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It's a sad thing when someone of advanced age succumbs to mental illness.

She's beautiful.

how did we come to this

what is really interesting is what gonna happen in mid 21st century years from now


Simpsons did it

all this faggotry will only last one generation, like a particularly virulent fever that burns out quickly but can easily take you with it

In other words; he identifies as a lunatic.

Well, women do have longer life expectancies.

yea Americans are women for stopping the Nazis makes sense. well they aren't actually women but deep down inside they know what they stopped was right. so they feel like women inside.



i see no evidence supporting that he is a veteran

just a mentally deranged old man

My cold racist heart is melting.
I've finally seen myself for the monster I truly am.
How could have I been so callous?
So cruel?
How do I move on from here?
Having spent most of my life as a transphobic bigot.

More proof that the Nazis should have won.

That's gotta be some kind of stolen valor.

>Old man with PTSD and severe dementia has mental breakdown

I want off the ride.

Nigga looks like gay Benjamin Franklin.
With AIDS.

nice try, shill

All shills are shitposts, but not all shitposts are shills....

lol that bich look like george washingtons


nice autism, leaf

That's it, I guess I'm #mentallyhill now



We must secure the existance of our people and a future for white children.

Doesn't mean much, but he's not on here


first post, as always.


So close to dying with dignity.

Benjamina franklin?