
The MSM is ethically challenged.

They are putting too much negative bias into their coverage of President Donald J. Trump.

The proportion of their positive or neutral coverage of Trump is minuscule in comparison to their negative coverage, the amount of which is overwhelming. It is not as if there are a lack of positive things to write, there are numerous stories available which are neutral, however the MSM as a collective is making a conscious choice to ignore these positive stories, cherry picking only the negative ones.

Is this why many of the news companies are failing as businesses?

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The newfaggotry is strong here.

Fuck off he's trying to have an actual discussion instead of talking about women or memes

The new York times along with many other popular newspaper/ tabloids started going bankrupt almost a decade ago. They're at this point being sponsored to write shitty stories or do it because it gets attention a la yellow journalism

Msm television networks are a whole different animal, they're literally controlled by one person at the head who makes all the content and narrative decisions. These individuals also happen to be kikes.

With the advent of Twitter and normie book, most plebs who couldn't care less will just get their news from buzzfeed or John Oliver; this accessibility to low information news combined with Msm's steady drop in quality has caused them to fail

We must secure the existance of our people and a future for white children.

That's an interesting take on it, and it aligns with some things I've heard made by Andrew Brietbart


>They are putting too much negative bias into their coverage of President Donald J. Trump.
That's because he's clown shoes

That seems to be exactly what the media wants you to believe.

I thought liberals were supposed to be open-minded?

the (((owners))) of MSM never did like world peace


>leftymsm still salty on #GamerGate lel

>instead of talking about women

Keep thinking that sweetie.

its why we are bringing back the holocaust that never happened. this time we are starting from the top.


We must secure the existance of our people and a future for white children.

FBI leave


>white nationalism is fbi

kikes need to be skinned alive

the KKK did start out right desu~

Oh please, even the moderates in your own party think hes fucking clown shoes.
Face it, he is the most unqualified and unprepared person in the history of the nation to ever assume the office of president. The first person to ever before be elected to office who had not held public office or serve in the military.









so OP, the common denomination within my posts should be obvious
>hint: it involves marxism in all forms

He's no politician, and after nearly 40 years of career politicians combined with our awful information age creating rifts in our society, you'll have one half of America believe he's the anti christ and the other half believe he's the breath of fresh air the executive branch needed.

Now guess which side is COMPLETELY propelled by media induced hysteria 24/7/365, and guess which side genuinely cares for their country