

Guess who's gonna run in 2020?
Awww, getting nervous Blumpfies?

Other urls found in this thread:


>there isn't a place I'd rather be right now
>except the white house

I hope she does run in 2020 so I can watch her lose again.

OMG this would be soooo great if she ran again!!!! HAHAHAHA democrats are so fucking dumb


What did she mean by this

hillary clinton sold uranium to russia

So she wants to make it 3 for 3 that she gets BTFO? Let's see what I think about that..................................................................



what did she mean by this?

It's upsetting that people are still getting paid cash money to protect her reputation...

Leaves are indisputably the absolute worst posters on this entire website. They all need to be collectively region banned.
Except for this guy, he can stay.

that background reminds me of those bubble pics where people would cover up chicks in bikinis. wonder of hillary has any bikini pics

Yes, please democraps. Make Poopy Diapers your democratic nominee again. While you're at it, pull the woman card and the celebrity endorsements even more than you did last year. Look how well that worked out for you to begin with.


She sounds pissed. That rhymes too.

If you expect Hillary to survive til 2020 with her failing health, you're more gullible than the MSM.

Does she mean Chelsea's Pu$$y is ripe?

Did this old broad just look in a dictionary and desperately looked for words that ended with "ist" that would make sense in some generic shitty anti-Trump speech? Almost every anti-Trump speech is the same old bullshit beaten hopelessly to death.


>Faggots are honestly so delusional that they believe she won't be dead in 2019, let alone 2020
That's just being generous, too.

#DraftOurDaughters? Old cunt would want that, huh?

checked and agreed

>Subject line

Fucking cringe. I didn't even read the thread. Kill yourself OP.


Well, that explains it.

I just thought of something. Is this a modern day Star Wars tale?

Episode 4 : A New Meme
Episode 5 : The Clinton Foundation Strikes Back
Episode 6 : Return of the God Emperor.


All Drumpfcucks reply to this post so I can punch you.

can she survive losing again?


I-I'm with her! G-get btfo blumpferkinykins


She'll lose in the primaries against Zuckerberg or Oprah. Calling it now.

> 2020
> Clinton rigs the democratic primaries again
> take the DNC nod
> DNC splintering even as debates begin
> Four years of Trump have passed
> Clinton uses same old shit as before
> Chris Matthews sobs inconsolably, holding Rachael Maddow
> Maddow has flashback of Trump's tax returns
> Camera cuts to Trump even as Hillary speaks
> "Racist Sexist Misogynistic Homophobe!"
> Trump just smiles
> It's his turn
> omfg
> He details the past four years and how he did more in three months than Obama did in eight years
> "And as far as all of what you just said..."
> My eyes bulge....
> He leans close to the microphone and closes his eyes
> My almonds are exploding with activity
> "Wrong."


Hillary 2020

"keeping the scam alive.."

She can't take it, we all know Jill's got 2020 in the bag

I'd take her over Shillary. I'd take a plastic bag filled with steaming dogshit over Shillary.

No words for this filth

Post rare hilldawgs

At least Jill likes she's among the living.

I love Hillary because she's done more to hurt the Democratic Party than any other person in the past 50 years.

They rigged an entire election in her favor and she still lost.

Still can't believe she got away with swindling butthurt Hillshills out of 3m dollars on a recount scam. Most of that money went unspent, and then into Green Party coffers

Daily reminder that Hillary has parkinson's disease. That's why she's so much away from public:


They drugged her up for debates where you can see how meds are wearing off at the end and how she's having troubles to answer quickly.

It also explains her seizures and specially 911-collapse where she was seen shaking in the van. That was not just "overheating" or "pneumonia". Also her weird behaviour, swallowing troubles and creepy "laugh" are obvious signs.

95% of parkinson's patients develop personality changes. Uncontrolled parkinson's rage is also common. Hillary is well know for her ill-temper. They also have troubles making logical decisions.

There's no cure for parkinson's disease, it will only get worse. She will be dead or shaking wreck by 2020.


How scared is pol right now. Trumps going to be impeached and Hillary is going to beat president Pence in a landslide victory turning even Texas blue for the first time in 70 years.

hillary: zion's choice



Earthquake in Israel soon.

tick tock

Lyfe according to Leafistan

First post
Best post

I've never voted, not even for Trump. If this bitch runs again however, I will buy my Trump Pence shirt right now.


I can smell your fear through the screen bitch.

Kek is with us.

She's a rockstar now, she can't lose!


pls go easy on me

holy shit i legitimately hope she does take it so she finally dies when her withered beating heart explodes mid debate against trump in round 2.
can you imagine the absolute thrashing she will get then?
i can.

Digits confirm.
I wonder what's going through her head. Did she think her loss was just bad luck?

>Doesn't fucking archive the article

Israel delenda est

So scared

>that's pretty RIPE

Hopefully she tries to drag her thrown-rod 1977 Gremlin across the finish line again but this tiem with even more blatant caucus and vote rigging, party trickery, and random seizures.


Shooting for a violent radfem revolution?

Why do you waste your time writing things like this?
Do you hear yourself?
Do canadians spend all day indoors because of the cold and forget what normal human interaction is like?


if she does, doesn't that mean we get huma threads again with new pictures?

real talk, Huma is unironically an attractive fuckin woman

Because I hate Trump

Me too. It will be even better than last time

I'm trying to imagine how hard they have to cuck the DNC to make it happen another time around, and it'll be proof positive that the (((modern))) society bends over to white women over everything else.

It's gonna be a slaughter honestly all the progressive democrats Hilary and her crownies buttfucked won't be having her back this time. Jill 2020

i don't think she's going to run again i think (((they))) are getting her ready to take over once they do a coup disguised as trump committing treason

It'll be fun to watch her crash and burn again!