Muslims in Europe

Does anyone else not like how Europe is getting cucked by Islam

it's fine
Islam is the best religion, even Buddhists love it

Sweden, Belgium, France, Birmingham, Germany, they are all finished.

I can only hope we will be destroyed at a slower pace than them, so by the time they are destroyed by muslims, it serves as a warning to us.

Sshh now princess,allah will look after the western world now

Just learn what direction Mecca is!
Can't have you silly Billy's preying the wrong way

We have to stop it from happening here before we can help the Krauts and other Eurofags. We must halt non-white immigration, deport illegal immigrants, and stop pretending that diversity is strength.

We must shift our culture to make white nationalism acceptable, return to traditional values, and establish a white ethnostate. Finally, we must establish energy independence. Then, at the scorn of Europeans being molested by the Arab hordes, can we assist them, should they want it.

How do we assist? Increase defense spending on European nations to assist with mass deportation and anti-terrorism efforts while co-operating to destroy terrorist organizations. This will also requires us to cut the source: Iran and Saudi Arabia. This is why we establish energy independence: Removing kebab from Europe will require us to stop working with Iran and Saudi Arabia and wipe them out completely.

Of course, this is a pipe dream. Popular culture, Hollywood, banking, and international corporations would punish any US politicians working towards these goals. Unless whites wake up to their extinction, we will be wiped out by the brown masses and our legacy will be destroyed.

Preaching to the choir mate.

Why is the establishment in the white first world nations pro-immigration?

To put it another way, why are our leaders pro-immigration?

I'm waiting for a tipping point where people can say we've had (more than) enough nonwhite immigration without worrying about being called racist. Right now the only people speaking out against immigration are actual racists/white supremacists.

A multitude of reasons.

The first reason being that our "leaders" are all Jews. Not just your average Jew, but an elite bloodline of Jews that have been in control of the majority of the world for centuries.
An ancient hatred of goyim, specifically white people, exists within their circles. This hatred is called loxism and is backed up by their religious beliefs. They see us as a lower form of human, destined to serve them.
This hatred is coupled with fear, the white man has the highest chance of overthrowing them and has done so many times throughout history, only to be tricked into the Jewish system once more. The last big attempt was the Nazis.

The easiest solution for this was to replace us with less intelligent races like arabs and negros.
These races lack the intelligence, individuality, industriousness etc that we posses, they are much easier to manipulate.

On the level below that, corporations abuse the access they now have to unskilled workers. They bring them in so they can lower the wages.

Below that you have bleeding heart liberals that really believe in open borders, one world race, globalism etc. These are the useful idiots that give support to the governments and teach the next generation to be as suicidal as they were.

Is it more like They Live or more like Invasion of the Body Snatchers? It's surreal.

>The first reason being that our "leaders" are all Jews.

Hurrrr Durrrrr

Its too late in some nations.

For example, in Britain, the average birth rate amongst natives is around 1.3.
Easy maths tells you that if each two people in a relationship have one child, then the next generation will be half as big as the last one.

Conversely, pakistani couples have an average birth rate of over 8.

We are estimated to become a minority within the next hundred years and as soon as we lose the voting majority we are going to start seeing the proper implementation of sharia law, jizya taxes etc.

LBJ, who signed the 1965 immigration act, was not Jewish. Neither was most of Congress.

Well he fucking asked, you spastic.

They deserve it. They knew better and still let subhumans mass immigrate to their country's.

The apostrophe is a versatile punctuation mark, but it's not that versatile.

The krauts are more than capable of putting a few million refuges into box-cars and shipping them off. They just need the motivation

They aren't the leaders. They're puppets.

No we fucking didn't. Our governments let them in. It came to light that they were literally headhunting people to come here and there was outrage. It doesn't matter what we do, who we vote for, they slip them in through the backdoor. Time after time opinion polls show that the majority of people are against the current immigration system but nothing ever gets done. Any for of dissent of criticism is just labelled as racism and the fire keeps burning.

1'400 girls raped over a decade and fuck all changed. You think thats the will of the people? Fuck you.

but who lobbied and gave them campaign funds?

Exactly, jews are the disease.

White traitors and muslims are symptoms.

It's YOUR fucking government.

Do something about it.

What Muslims

Oh and what are you doing personally about the mass immigration of chinks into Canada?

If you think the average person has any chance of stopping this shit then you are deluded.
What would you suggest? Attacks on individuals? Peaceful protests? Forming a new political party? Chaining myself up outside Downing Street? Attempt to blow up parliament?

All of these things have achieved so much in the past.

speaking of white traitors...
turns out the sleeping dragon (jews of the east) is rising

this is pretty much the only thing that would make left leaning faggots change their minds about inmigration, the destruction of a country.

I'd rather live dirt poor and see my people prosper than take a bribe and see them all suffer.

What is wrong with these cunts

Chinks aren't a problem; they bring foreign money and they don't rape. Only reason why housing market went to shit here is because there's too many red-tapes bottle-necking the supply.

This M103 is a real warning sign though.

Brexit is a start, keep red-pilling people and stop drowning in self pity.

Chinks are a problem. They aren't white. They aren't you or I or our ancestors or our descendants.

There's a china town in nearly every major city in the west. They make Chinese businesses, with Chinese names written in Chinese script, employ Chinese people, speak in Chinese, where do you think the money is going?They form business and social circles that are entirely exclusive.

Also, speaking matter-of-factly about the situation is not drowning in self pity, but you are right, red pilling is the best defence we have. Engage people on a personal level, try to change public opinion even more. You still have to live your life when all is said and done.

If you are a stormfag and is into the whole race thing I get it.

But I can tell you that ideological/cultural difference between native born chinks and fob immigrants here is enormous. Native born chinks mostly despise the backward commie cultural background their parents comes from and try to distance themselves from it.

The exclusive business/social circles you are talking about only makes money off rich fobs. Real money still lies with organizations that attribute to western values and culture.

I'm more concerned with the US being less than 50% white among its young. If you respond to an American poster or they respond to you, odds are its a shit skin.

They're still our leaders. They may be corrupt leaders, but they're ours.

And besides, who allowed the Jews to immigrate here? Our leaders.

Gooks vote anti-white, no matter what generation.

They're not a healthy non-white population, period. There is no such thing as a healthy non-white population because the interest of one tribe always differs from the interests of another tribe.

All of this immigration is heading towards one place : war.

We can stop it right now by culling immigration from non white countries, and even the white countries in the Europe need to contain their non-native populations.

Humans learn nothing from history

Diversity + Proximity = War. Always does, always will.

Well can you cull immigration from non white countries?

Mudslimes rape/murder/suicide bomb with impunity, yet despite that see how much shit Trumps gets for just putting in place extreme vetting.

Immigration without ASSIMILATION leads to war.

You can't cull the numbers in today's political climate. Only thing you can do is facilitate assimilation through redpill meme'ing.

SJW corect squad is coming to you since you are apropriate Slavic symbol.

Hands off our culture.

I do not care about yurop anymore
you cannot save people from themselves