combined with the whole world being jewed simultaneously, there's going to be nowhere for them to hide.

why do they wear the bandanna?

(seriously, why cover their faces. are they afraid?)

I always imply that I'm a far lefty. I'd be called a nazi and socially shunned if I let slip my true beliefs.

>redpilled or even realistic by any standard
When you are done larping and grow up we will be here, waiting.

Being ID'd in photos if anything criminal happens. Probably also to make it harder for others to realize its mostly the same people being travelled around by NGOs.

>I'm not a neo-nazi or LARPing wehraboo like many on this board

What ethnicity do you think is behind the creation of critical race theory, senpai?

We were all there at one point or another. Keep pushing for the truth, research, read, and listen

>giving yourself labels
>hurr I'm rite wing

It has always been my belief that if what someone says is wrong, it can be refuted with a calm debate. Censorship and protecting people from the words of others must exist for us to be free, they are very close to thought policing.

Just FYI OP, Sup Forums is full of melodramatic babbies.

Every generation since the dawn of time has been through an idealistic 'liberal' phase starting at young adulthood, before becoming more traditional and conservative.

These lefties will look back upon this and just be embarrassed more then anything. Not much different from the hippies in the 1960s and 70s.

you're right. if you havent read it already, theres a book called "generations" that goes into great detail about what youre saying. heres the gist:


This is why there was a silent majority. In every case of communist infiltration of a country, there has always been a rogue "anarchist" squad that goes around and causes mayhem. Same is true for islam. It allows apologists to make excuses, the biggest of them by the press, and especially now the politicians.

It's basically
>those people are lashing out because they are oppressed
>you are the one oppressing them because ideas are violent
>therefore they are only acting in self defense

>falling for the leftist youth meme

I'm sure as hell not left wing

In some weird way,yes you are

Welcome back to sanity.

I have to say the comments in that reddit thread are insanity because I know they're 100% genuine with what they're saying.


We all began something else

its cool guys its a bitter taste at first but once you become ubermensch you wont regret it.

the regular blackpills from society never stop being shit though

why dont you shut the fuck up. the dude has obviously converted. no one cares about your red-pilled version of virtue signalling

add forestal to your copy pasta. you also have a bunch of congressmen killed over it.

one was poisoned. i tried to do a thread about all the assasinations but the pol mods buried it.



"Attacks on McFadden's Life Reported"
Commenting on Former Congressman Louis T. McFaddens's "heart-failure sudden-death" on Oct. 3, 1936, after a "dose" of "intestinal flu," "Pelley's Weekly" of Oct. 14 said:
Now that this sterling American patriot has made the Passing, it can be revealed that not long after his public utterance against the encroaching powers of Judah, it became known among his intimates that he had suffered two attacks against his life. The first attack came in the form of two revolver shots fired at him from ambush as he was alighting from a cab in front of one of the Capital hotels. Fortunately both shots missed him, the bullets burying themselves in the structure of the cab.
"He became violently ill after partaking of food at a political banquet at Washington. His life was only saved from what was subsequently announced as a poisoning by the presence of a physician friend at the banquet, who at once procured a stomach pump and subjected the Congressman to emergency treatment."
/s/ Robert Edward Edmondson (Publicist-Economist)

here you go

the growing rise of communism is disgusting and needs to be resisted at all costs, they have been brainwashed to not care about the consitution

Daddy Soros' money

What's the god of collectivism? Some people just think we should work together to advance ourselves as a species.

>muh commies


Excuse me for being rational.

>when Sup Forums has become so left wing, the right ring shill posting starts


Funny that you stop at the 60s. I don't recall the notion of there being a liberal phase for the young existing prior to 1960s anywhere in American History before all this cultural marxism coincidentally decided to take hold when the 60s came about. Unless I somehow forgot to recall the generation that decided to enlist enmass for WW2 after surviving the great depression decided to start a rebellion against traditional values and american nationalism. Nowhere in American history is there ever a notable moment of the youth rejecting traditional values pre 1960s.

Weren't you part of the USSR

>critical theory
>not commie scum

How could you be right wing? are you an oil barron or just a cuck?

You just sound like an impressionable gullible faggot to me

Goyim stop it you know that the right is evil.
We soon have to send our squads to deal with you.